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Neptune's Breakdown



Looking good a usual. I'm expecting record numbers with the CO2. Your threads are always a good show and very educational. I've heard good things about the Choco Trip. Looking forward to watching another run.


Active member
Sup Nep. Did your Purps end up being a keeper? Also is the KKSC slow vegging like the gdp? A friend of mines has a cut of "Strawberry Cough" and says his is kinda slow but bushy. Just wanted some clarification is all ;)


glad to see ur back on track.... hopefully this run shoud pull some nice numbers for u... :joint:


thanks nutz, the GDP is going to be good this time.. I pruned her like a green bud, removing whole branches and really pulling off all but the top 2-3" of butsites. I guess this is possible when you veg to 15", as I expect them to finish around 30", so at this point will have 15" + 2-3" (that I left) for a total of 18" of cola which is too much for a 600w. So, I'll be back around day 12 to make sure those colas are 8-12" only. I take notes! hehe

S4vvy, Purp[s was binned. Just nto the quality we are looking for in a purple.. was very loose and airy. I'd rather work on the Granddaddy. The KKSC grows as you described, slowish on the veg and extreme lateral branching. Smells funky already, can tell she will be different. I think the speed could be improvedin the future, as I was battling some rootzone problems causing lockout and stunted growth. 4 weeks is definatly not normal for me, and I expect most of the plants in the room to look the same with only 17-20 days veg in the future. I don't know her stretch, we'll see.

Sup brain, yep the CO2 is definatly noticable in the garden... had that on all through veg and there are some stocky thick stems on the girls and extra large leaves. I am using it mainly as a heater like I was saying, but the added bonus of atmospheric co2 enrichment is welcome. I am debating turning it off for the first 3 weeks of bloom, to reduce the stretch by keeping the room chilly... thoughts ?? Default is leave it on. The chocolate trip is growing like a weed, hehe!! Lots of fast stretchy branching going on, I hear she yeilds well. Just threw in a few for variety, didn't keep a mom.. out of space.

thanks for the compliments gdawg, should be a good one man... I hope so anyway!!

krome, I am really trying to focus on one strain per light but even now I fail! I put in 4 blueberries, 3 chocolate trips, and a hindu skunk.. lol! Nontheless, I've gotten better! The GDP is 100% mono, bubblegum mono and almost got the kksc mono... doh! Blueberry ... just too tempting!! The verticle should be bangin' this round, I'm in coco and on hydro drip with bubblegum. Fool proof, right? Lets see if I can get 20 zips like our friend Prawn Connery, whom btw, is licensed to KRILL!


neptune, looking like a new haircut, tight and clean.
ive been trying to ween down to one strain for years now, ive accepted that it just isnt going to happen.....strain swinger!


Some healthy bitches in that room King Neptune.....All your plants are always so uniform......excellent job....clean setup........Can`t wait to see the ebb and flow bucket pics.........Hope all goes peas and carrots for yas this run my buddy.........Show us how it`s done ........Is you`re CO2 generator setup on a thermostat or just kicks off when it hits the premeasured ppm`s and that`s enough to keep temps up during lights off.........Anyways ....Killer work once again and thanks for the show..............DHF........... :joint:


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Everything looks good neptune, Hope everything goes well for you :) Until next time be safe and take care!

20kw dreams

I've always admired the cleanliness of your grows. Nice and organized. When a room is nice and organized, it gives a more relaxed, calm feel. In the same manner it says alot about how you must care for your ladies.

What's that GDP on your 1 - 10 scale, a 9.5 being HKSK:D


Everyone knows 20kw, GDP is untouchable. ;) Thanks for the good words, I like to keep things clean as a matter of lazyness. You end up working less(and more efficiently) if your office is tidy. Only items that need to be in the growroom are in the growroom.

Thanks blaze, loving your erkles for real-like!!! You have developed a purple talent my friend, and I'm sure you have a gang of purple zombies at your door these days. Have to fight em back with blunts at times, jeez!!! Here's to good doja eh?

Sup dedhed, ya the co2 setpoint is how I control my temps. If I want cooler, I lower the setpoint, and visaversa. I also have ability to control temps with my various intakes and outtakes via ducts and big fans around the room... never have to use the AC except for maybe 4 months in the summer... and that AC is like 10amps @220v mega!! I have a constant 450cfm evacuation running, the co2 keeps up and runs 24/7 and it costs me about 50$ per month... the room is farrrrr from sealed. It's like a combo, fresh air room + co2 enrichment.

lime you know how it is, ganjah farmahrs can't never have enough strains!! Here I am lining up another half dozen after just complaining about the monocrop... aww shucks, guilty! :rasta:
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20kw dreams

Untouchable? Serious? Does that mean a 10? Yield, potency, AND COLOR? Break it down for me. Unlike people slinging those GDP cuts on CL, I trust your opinion. I always blew it off as a fad! The only purps I've grown out are Lavender and Erkle, and was highly disappointed by the growth and yields. There was a Mendo Purps cut my buddy was growing out he said yielded nice, and I saw the herb...turned purple from the inside out, and extremely resinous...but he never came through. It wasn't his cut and I think he disassociated with the guy who had it. So that was it.

