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Nevilles Haze X Everything....


Well-known member
I honestly couldn't tell you because I ran with the Nevils x Sour. I BX'd to the sour and made F2's which I'm finally getting around to growing right now. I made Bx1 x BX1's that came out pretty good but I stopped there more or less because I made a BX2 and had 49 males and one female. The BX1's had the best plants. I've kept one for several years that I just call the "grape clone". I moved on to working with SFV OG more only because the sour offspring were all over the place.
This is the grape clone, a sour BX1 I found a long time ago but it's stayed arounddue to it's strong smell and quality etc.


Well-known member
These are the first Sour Nevils F2's I've run. They're in rockwool slabs and there are 5 females in this picture and one more in another room. These might be 20 days into 12/12, I can't recall...:)Boring, I know...


Well-known member
The grape clone was really the success of the whole project, although it continues. This cut will out grow most any plant I have in my collection and it throws crazy yields and does well outdoors, even up here in the NE US. The pic above is from this 3x3 scrog I'm running that's at day 65. This is the 3x3 from above, the picture distorts the reality but that's how it goes, the Nevils comes through on this in the vigor and flower structure. I had a hell of a time keeping her down below the burn zone.


Señor Member
Hey hey!

I think this is the place to show you my Chem Sister X Neville Haze at around 9 - 10 weeks .....thanks to Chaco & PUTS and big up to the fuzzy muppet!!! ;-)

......a really delicate fragrance comes from flowers....2 more weeks or so before chop for her.....








Well-known member
Got 40 NevSis seeds I can't wait to pop. Just wondering which phenos are the most promising. Thanks for any information.


Hi Morphote,
when you have 2 such promising parents as this, it's kind of hard to say which pheno you should be looking for.
I have no doubt that you will find examples of plants that favor each parent.

I had one outside that I ran next to a Sour Nev and a CC Nev.
The Sour Nev pheno leaned to the Nev side, while the CC and Sis both favored their mommas.

The Nev Sis started to stink (badly) before either of the other 2 girls and remained the strongest stinker of the group.
She made ping pong ball flowers and a giant rounded top cola (> 14 inches long). There was nothing delicate about the smell. She wreaked like old school skunk/bad teeth, etc.

In the end, the Nev added a cerebral quality to the effect on all the crosses that you would expect from the line, and all the plants were potent, tasty smoke.
If you are looking for offspring that are Sis dom, they are in there, easy to recognize (smell and flower structure), and the plants will be vigorous and easy to grow.

If you just want killer plants and don't care which parent they favor, I doubt there is a bad plant to be found in the whole pile of seeds you have.

Day before harvest pics:




Recap - For selection from these F1's, I think the Nev makes it pretty easy to differentiate your selections.
#1: Smell. All the females used in the crosses have STRONG smell. The strength of the nose won't lie.
#2: Leafiness. There were 2 Nev males. One of them throws leafy phenos when it is dominant.
#3: Foxtails/flower density. Connected with leafy expression above.

Cant wait to hear how they do for you. The dude that made them did us all a great favor :tiphat:


Well-known member
The fruits of this project continue. I took this right before I cut it down @ 84 days of 12/12. This is (ECSD x Nevils Haze) x ECSD. The spots on the bottom leaves are residue from my anti-PM spray made from RO water and a dash of silicone ph'd to 9.0. Very effective and harmless, at least I think so. I've been trying so many things to keep pm away and I've manage to do really well. The only plants I've lost were the ones I knocked over and crushed.:tiphat:


Well-known member
This is the longest I've ever flowered this clone so she's a bit ragged but I'm super stoked at how she did in such a tight spot. The closet is 2.5' x2.5'. I use a T5 rack that faces inwards and a 600hps overhead. The T5 rack is a 2x2 with Hortilux "Power Veg" bulbs. I have these racks all over the walls of most of my rooms. It's very difficult to choose lighting options these days, it seems like every time I turn around there's a new kind of lamp on the market. If I was just starting to grow I wouldn't know what the hell to do. I did take the leap and bought loads of the Hortilux UV bulbs etc and I'm happy with the results, however your mileage may vary as they say...:)


chris harris

Favorite thread, nice to see it still going. Shame the pics are gone, was impressive to see those huge spears. In fact it was this thread that got me to join, and ordered seeds, but lost them to LEO.
I see you dropped the coco and running in rockwool now, or just experimenting?
Ever get your book finished?


Active member
Hi Morphote,
when you have 2 such promising parents as this, it's kind of hard to say which pheno you should be looking for.
I have no doubt that you will find examples of plants that favor each parent.

I had one outside that I ran next to a Sour Nev and a CC Nev.
The Sour Nev pheno leaned to the Nev side, while the CC and Sis both favored their mommas.

The Nev Sis started to stink (badly) before either of the other 2 girls and remained the strongest stinker of the group.
She made ping pong ball flowers and a giant rounded top cola (> 14 inches long). There was nothing delicate about the smell. She wreaked like old school skunk/bad teeth, etc.

