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Even in Arcadia I exist
Hey Hammerhead. I felt bad people were turning your "Recommend a new laptop" thread into a Mac vs PC, that's lame.

And how many of these same people recommended a machine without ever knowing what you needed it to do! How was I the first one to ask you that question - and that on page 5! 5 pages worth of opinions without a single person even asking you what you wanted the machine to do? Amateurs.

Not sure if you caught my post on the last page - so I decided to repost it. . .

I will be using it for email,internet,productivity suite,Media music and movies.

How important is weight?
Battery life?
Will you be watching movies or burning them?
Converting them from compressed media to DVD format?
Any gaming?
How often will you be taking it out of the house?
Will you be traveling?
How often will you be plugged in?
Will your kids be using it? What will they need it for?

I also see some sweet deal on ebay but im reluctant on getting one of those. Most likely a gray market and no warranty

This isn't necessarily true, I've been building/buying machines for clients since 2001 and it really depends on the seller - I personally deal with a few sellers that have warranties as good as or better than those offered through manufacturers like HP, Toshiba.

You really need to read the sellers warranty, but again a few retailers on Ebay offer top-notch warranties and tech support, some all US based, some with only Level II support and up, meaning you ALWAYS get a knowledgeable individual . . . but this is specific to the seller/retailer. I've gotten some amazing deals on Ebay, and I've gotten burned a few times, you really got know how to shop - Ebay isn't always great for amateurs when it comes to high-end electronics . . .

You've listed some nice machines in this thread, but to be honest if what you posted is really all you need it for (and all you'll use it for), you are wasting money on some of those higher end machines on components FAR FAR FAR above what your needs require.

To be completely honest you can fulfill your needs with a pretty basic notebook, something with an energy efficient processor and GPU. 17" displays are nice, but if you plan to travel A LOT and can't be plugged in all the time, I really must say that smaller displays dramatically extend battery life, however some of the really new machines are ultra efficient, but again this is more a rule of thumb than an "in every case" scenario.

I assume like all of us you have a million needs/wants and only enough money to satisfy some of them, and my two cents is that you look for something a little more geared for the basics than for the high end, by no means do I mean a "basic" laptop, just something that fits the bill without breaking the budget.

I can recommend a few machines in the 550 - 750 price range that will meet and exceed all your requirements, but I'd like to know a little more about your needs regarding battery life, portability, and longevity in use (meaning what do you think you will use it for in 3 years?).

Post back or PM me if you haven't already made a decision and would like me to make a few recommendations. Anyways, some great machines were mentioned already, I just thought I'd point out you could probably get a machine that could do everything you'd need it to without a hiccup and still have some $$ left over - but hey almost everything I own does more than I need it too

i haven't really bothered going through all the posts and i'm POSITIVE someone already said this but i'll say it again just so it's clear, GET A MAC.


Get an IBM Lenovo laptop. By far the most professional looking and feeling. Oh yah baby feel that professionalism.


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Hey hammerhead

turn a bit into a pc vs mac, but hey guys, always good to have some various opinions, even if it s a bit out of the subject.

etinarcadiaego said everything, and i agree with him, 550 -750 $ pc.
even if i love my macbook.

mac are easy to use, very user friendly, don t have to be reinstalled all the time.
but they cost something like 30% more for the same computer. not everybody can afford that for getting a more user friendly machine.
but when you can, it is a totally fantastic computer to use.. but i won t tell anymore, you can go check apple videos on their website.

in your case, cheap pc is the way to go. having my macbook 13", it is so easy to get into any bag, i used to have 15" which are too big, and i can t imagine 17".

cheap solution for movies is to get an external screen, it s the best way to enjoy movies at home, and be able to watch more than 45 minutes in the train. and if you pay less than 750 your computer you can afford a big one !

hope it helps !


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I travel allot needs to have lots of ram 4g needs to have powerpoint,excell publisher,needs to have blueray dvd burner needs to have excellant graphics needs to have 7200 rpm HD or Solid state HD. needs to be 17" needs to be light. Pluged in 90% of time. At least 5 hr battery life. needs to have wifi. No kids


Active member
Pfft. Everyone says that that has never owned or could afford a mac.

It's ok. Someday maybe you can own a mac too.
My PC blows away your Mac in every category every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Macs are trendy, overpriced hype.
No way can your Mac run with my machine.
Not even close.
But, hey, it's trendy and over priced.


Active member
And how many of these same people recommended a machine without ever knowing what you needed it to do! How was I the first one to ask you that question - and that on page 5!

You weren't. Look at my post on the previous page:
"Hard to answer that question without knowing what you are going to use it for, and how much you want to pay. "


Active member
I travel allot needs to have lots of ram 4g needs to have powerpoint,excell publisher,needs to have blueray dvd burner needs to have excellant graphics needs to have 7200 rpm HD or Solid state HD. needs to be 17" needs to be light. Pluged in 90% of time. At least 5 hr battery life. needs to have wifi. No kids

Asus on Ebay. Go through Bing to get 15% cash back. I bought mine on Ebay-no problems. It's a regular retailer: Red Barn Computers.
If you want Bluray, you will not get a 17 inch screen for under $1000. 16" is the max for bluray in that price range.

Here it is on Ebay for $855 before 8% Bing cashback, so $787 total. You cannot get a laptop with these specs for anywhere near this price, and Asus has double warranty.
Any Sony Vaio or Toshiba will do nicely. If you use your laptop for business go with windows7

edit:Mac maybe if you're a graphic artist and need multimedia primarily. that's what a mac is best at but even emulating windows. . . everyone i know with a mac keeps a backup pc/laptop running windows

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