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Nevilles Haze X Everything....

Chaco those ladies are enormous! You told me about the potency of your Larry's. And like you said, you have intuition when it comes to potency. I'm sure you have an amazing cross on your hands buddy.

I tried my hand at hydro, didn't like it much. I want to get back into either soil or coco. I have tried coco, final product came out great, but the plants seemed to suffer after week 4.

Do you mind passing on your coco feeding schedule from seed to joint? I still have a bunch of GH nutes left.

BTW, if and when those seeds hit the bay, give me a heads up so I don't miss em'.

Thanks Chaco :D


In veg I use a GH 3-2-1(tsp/gal) mix with 1tsp cal-mag and 1tsp silicone per gal.When flowering is initiated I stick with the veg mix or use a 2-2-2 mix for a week then switch to lucas formula 6/9 until day 18 then 6/9 koolbloom.The 6/9 are in ml and the KB is 1tsp/gal.I always use the cal-mag and the silicone.I use the 6/9 koolbloom until day 40 with 65 days strains and day 60 with longer strains.PH is always around 5.8/5.9.At the end I flush with 100ppm water for about 10 days.Occaisionally throughout the grow I water with 1/4 strength just to clear things out a bit.Hope that helps a bit.:)


i know you have stated again and again what you feeding regime is but how often are you watering them 1 gallon pots in mid to late bloom? i keep going back over them and they really are phenomenal plants :pimp3:


As soon as they dry out on the top.When the plants have giant buds I like to let it dry out as much as possible to avoid rot, in coco anyway.Right now these things are drinking almost nothing but back about 2-3 weeks they would drink a gallon a day, as they ripen they stop drinking.Overwatering young plants will kill them in coco, so you have to be carefull there, the less the better but when you know the pot is full of roots water until it comes out the bottom then wait until the top is totally dry and water again.Believe me I've killed a few cuts by overwatering when recently transplanted.I'm hoping to start cutting in a few hours.:)


good luck with the new cuts :D i feed about .5L every other day in 1 Gallon pots some seem wet some dry i try and feed the dryer ones more and the wet ones less....


Coco is a very resiliant medium and it's easy to grow in, almost too easy.When you start to experiment or, (and this happens!!) you grab a bad batch of coco you can run into trouble.I'm halfway switched back to rocks now and I also love a 50/50 mix of rock and coco @5.7ph.My diesel is jamming in it, one of my best yet.I'm on the fence with coco.Big reservoirs with rocks on a drip is my ideal setup.I'm starting a giant one now, the plants are vegging up with hand watering....I stop in here, just at IC in general, for a reference to what I'm doing at that moment, I've found tons of quick fixes over the course of my daily scannings.:)


Nice monsters, Chaco!
Than Larry Nev is too hot! :toohot:

Thanks for the feed details.
I ran coco w/ Head's formula for a while.
amazing growth, but I couldn't keep up with it. :whee:
Maybe I'd like to try again one day...:chin:

You using tapwater?

In the meantime, ...
Here's my four ECSD x Nev Hz:
(A couple of days short of 3 wks 12/12)


Been battling PM. :puke:
Gonna try some Immunox (= "homeowner" version of Eagle 20) :dunno:


This is my handwatering setup right now.Since I have loads of other moms in coco in the same tray, I handwater my rock setups until they hit the rez.I put these cuts in as soon as they had roots, about 6 days ago and hitting them 6x a day with 1000ppm Dynagrow pushes them 2" a day.These two buckets are my next big grow, 4 chem D's and 4 SFVOG XSDIBL's.You can see the mosaic pattern on the D's.I have a nice daylight MH 400 about 18" from the tops now that they are established.I'll flip these at 12" with a rez and 2 drippers in each bucket.
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Color me gone
Chaco, plain and simple; ROCK ON! Anyone with these genetics are going to be extremely pleased. What a soaring high i get from that weed, I swear nothing can compare to that nev's haze when is comes to a soaring high. The nl5/haze i popped were great but your crosses are simply different from anything i grow and the high is perfect for smoking all day long, I know you've heard this a million times, but chaco you truly are the man! I don't know what your goals are but just keep doing what your doing amigo, your an inspiration to everyone on IC...


Chaco...How did Ecsd x Neville turn out?...Smell?...Potency?..Yield?........I was fortunate enough to grab some when they were available, but I didn't drop 'em yet.


I havn't grown it yet, I've been chasing down the Larry lines at the moment.Ask^^ Otto, he's the only one who's grown them out so far, maybe one other person, I can't remember, some are still growing them but he's grown them out all the way and cured and smoked it.Just remember to cut those things back, all the Nevs hybrids I've grown so far have been giant plants, with buds probably too big.Cutting back one more time could save you from rotting a 6" diameter cola.Like I've said before the Nevs turned my elite cuts into monsters, that will plant for plant outyield anything I have without lacking at all in strength.Good luck.:)


The 1st Nevs/Larry is coming down today, about day 78 or so.I reckon I could go a bit longer but the plants are so giant and old that the benefits of going another 7 days and losing 1/3 of the plant to rot or something scares me.This whole project has been a long time on the stove and I found one tiny piece of rot already so screw it, she's coming down.The mango is coming down too, I let it go a few extra days but it's done.The Nevs/Larry is the blue/purple bud, from the bottom of the plant and the Mango is the orange one...I'll come back later with a few 2ft colas, lord knows I have enough to trim for 10 days....


Have fun trimming man. I ended up with 110g from those 12 small clones I tried out! Never would have believed it back in July. Thanks.


Picked out tons of nice Mango chunks today, the Larry plant lived another day.I finished off the Mango but the rest was impossible.I think I secretly thrive on the tension of pushing plants too far, I know lots of these branches could just shrivel before I know it....I checked today, very thoroughly and all the flower stacks are alive.My eyes just freak out after 8hrs, I think I saw 100 branches stacked with buds like this, soo ripe that the old flowers are dying faster than new ones are growing...

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