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NEW.BOG Preservation Project.


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ICMag Donor
The man has indeed spoken. Glad to see your still around;) I have become increasingly interested in your gear. Your work is at the super elite level.


Glad to see you and the mrs. are well. Nice to hear from you. Im sure you noticed that SW and CF1 have done some amazing things here.

Care Free 1

Active member
Thanks for stopping by BOG. I really appreciate all the work you've done to bring us those fantastic genetics, and I really enjoyed watching your posts when you were online regularly.

Wow, Sacramento, Oakland, and Berkley. That is interesting news indeed. This must be investigated!!!! If those could make it down here in So Cal it would be great news.

We want Sour Bubble!!!!!


Active member
Today is a good day!!! To see that BOG is still well and doing what he does well, good times. I love to see the threads that I follow attract many, and in this case, the man we are all in here for. Good times indeed.

Keep going good man. Keep fighting the good fight.

I will also add....Great photos SW, I look forward to your updates daily. I hope that your health is at least tolerable. Keep fighting brother, you are appreciated.

Live well all and good health...



BushyOldGrower said:
Hi Guys :)

I just dropped in to give out a little information.

BOG Seeds have been distributed in Toronto and the San Francisco area as well as Sacramento. There may be an outlet in L.A. soon as well

Recent decisions to ban the clubs from selling clones in the San Francisco area have increased the local demand for the clubs to sell medical marijuana seeds. Some places have BOG Seeds right next to the DJ Short Seeds and often at the same price. Sometimes lower!!! ;)

There are some fine establishments in Oakland and Berkley that those in search of the real BOG Seeds might want to check. Not to mention any names and ruffle any feathers you understand.

I just want you to know that those carrying my seeds actually got them from me or someone I authorized. Cant say thats always true however so Beware of Imitators. Only I can authorize anyone to sell my shit ya see.

Good to see so many working with my genetics. Always hoped my work would catch on. Right now I am working on the "Sour Saver" but Lifestar has been on hold.

Mrs. BOG and I are well and we wish you all well. We continue to do what we know best and that's growing good herb just like many of you. We mind our own business but business makes it necessary to let others know that some good people claiming to have my seeds actually do.

BOG Seeds is no longer the same as it once was. Now we are legal here. :) BOG

As someone already stated it is great to see you back and in good health. I really hop you come back to answer this becasue I know it is on most of our minds... does bcbud carry your gear? Are the 'authorized' by you? I think it would be best if the man himself would answer this question and us growers can finally have an answer. I still have more than half a pack of sour bubble from there but never cracked them cause the few I did I had doubts about. Thanks BOG, hopefully someday you can make your genetics available to everyone not just cali peeps...even tho much nicer laws, there are some of us on teh east coast!

peace and love



Ahem....*clears throat. Fifty something pages of a mans blood sweat and tears, and all you can do is spam your seed Bog? No props to the man who went to great lengths, keeping your gear, and spirit alive here on IC?

I wouldn't expect you to read the whole thing, but at least the last 10 or so. Where's your respect dude? Southwind has given away everything he has made with your gear. Worked hard with incredible obstacles and medical hardships. All the while, scraping enough together to get the seed out to the whores. Many of whom, have not nor will not help this cause.

Good for you making your seed again. But in one fell swoop, you have shut this preservation project down, and without even a thank you to the man who did it. Well....I for one give a warm, heart felt thank you to Southwind. You are the man bro! At least now, you can focus on a thankful direction.



the Revenant
I dont think this thread is anywhere near being "shut down". Bog was just sayin that he can only sell seeds in cally, where its legal. So the BPP is still a much needed entity.

The Vermonster

Active member
I had a Soursaver back in early 06 and boy was it nice!!!!!! I was a total noob bc i didnt preserve it by cloning but live and learn..........out of all the plants i have grown to date the soursaver was probably the best......funny since it was my first grow...lol.....anyway how about a Thank You to SW and friends for all they do......


Lol! Yeah, and maybe somebody should start a HTC Skunk IBL preservation project too. They can put it in our forum lolol!!



Active member
Some pics of SB (finally)

Some pics of SB (finally)

Here are some pics of my SB (BX3 X BX4) at ~week 4 of 12/12. She is in sad shape do to an ongoing nute issue. I have limited room hence the LST Bonsai tree treatment :smile: I will definitely veg her longer next time. She is in FFOF soil under a 250 HPS.

This may not be 100% related, but here is a femmed cross that I made earlier this year. I hit a stinky Maple Leaf Indica clone with some pollen from my favorite Livesaver pheno that I treated with colloidal silver. We'll see how she turns out.