In the end, the Nev added a cerebral quality to the effect on all the crosses that you would expect from the line, and all the plants were potent, tasty smoke.
If you are looking for offspring that are Sis dom, they are in there, easy to recognize (smell and flower structure), and the plants will be vigorous and easy to grow.

If you just want killer plants and don't care which parent they favor, I doubt there is a bad plant to be found in the whole pile of seeds you have.

Day before harvest pics:
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Recap - For selection from these F1's, I think the Nev makes it pretty easy to differentiate your selections.
#1: Smell. All the females used in the crosses have STRONG smell. The strength of the nose won't lie.
#2: Leafiness. There were 2 Nev males. One of them throws leafy phenos when it is dominant.
#3: Foxtails/flower density. Connected with leafy expression above.

Cant wait to hear how they do for you. The dude that made them did us all a great favor :tiphat:

That looks exactly like the nev sis in grew a few years ago.


Well-known member
Still working on it with a photographer. I'm still running mostly coco until this round finishes then switching back to rocks and rockwool to keep the height down plus it's such an easier medium to grow bigger plants in, at least for me. I don't know though I like coco and it's super easy and fun but the pile behind my house is astounding although it's a hell of a spot for nightcrawlers. It's a massive worm bin with all the old plant matierial mixed in, you can reach down about 5" and grab 10 huge worms.
I made so many seeds this round with that giant male NevsBlueberry and some other cuts I have with Blueberry in them. Have to go out now and pick some seeds from the earliest of the Nevs Blueberry. There's about 6 notebooks full of my blabbing out there, compiling it may be too much of a chore but I run into some interesting people in this habit of mine.Yesterday I had some real crazys over... See that, I can hardly stop typing nonsense!:tiphat:


Active member
You could probably burn the coco coir.

I switched back to buying soil after years of mixing my own organic soil. I tell you I love the ease, consistent results and the rfinal product, I swear it does better than the organic home mix. The only part I dread is disposal.

Ill hide it around the yard and in the garden beds but after a while what the hell do you do with it.

I'm legal so I guess I should not care so much about a heap of old soil. The old mentality is hard to break.


Stems Analyst
What blueberry line did you utilize?

thai-nevilles blaze @ 11wks of 11/13
Nevilles Haze x [(Johnny Blaze* F2) x (GreenHaze x Thai F3)]
*j.Blaze is a nevilles haze x bluberry sativa F1 cross
from legends/dj short seeds.

if the smoke is good, her columnar structure could come
in handy for future SOG-style indoor grows.


Well-known member
That looks exactly like the nev sis in grew a few years ago.
helluva plant outdoors.
Like StRa said, they have an sweet incense smell combined with the sister stank.

Stardog, that BX clone of yours looks top shelf!
Must yield great.


Well-known member
You could probably burn the coco coir.

I switched back to buying soil after years of mixing my own organic soil. I tell you I love the ease, consistent results and the rfinal product, I swear it does better than the organic home mix. The only part I dread is disposal.

Ill hide it around the yard and in the garden beds but after a while what the hell do you do with it.

I'm legal so I guess I should not care so much about a heap of old soil. The old mentality is hard to break.

If you cut the stalk flush with the soil line, you should be able to dispose of the rootballs at the county dump (most towns have a place for homeowners to take their garden waste, leaves/hedge clippings, etc.) Chopped like that, they are indestinguishable from any other garden plant/flower.

I have other suggestions for dead leaves and stalks, but will save for a later post :)


Well-known member
The Blueberry in the (Nevs 21 x Early Mullum) x Blueberry is a Dr Atomic Blueberry so according to ^^Raho, who made the seeds the Blueberry is a DJ Short Blueberry x NL#1. Correct me if I'm wrong though. It def smells like blueberry.
I have the same issue with shaking the old mentality so I started having a trash pickup by these two girls who run around in a pickup truck and take everything, they don't give a shit what's in there, just leave cash in the garbage bin.
I love soil too it's the easiest way to grow, at least for me but I've been growing so long I like to mess around with different things as the same old just puts me to sleep. I ran some Sour BX1 x Sour BX1's in soil last year with a bubbling barrel of worm castings and seabird guano, it was fantastic. I threw all kinds of stuff in there but mostly worm castings.


Well-known member
This is the untrimmed top piece of the earliest Nevs Blueberry which I cut sometime around 60 days as it was falling apart etc. It has the darkest disgusting taste that you could call good...


Well-known member
This one is in my back room where it's difficult to reach. My camera does a great job at distorting sizes and distances but this is roughly just big enough to not slide into a regular cooltube, if you were to try that sort of thing. It's only in 1 gal of coco but it's so big and so weird I'm keeping it going for entertaiment only. The picture of the whole thing is in my album "Mr Frosty and the Beast" but it's blurry and not worth posting.
After trimming for several hours my bad hand can hardly hold a can of seltzer water let alone a camera. Until these are done I can't even move around my shop and I think I'm starting to hate them in a good way if that makes any sense...:)

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