I know what your talking about as far as keeping the room clean. My problem is, when the room is dirty, I tend to not hang out in there, which means I give the ladies less attention then they deserve. But, I do like to hang out in there...drink a few beers with the ladies while my nother-in-law s yapping away in the living room:D....so I try to keep it clean.


A hybrid room......Leave it to Neptune to start a new trend.....lol.......

A hybrid room......Leave it to Neptune to start a new trend.....lol.......

It`s a good thing to be able to control temps by numerous methods.....I like the idea of options also Nept........I know everybody`ll tell yas that yer just wastin CO2 with constant air exchange but hey it`s keepin those babies warm at night and you can bet yer ass they`re better off for it .......50 bucks a month is cheap for heat AND CO2......I don`t run CO2 but I have 2 rooms side by side where my lights on exhaust can be diverted into my lights off room for temp control during the colder months as well as my lights off room serving as fresh air intake for my lights on room and vice versa movin funky air around to help dissipate smell before goin out through the final scrubbers.....I use 449 cfm vortex`s but I`ve hadta run exhaust from the dehueys back into the rooms a few times after the flip for heat but not much as it`s pretty mild here in Hell.......Anyways ...thanks again Neptune.......Looks more "yieldy" this time around in the vert area with more vegtime huh?.....Hell Everythang looks killer dewd.......Peace.............DHF....... :joint: .......


20kw, Granddaddy is almost exactly like Erkle in growth, very slow. There's a few tricks to speed her up, but no way around a lengthy veg if you want to see 1.5-2oz plants. This round was vegged 4 weeks, and looking like just where I want her for future runs. will need to setup a preveg.. The mendo purps is elusive and I've been after her for a good bit. Fast, yeildy, high quality purple... yumm! I get lost in my room sometimes, lost in thought that is. Nice place to chillout and bring your morning coffee, or evening homebrew.

Dedhed, sounds like you got it working with the exhaust heating the "cool" room. Temps are pretty damned important for a hassle free crop. The verticle is looking like OVERveg right now, they are getting out of hand, this bubblegum cut is ferocious. I will have to butcher them up around day 12 bloom to ensure proper spacing of colas. I'm really focusing on this one, and I won't be taking any slacking off weeks in belize this time... I want to see what a dedicated run is capable of in this room.. too bad I got some first timer strains and lower yeilders though ;P


Hope you and yours have happy and safe holidays Neptune.........Take care dewd........DHF.......... :joint:

In Vino Veritas

Neptune said:
I get lost in my room sometimes, lost in thought that is. Nice place to chillout and bring your morning coffee, or evening homebrew.

What's wrong with homebrew in the morning? I wake up to a Double Chocolate Stout clone damn near daily. Unless I'm running that morning, then I wait till after I shower. :D

Tis the Season..


Hope you and the family have an extra blessed holiday season Neptune. I'll be firing up some GDP in your honor, so thankful for good friends. Enjoy the season my friend. Can't wait to see what's in store for 08.


Day 10 bloom

Day 10 bloom

We're off to the races, the stretch is on and it is massive this time. The extra heat + co2 is really showing. I normally run as cold of a room as possible during the first 3 weeks to keep stretch manageable, but trying a new technique this time.
I had to go in today to do the "early bloom trim" and dang! was it ever a jungle in there!! Shheeeeeeeit cletus!

The SR71 Bubblegum will start us off. There are 8 ladies around this bulb, and the are dominating their alotted space, and then some. I haave ordered an emergency Lumatek 1000w ballast, bulbs etc. to get over these girls as soon as possible. Verticle crop will have to be abandoned, I just dont think I have the space. These ladies are epic.

Next is the E&G with better dial in this time. Back row is Chocolate Trip while the rest are Granddaddy. Looking forward to further learning this system, Its difficult to nail down the flood cycles, and plant depth.. really causing me problems.

The Rightside table with the KKSC. Here you can see the strawberry jungle, up close and personal. This is WAY TOO MUCH growth for 600w bulbs on 3x6 tables FYI. I hope to never see them this damned big again, They are really busting a move with the tropical conditions I have set.. They grow very lateraly, and the canopy is remarkably even. I have not moved ANY plants at this point.

And the Left side Granddaddy Purple, the healthiest I have ever seen them. Note the extreme overgrowth, I will also have to take off a lot of under budsites asap. They are really stretching this time.

I will be very busy hacking and slashing budsites and branches over the next day or two. I finished the KKSC already, and I don't remember ever removing that much foliage, branches, leaves, etc. I really had to go crazy on them or risk a popcorn crop. All looks great, but take it from me... do not overveg ;) 14-18days is plenty of veg for 2 ounce plants. In the future, with co2 and heat(85F) I will veg 14 days only.

Here's a general view of the KKSC trimjob.

and After


nice neptune! you got some killer strains on this run. that gdp gets me all riled up everytime i see it.


I can`t see .....I can`t see.......

I can`t see .....I can`t see.......

Neptune..........Things gettin a lil outta hand over there huh?...........Man your room`s as filled up as I`ve ever seen it my buddy..........I hope all goes well for yas and good luck on wadin through the jungle........teehee.......Hope the vert works out .....Definitely looks like yield will go up this time with the added veg............Peace......DHF.......... :joint:
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In Vino Veritas

Neptune, if you get a chance please take a few shots of the hair cut.. I've never taken any undergrowth off and I'd like to see how you do it.

Room looks nice, I like it overgrown.
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