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Neptune's GROW III, AN vs. GH controlled.

very nice, i'm gonna break out my old 3x6 for the next run.. what size pump are you using for the drippers? They .5 or 1gal / hr drippers?


burnt out og'er
Nice thread Neptune :yes:
Looking good on the gh side as expected.
Damn good show considering you're running big rockwool.
I'm wondering, do you have those tables slightly tilted so the slabs pull from the cubes & drain off better,
or are they just level flat & wet ?
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10k, they are Level Flat and Wet. They top feed every other day for 10 minutes (flood). I would like to tilt the tables someday, but it will be difficult to nicely distribute the weight (400-500lbs) on the floor, such that no extra stress is recieved by any supports on the table. Rockwool is a no brainer grow medium, I have had great success with this style of growing.. (cubes on slabs).

Gratefulphish, They are not GPH drippers, they are "Basket Drippers" with unlimited flow. The trick here is that they are all relatively low pressure becuase there are 36 drippers per table, on a 600 GPH pump for a nice, even, low, flowrate.

Rule35, The goal of this thread was to casually compare a low cost GH 3 part program with the "Ferari of nutrients." Highest yeilding, Highest quality, (high maintenence) and Highest Prices. The failure was when my pump, drippers clogged, reservoir turned black, and PH shot up to 6.7/6.8 overnight. I then decided to save the crop, and not force the issue... reverting back to basic AN 3 part with my usual additives (Hydroguard and Hygrozyme). Il did use Bigbud and am currently feeding with Overdrive... so there is atleast the backbone of the AN lineup being compared to the basic GH 3 part. I really would have liked to compare the whole 2+ to the GH3part but I don't see how that is feasable.... many of the additives react badly with one another, causing reservoir chaos. I do not believe this is a case of User Error.

strainwhore, abazaba, maj thanks for stopping in... week 7 updates soon... Colas getting McLargeHuge. :wave:

Just for fun... here is what the room used to look like..

then I went hydro, my back was hurting....

evolved to this...DWC failed for me... root rot.

to this...

This is my 5th grow! The first grow was laughable!! 2400w = 5oz.... mites, 105F temps, over/under watering/ low plant numbers... ugh the memories! :badday:


and to think the guys over at AN called you "un-experienced"... what a bunch of fucking assholes. Your the man, fuck what everyone else says!


I like AN, but I would never let them tell me how to run one of my grows. I dont think that MediBud, really considered what Neptune was saying or going through. The impression from those guys is that Neptune is against AN, and that he is trying to prove that GH is just as good for alot less. I use organics, and use AN, along with a few other companies products, but they seem to work well for me. I do know that if I had floating "protien" clogging my drippers, I would be pissed too. I am still looking forward to the outcome of this grow.




Active member
Neptune said:
...DWC failed for me... root rot.
Was this due to high root zone temperatures? It appears you don't have a water chiller, and also appears that BlindDate does not have one either.

I'm wondering if higher reservoir temperatures are what's leading to the "floaties"... the one big difference I see between your rez and blazeoneup's rez which also uses Big Bud and has no "floaties" is that his rez is kept at a cool 60-something degree temperature. I'm assuming your rez is kept at ~room temperature, same with BlindDate? Dunno, neither of you have answered my questions re: rez temperatures.
Wow! I just read over the thread at AN, and I have to say that there is some serious shit wrong over there. The moderators are especially not proactive. They offered no solution to the obvious problems with the combination of the 2+ program, but only looked for somewhere else to point the blame. The whole time neptune maintained a very scientific, non objective and very solid agricultural aproach but was only met by ignorance and negativity.

It reminds me of the urban grower, who says the optimal res temp is 59 degrees.. That would inhibit most bennificial bacterial processes which is vital for the roots to digest food. Sure it holds more oxygen, but at what cost?


I am not disagreeing with you Neptune, bud blood and pirahna have messed up some of my grows too. I was just getting the point across that ppl at AN have been nice to me. Like any forum, there are always a few arseholes though.


clowntown, the DWC rootrot occured due to high water levels. Stems rotted, nothing to do with temperatures... which were 70F. My usual reservoir temperatures are around 60F +/- 10 degrees year round. BigBud is not the culprit, it's a combination of other things...I don't care to find out what it is.

payn, I guess I came off a little aggressive over there.. but the attitudes and PMs i got didn't help my mood. The mods are certainly AN loyalists, and non helpful. Their solution is to buy more products to fix your problems.... that occured in the first place becuase you followed their instructions. get it? nice scam!

Rule, all good man. I know what you mean, I have a few friends over there too. It can be a good community.... unless you try to prove their full of shit. :)



nice grow u got goin there Neptune, i see alot of people following this thread don't like the an line..thats weird because i have used both gh and an line and had great results using both.. :chin: i have had really good results using the an additives though.. :dueling: any how goodluck.


hey Neptune.

jeeez all this AN bizzo lol. if it aint broke dont fix it lol.quite happy with my locally made stuff.:D

5th grow now. :yes: congrats man.

this run should be fun to watch.

sorry to hear that DWC didnt work out for ya, though as for maintance
the dripper and R/W definatly be less time consuming! im sure

will have fun watching man

keep em green!


Eulogy said:
jeeez all this AN bizzo lol. if it aint broke dont fix it lol.

2 part or 20 part mix? just about the same results, just less headache with the 2 part :joint:




Thanks for checking in folks! I'll get to some responses, but first the update..

Here we are well into week 7. Both tables knocking out some serious colas...

It's hard to see from the pics, but the tables are FULL of main colas this big or bigger, this is an average good representation of the Pot of Gold under a 600w HPS. BTW, I hooked up one of my bro's with this cut, and he uses 1000w HPS with the same style.. his colas were LEG SIZE. fuck yea!

Both tables



Granddaddy Purple SOG


The Granddaddy and Erkle will be coming down at 56-58 days, a true 8 weeker!! I have never grown a strain that harvests before 60 days until this one.. They are almost done now.. and looking to be fanfuckingtastic. Next update will probably be harvest, which is in 6 days for GDP and 14 days for POG. Happy holidaze ICmag!
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Looking GREAT Neptune! :) 2 weeks for me too, although multi harvesting. That purple macro is lovely, is the macro setting on a camera the flower?


OK, for all the AN bashing... let's be fair! AN does make some good products, and they also sell some great additives. But my personal feeling is AN is a nutrient lineup for people who get satisfaction out of mixing bottles into their reservoir. I simply do not have the time to mix 14 bottles and flush every week, not to mention the chore of foliar spraying every few days. You will achieve good results if you fine tune your recipies, and dial it in with AN... but you will work a lot more.

With GH, I mix 2 bottles and walk away for 2 weeks. And I do get the same results as AN users who HAVE dialed in a very complex program of additives, foliar feeds, and flushing solutions. Folks who say otherwise would just like to believe that their hard work is paying off in the end, but it isn't :)

The GH table has been a breeze throughout this grow, PH has always been rock solid and very predictable. AN table has become a breeze as well, ever since I stopped adding 8 different products into the res. The AN recipie I use is the same as the GH recipie, so there really is no comparison in this thread anymore. It started that way, and it was clear that one table would have 18 dead plants if I continued to use additives as was recomended by AN and their technical support staff. I'd rather have 2.5lbs of herb than 18 dead plants and a egotistical point driven into the heads of the growing community.

I hope the point has been reached, where folks don't feel they need to add mroe shit to get better bud. basic 3 part is all you need, GH even sells a 1 part that I will endorse... it wil be tested against the GH 3 part next run.


What boggles my mind is the fact that there are very few documented cases of people achieving the results they were looking for when switching to AN. It is like going over to DDoc's forum and expecting to find a successful coliseum grow... it just isn't there...


I noticed this as well, tried to bring it to people's attention, got bitchslapped :)

It's all good, I'll let them boys and girls have their fun and I'll stick to ICmag.
This board is one million times cooler than the AN fascist forums. hehe :)