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Neptune's GROW III, AN vs. GH controlled.

I too wandered in a bit late, stoned and confused. Everything looks great! I'll be hanging around too <pulls up a chair> :lurk:

Happy Thanksgiving! :D


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Neptune you forgot the nasty AN rez



every figure out what the deal was?
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i did not forget.... check page 4. :)

I never did figure out exactly hat this is... i assume it is a combination of carboload, Mother Earth Tea, and Humic/Fulvic Acids... maybe Voodoo Juice too?

Could be anything... they have so many fucking additives in their 2+ ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) program that one has to doubt they can possibly have stable water chemistry properties.... and they do not!!! Unstable, very volitile reservoir with AN. REQUIRING RO water and weekly res changes, it's mandatory to avoid horrendous reservoir/crop malfunction.

Yea, it is well known that Advanced Nutrients sells snake oil. This thread is merely a controlled experiment, hopefully to add some proof to the snake oil claims I and others make....
GH products do not cause any horrible reservoir malfunctions(AN does.), even when used at full stretngth. Though, it is yet to be seen if any additives of either company are actually beneficial to yeild/quality.

happy turey day
get your smoke on! :joint:


Active member
Hey Neptune....I used Sensi A/B, Bud Blood, Carboload and Big Bud only. My res looked exactly like yours so it can't be the Tea, Acids or Voodoo. That shit got so thick it clogged a feed line while I was away and killed a plant. Since you read my thread you're aware of the AN dissaster. I've since flushed the system really good, cleaned out as much of the floating shit that I could, added H2O2 to kill anything left and switched to Canna at 6 weeks into flower. I'm hoping to salvage something still.

all messed up

Overgrow refugee
I have always like gh for simplicity plus the owner is a nice guy. I like advanced a,b only. Too many additives otherwise.


Active member
Back on overgrow I always used to tell people about the problems I encountered using AN additives with DWC,.and people would always tell me It was me that screwed up,...since then I have witnessed alot of crop failures with folks using AN additives,.and very few that have success,..if I had a nickle for every time I called AN for advice i'd be rich....
there remedy for every problem was to get a bucket and drill holes in it and fill it with hydrotron pebbles and sink it in the res to give the micro life a place to thrive,..well,..didnt work for me :badday:

I have always loved GH,botanicare and canna nutes....
Great thread neptune,..like that song from back in the day,..Dont believe tha hype!,..oooooaaaaaahhhh!

this thread should save alot of people some cash not too mention a possible crop disaster...
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Question was posed a few posts back...

Yes, essentially GH 3 Part and AN 3 part are the same product. If one is cheaper for you and more available, you should go with that... or go with what you know. I will have a better idea about PH buffering and PPM decline by the end of this res change... as I just added 3 part to the tanks this round, minor additives(hydrogaurd/hygrozyme).

I am a big supporter of Hydrogaurd as an additive btw. I do not usually come out in support of additives to reservoirs, but Hydrogaurd is one that is tried and true with me. It keeps slime off the walls, the reservoirs smelling nice -- like a swimming pool, not like a swampy-mire. Beyond that I cannot directly attribute to the additive..... I can say that is has zero effect on the PH swing, and the plants are lush, healthy green. The roots never get brown, and rootmass is phenominal in my setup... I find several thick tubers, 1/4 inch big or better within the rockwool.

Sensi A+B is probably no different than the 3 part... maybe slight differences in ratio of macros/micros. I would say the basic 3 part nutrients of AN's are quality, as they are essentially molded after the General Hydroponics 3 part -- they are the origional Hydro pioneers.

Now, enjoy some hash I made...!!


Awesome hash shots Neptune! I have some hog trimmings to toss in my bubble bags as well. Since you mention hydroguard, I thought Id mention that I have left that one out of my schedule and havent seen any problems. Maybe because I have different nutes though, I use canna aqua a+b, LK, hygrozyme. that seems like so few nutrients than what the hydro store guy originally had me working with. Knowing me Im probably missing some important nutrients lol.


good thread contribution! ive always wanted to see an unbiased comparison between nutrient brands. ill def be lurking! :lurk: seriously man, this is great what you're doing!


New member
Nice grow, i really like GROW II. I am intrested in using the GH 3 part Lucas Formula but I have a couple of questions before I start, if you can help that would be great.

first question is what is the lucas formula for early veg and late veg?

second is do you have to use RO water and what are the ppms for veg and (bloom 0-8-16)?

third and last is can you use the AN 3 part the same way, because I have alot of the AN left?

hope this isnt to much.....thanks


Lucas has stated the new correct formula is 0-8-16 for veg and bloom. I use 0-5-10 for Veg however. Your EC should be around 1.0(500ppm) for veg, and 2.0(1000ppm) for bloom. AN and GH 3 parts are identical, you can use them in the same way... if problems occur, switch to GH. I do not use RO water, but I highly recomend it. City water can be volitile, seasonal, and hard to correct for PH troubbles due to high ppm of calcium. RO water is consistant, and perfect every time.

Sbaegis, I hear ya man... less is more! I use the hydrogaurd becuase when I don't all my equipment builds a brown layer of slime.. this is probably not too terrible, but I'd rather not have to clean it. You have a great lineup, LK and Hygrozyme are excellent products... I wouldn't grow without them in organic soils..never tried LK in hydro though!

Hoyt, thanks brother... glad I could do this thread also. My basic halfway point conclusions are 2 fold:

Basic 3 part is all you need to grow super big yeilds of medical quality AAA buds. Anyone who says they can yeild more with snakeoils is a Liar. I have yet to see proof, anywhere on the internet, of such claims. But people make these claims on a daily basis. I am trying to prove this now, but The additives have given me so much troubble that I have had to back off of them almost entirely.. to the point of..... what's the point? The only way I can avoid bad reservoir chemistry is to use the additives at 1/10 strength, or lower... Can 30ml in 70 gallons really do anything?

Keep it stupid simple... :)


I found the quote i was looking for...

Using nutes at levels below 2.0 is a good idea if the plants are under weak light in the <3500fc range, as from fluoros.

I find plant can use the full 2.0 EC even small plants, IF the light is intense, in the >3500fc range, as from HPS.



stone fool
Nice show Neptune, your outdoor pics bring back memories of sativas in the 70s.I get that floating crap a bit with the fnb/flb/fulvic also, but it is not an issue in dwc. Thanks for the show.


Day 40 Bloom.




At this point there is zero difference between the two tables. Both are equally well developed, and frosty. I am about 1 week behind scheudal on the bloom due to some early on Lightleaks that prevented them from full swing bloom mode.. :badday:

They are looking good though, I'm probably going to take them to day 70 for fatest colas... Pot of Gold likes to start working right about now... they will explode shortly.

Also, we have the Granddaddy SOG.... 40days.

Overall, I am Dissatisfied with this strain. These bay area purples are just too damn slow, and low yeilding indoors. No colas whatsoever, this strain is all about poping nugs along the main stock. I think I must have done something wrong, becuase I have seen this strain with colas before.

anyway, here is a nice comparison photo Purple Erkle next to Granddaddy Purple,

Once again, the light leak probably had some effect on the GDP becuase I bloomed at 8 inches, and they are 21 inches now. This could explain the sparse budsites. This strain is not known to stretch nearly 3x. I will say, these are some of the frostiest and stankyest plants I have grown. I will be enjoying these nugs for a long time to come... but I cannot recomend anyone put this strain into production.

Erkle, Granddaddy, very low yeild this round. Will take some serious veg time to improve the yeild. I recomend 3-4 weeks veg, these here got 10 days.