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hey brother monk ,BOG is humble..he is not in this to make money or judge others. We are all on the same side,then again, the world wouldn't turn without haters so do what pleases yourself.

Care Free 1

Active member
Brother_Monk said:
Ahem....*clears throat. Fifty something pages of a mans blood sweat and tears, and all you can do is spam your seed Bog? No props to the man who went to great lengths, keeping your gear, and spirit alive here on IC?

I wouldn't expect you to read the whole thing, but at least the last 10 or so. Where's your respect dude? Southwind has given away everything he has made with your gear. Worked hard with incredible obstacles and medical hardships. All the while, scraping enough together to get the seed out to the whores. Many of whom, have not nor will not help this cause.

Good for you making your seed again. But in one fell swoop, you have shut this preservation project down, and without even a thank you to the man who did it. Well....I for one give a warm, heart felt thank you to Southwind. You are the man bro! At least now, you can focus on a thankful direction.


BushyOldGrower said:
Hi Guys :)

I just want you to know that those carrying my seeds actually got them from me or someone I authorized. Cant say thats always true however so Beware of Imitators. Only I can authorize anyone to sell my shit ya see.

Yes Brother Monk,

Interesting he whould come in hear after all this time and drop a bomb like that. So he is back in the seed business once again here in Cali and in Toronto.

Southwind is in the hospital right now fighting for his life so if you all could send your good vibes and prayers to him it would be much appreciated.


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ICMag Donor
Kinderfeld said:
As someone already stated it is great to see you back and in good health. I really hop you come back to answer this becasue I know it is on most of our minds... does bcbud carry your gear? Are the 'authorized' by you? I think it would be best if the man himself would answer this question and us growers can finally have an answer. I still have more than half a pack of sour bubble from there but never cracked them cause the few I did I had doubts about. Thanks BOG, hopefully someday you can make your genetics available to everyone not just cali peeps...even tho much nicer laws, there are some of us on teh east coast!

peace and love


Dude, he answered your question. He said himself, anyone carrying his seeds has his permission. I know he says not everyone is legit, but he must have known that we were implying about BCBD in the first place.


Man I thought SW was doing better , Wish him the best for me Carefree and I'll chat with the man upstairs on my end here .

Guy's start a thread to ask Bog whats up outta respect for SW so its not in his thread . Just my 2 cents
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ICMag Donor
bakelite said:
Here are some pics of my SB (BX3 X BX4) at ~week 4 of 12/12. She is in sad shape do to an ongoing nute issue. I have limited room hence the LST Bonsai tree treatment :smile: I will definitely veg her longer next time. She is in FFOF soil under a 250 HPS.

This may not be 100% related, but here is a femmed cross that I made earlier this year. I hit a stinky Maple Leaf Indica clone with some pollen from my favorite Livesaver pheno that I treated with colloidal silver. We'll see how she turns out.

Dude FFOF isnt one of my favorites. You need to transplant in bigger pots next time with better soil. I have never liked FF, but if you amend it with your own additives then its fine. I like to buy "Pro-mix", and then add both Bone meal, and Bat Guano, and a bit of Worm Castins as well.

Care Free 1

Active member
Hi bakelite

I totally agree with mdanzig. Organic soil by itself will not get you the desired results IMO. I have ran side by side comparisons and they really need amendments along with a good nutrient regimen to get maximum results.

Also, I agree with the larger pot size needed also. While it is a nice looking plant, I can see the classic signs from lack of root space. For the amount of time the plants are in the pots, that final transplant up to 5 gallon or more will allow them to finish nicely in all that fresh soil for their last 2 months of life. 2-3 gallon pots are just to small to finish in if you want your plants to show there best.


Active member
Thanks for the feedback. I agree that the FFOF needs amendments. I've had decent results with it in the past, but for some reason decided not to amend this run which ended up being a mistake. A tablespoon each of Biotone, High P guano and Azomite per gallon has done me well in the past, I should have stuck with that. Oh well, live and learn. Southwind did tell me that SB will take all you can give her in the way of organic ferts while she is blooming.
I have grown many healthy plants in these containers, different strains with no ill effects other than a small yield. Maybe Sour Bubble is more sensitive to being pot bound. I've got a Hawaiian Skunk growing right beside her in the same size pot and she is doing awesome. Go figure.
How many days are you guys going with SB until she is ripe?


Care Free 1 said:
Interesting he whould come in hear after all this time and drop a bomb like that.

Southwind is in the hospital right now fighting for his life so if you all could send your good vibes and prayers to him it would be much appreciated.
Take care of yourself, southwind! Rest. And, get well soon! :respect: