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NEW.BOG Preservation Project.


the Revenant
Man those thais look so interesting.

SW what strains goin in the OTF next season?

I know you have alot of vintage seeds.


Active member
man, the sour bubble just looks great. i have a question though. hows the taste on it? i hear some conflicting reports. one person says it truly tastes like sour candy bublegumishand then others say the sour name was added strictly to hang with the more popular sour strains and that it resembles bubba. so to the guys who ve actually smoked the strain, whats the word?

sb is a strain that i have wanted to grow for a bit, but i fell into the sour d hype, which was good though. id def like to try it at some point in the near future, but the taste thing has me intrigued. thanks for any info. the pain releaving aspect would be nice for my herniated disc aswell.


Pirate - Thanks for showing some love buddy... The BPP is a great thing and anything I can do to support it, I would most happily will do to help the cause!!!

Southwind - I will be in touch with you as soon as my post count is up here. I am an OG refugee, and was here a short time before taking haitus for a while. (Forgot my pass and the e-mail addy I had it assigned is now defunct.)

I am interested in supporting the BPP Movement... Again, great thing you are doing here!!!


Active member
Pirate138 said:
Hey SW, How is the BPP doing on Bogbubble seeds? Can you use more?

hey southwind^^^^^^^^^^^ :jump: theres still a great chance for a male!!!!!!!

hope you are well and stay safe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc
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the Revenant
dwtc said:
hey southwind^^^^^^^^^^^ :jump: theres still a great chance for a male!!!!!!!

hope you are well and stay safe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc

Ive found someone on another forum who is gifting the BPP 3 original Bogbubble seeds. They should be in hand soon. 3 is better than 0.


South Wind...

South Wind...

Greetings brother...

I am eager to speak with you on the project and get some additional info. Its made for an amazing (and lengthy) read thus far...

I do miss the mans work...




Pirate138 said:
Ive found someone on another forum who is gifting the BPP 3 original Bogbubble seeds. They should be in hand soon. 3 is better than 0.


Thanks Pirate!

With these and some other BOGBUBBLE we can work on that line the right way.

Now if we could just find BOGGLEGUM.


Wait..sorry I think we just got [4]????

I have to double check that.



the Revenant
I hope you get some males out of that 4. Ive only smoked about an 8th of Bogglegum but i remember it fondly and it ranks in my top 5 strains. It was a happy social high not as debilatating as sourbubble.




Pirate138 said:
Man those thais look so interesting.

SW what strains goin in the OTF next season?

I know you have alot of vintage seeds.

Just negotiated a batch of very old seeds from around the world from someone who is ditching the growing thing because of cancer.

It has Indonesian, South American, Mexican, Thailand, packistan and Afhanistan and some from Tajikstan..all in little bottles...I am hoping to breed something never seen out here.

But the OTF as it is is being restructured, possibly out of existence.


Elephant/chocolate Thai from Thailand.



Wow, looks great! Wish I had access to more exotic genes from other spots around the globe. Nice job. Doing great things w/ alotta great things,huh?


Bubblegum Specialist
My Seeds...

My Seeds...

Hi Guys :)

I just dropped in to give out a little information.

BOG Seeds have been distributed in Toronto and the San Francisco area as well as Sacramento. There may be an outlet in L.A. soon as well

Recent decisions to ban the clubs from selling clones in the San Francisco area have increased the local demand for the clubs to sell medical marijuana seeds. Some places have BOG Seeds right next to the DJ Short Seeds and often at the same price. Sometimes lower!!! ;)

There are some fine establishments in Oakland and Berkley that those in search of the real BOG Seeds might want to check. Not to mention any names and ruffle any feathers you understand.

I just want you to know that those carrying my seeds actually got them from me or someone I authorized. Cant say thats always true however so Beware of Imitators. Only I can authorize anyone to sell my shit ya see.

Good to see so many working with my genetics. Always hoped my work would catch on. Right now I am working on the "Sour Saver" but Lifestar has been on hold.

Mrs. BOG and I are well and we wish you all well. We continue to do what we know best and that's growing good herb just like many of you. We mind our own business but business makes it necessary to let others know that some good people claiming to have my seeds actually do.

BOG Seeds is no longer the same as it once was. Now we are legal here. :) BOG


Thanx alot for the info BOG and hope I can get some down here in So Cal soon at the club's . Take care and stay safe , Zoo


Sorry SW I don't wanna mess up your thread
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