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Neptune's GROW III, AN vs. GH controlled.



My Mothers....


Granddaddy Purple

Purple Kush, Granddaddy Purple, Purple Erkle

Granddaddy Purple, Purple Erkle

Granddaddy and Erkle are nearly identical, nugs, buds, vegging plants, mothers, aroma/flavor/high. They are for all intents and purposes, the same plant. Erkle stays a little shorter, and has more stout branching close to the main stalk.


Active member
very informative neptune,...hats off to ya!
I have some purple kushes going now for like 2 to 3 weeks now and they are about 4 inches taller...lmao
real frustrating!

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat

:yummy: what a great plant library you have Neptune! That's some major cutting production capacity sitting there!:yes:

Thx for your efforts - this is a great thread. I'm not terribly surprised that the differences are minimal between the ferts...


Things look good Neptune,

It will be interesting to see how things turn out, I am please you managed to get the AN res under control now that you have cut down on the additives.



<3 4 Heath! Thanks for posting brother, much respect...

Hydrojunkie, I am thinking of blooming my Purple Kush mothers and moving on.. The GDP seems to be a winner. I am going to give it a second chance next run, should be very purple in my growroom... :p

Mr Green, yeah mon... too many mothers for my taste! Gotta narrow it down to 2-3 strains. 1) pot of gold 2) Granddaddy Purple 3) ???? Havn't found it yet.

Cheif, good to see ya :)


Active member
yeah I was thinking about selling my PK mom or flowering it....I cant handle veg times like that. :nono:
power bill skyrockets too...im flowering them tonite and they are about 6 inches...lol
fuckit,...I gotta be out of here in 2 months anyhow.
yeah its a good time for purples,..nice and cold out,....my room has been in the 60's lately.


Active member
So the PK has turned out to be not so hot afterall, at least in vegging performance?

Would any vegging additives / enhancers help much at all?


Clowntown, The Purple Kush has not yet been bloomed by me, so I can't comment on it as a producer yet. I will say it is a slow vegger, much like Erkle and Granddaddy. The product is very impressive from everything I have heard and seen... Don't discount it yet. I'm just saying, with the selection of Purples I have I can't justify keeping it unless it really WOWs me hehe :)


Active member

My apologies if I missed it earlier, but what temperature do you keep your reservoirs at?

Also, what was your method in mixing the Big Bud (powder) into your reservoir? Dump measured amount of powder into rez and mix? Or pre-mix and mix into rez? Or...


I don't have a problem with you sharing and posting your observations, but please do not make recommendations on how to use AN products....Thank you.

I followed AN instructions and almost lost my ass.
I am indeed in a position to make recomendations.

Have a good weekend.

you got them scared, congratulations! I wish I could shake your hand right now :woohoo:
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Active member
^^^ I assume that's on AN's forum? URL to the thread, please?

I've tried reading and participating in their forums many times, but it disgusts me how every time some difficult question is asked, an indirect, "political" answer is given to maneuver around the issue instead.

Or every time a competitor's products are mentioned and it turns out to show that AN's products are inferior (i.e., Hygrozyme vs SensiZym), that thread just ends up disappearing somehow and I have to use Google's cache to read about it.

Or how "blindly" loyal so many of these people seem to be to AN, reminding me of some communist nation. The "AN is best and there's no more to it, period. If you think otherwise, you're an idiot and don't know shit!" mentality that so many folks seem to have.

Basically, the "I use Advanced Nutrients: I Art Holier Than Thou!" attitude...
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I am a member at AN forums.
I use AN products and I use many other products.
I post my grows over there also.
I have never had anyone belittle me for using any other products over on that forum. Many of the growers over there are a tight knit group, and many of them use other products as well, without bashing someone for not using AN only. In my experience, nutrients are only half the battle to growing. It is experience and trial and error that makes a person a develop that green thumb. Let your plants tell you how they are doing and you will do well to listen to them, no matter what products you are using.
Just my two cents.


sounds just about right rule, i just do what the ladies tell and its usually nothing fancy at all :smoker:

anywho, nice thread neptune, like how clean as a bean it all looks and i love me some experiments, ill just keep my lid on the AN lines hehe

take er easy and keep up the good work :)


Damn good of you to run us through this Neptune. I have followed all your threads with great interest.