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Diff strains can lead to a plant not eating as much lets say N as another strain leaving more nutrients behind in the media and unused. If its a finicky low feeding plant it may require a touch more runoff to get back to a lower ec that the finicky strain can except as food. I forgot if your running all the same strain or not ..but diff size plants of the same strain can do this as well. just throwing out some ideas..as my golden goat hates its nigrogen and requires xtra runoff every feed In flowering..where it seemed less of a bitch (still a bitch) in veg. So maybe your plants are using less n now that their flowering.


im so ocd on my pest regiment that id have to take 4 showers a day to hand water 2x daily...such a pain in the ass ..i never get around 2 it and i dont even have a job. Lol
My excuse is where in a drought :)
Maybe time for that drain to waste set up u always wanted ! ?? Hahaha

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
i have a job, i get one watering in shortly before lights out and then another at lights on :) im only growing 3 plants now.

i hear what your saying about different plants etc but this has happened over a number of different grows with different strains.

i think i wash solution through it util i get to a reasonable level then moniter the ph dropping and see what im doing to coincide with this.

yes the drain to waste system is getting closer to start up, thankfully after recently getting a job i can comfortably afford everything :)


I was kidding with ya.. And mostly talking shit about my own lazy ass!
i sware ive never even seen what comes out of the bottom of the media. If i see the plants are showing signs of sumthing i adjust with MMs and stoned40s style of thinking be4 i overdose em Or over flush. Not saying anything against anyone..just saying what i do when i see i$$ues.
if you see clawing its a N overdose everytime!
Jus sayin.
drop what ever has N in it by a touch and roll with it my friend.
Sorry 4 rambling!


Rubbing my glands together
Damm resinyder!!!

Where have u been this hole time, I think I'd like to do a high perlite to coco mix like that but with a drip auto feed setup,, ebb and flow seems cool but then why not just use hydroton? And feed more??

And does anything have anything to say about my nutrients? That I just mixed up? Is that a good start
with the only FLORA NOVA BLOOM ??

And resinryder?
Are u using juusstt flora nova BLOOM???

"Where have u been this hole time"

Been right here since 2005

"I think I'd like to do a high perlite to coco mix like that but with a drip auto feed setup,, ebb and flow seems cool but then why not just use hydroton? "

I used to use the big chunky perlite and i like it, just hate the fuckin dust that has to be rinsed off prior to use.
I like the ebb and flow because I don't have to worry about drippers plugging up and I can change out to a bigger res if I need to leave for 5 to 7 days with no problems and I don't have to clean drip lines. Auto grow is the way I like to keep things.
Drippers produce good results so if that's what ya want to do roll with it!!

" ebb and flow seems cool but then why not just use hydroton? "

I HATE the fuckin dust that is hell to wash off the hydroton even more than the dust on the perlite.

"And resinryder?
Are u using juusstt flora nova BLOOM???"

No. Flora Nova grow in veg and first 2 weeks into bloom. Mixed with Flora Nova bloom the second week
Flora Nova Bloom the rest of bloom
1ml Floracious Plus/every gallon water the whole run except the last 2 weeks of bloom.
Calmag-dose depends on strain
1 fluid oz Pot O Gold/every 2 gallons water only when changing out the res.
.2 ec Kool Bloom added the first day of week 5 up until 2 weeks before harvest
100ml Carbo Load/40 gallons when changing out the res at week 7 until 2 weeks before harvest.
Plain ro water last 6 days prior to chop

I only use ro water as I have very hard well water.
I keep the EC between 1.2 to 1.4 in bloom
I keep ph at 5.8 the whole run unless a strain looks like it wants it higher or lower.
It works for me.

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
so what i did is i just put them in the shower and flushed until they came back up to 6. EC is .6 now

in the future im going to keep a closer eye on it and not let it build up as much.

i think every couple of watering s ill flush with large volume of solution at .8 EC and see how the ph fluctuates amd try keep it in optimum level.
I feed that solution I mixed up and.. I can't tell much do far I'm still having the claw some places UP AND DOWN and some rolling...

But they are growing they have gotten pretty big,
I toppedal them about a week ago and they have really taken off it didn't seem to stunt them atall,

I'LL FIND OUT IT WAS AT about .5ec last water and this most recent I bumped them up to .75ish ec,
so maybe if I get up closer to 1.2ec my ph will decline alittlle due to all that "buffer" in there

I'M TRYING TO STAY POSITIVE! MAYBE I WILL Figure out how to get these ladies on track
I said I was going to take pics when I water, but I was lazy
then PH run off problem persists I ran all 11 gallons throw the 9 plants and got 50% run off

And i actually only PH the run off of one plant and it was coming at at almost the same EC but the PH was still showing 6.8..............


i use soul synthetics from aurora in coco and have been loving it... if you feel the need to flush in coco use 300 ppm nutes and let it runoff 20% but you must buffer up the ppm in the coco before you think about backing off the food..
my 2cents...
good luck

sup nute bud, I am really liking their product. Like the OP, I sort of ignored all that "don't treat it like soil" and planted in containers that were way to big. I also have the high ph runoff, but my plants are very healthy and large, even though I haven't been able to really enjoy the full coco benefits since I had to go to the very wet-very dry route. PH has been pretty spot on going in, so just figure it is some sort of wierdness with the medium unless I show any signs of stress on the plants.

Not sure if I missed it, but have you tried tap water? From what I gather most of the nutrient lines out there perform best with plain tap.


After you mix up your nutrients and go to PH it how easy does it change to ph up/down? Would you say you add a lot of ph up/down or does a little go a long way? One other thing do you add cal/mag to your RO water?
First off, yes I do add calmag to the RO water
I posted my ingredients a page or 2 back cheak it out if u want,

And Id say I add a good amount, it does not change very fast easy, I know what Ur saying and I feel like it is a pretty strong buffer,

I'd say I add about
2ml to 3mls to change my ph from 6.1, to 5.7 or 5.8,

That was after I let it sit out it ended up being at about 6.1 or so I'd have to cheak

I usually have to bring it up from like the 4s
4.4 or something 4.7 somewhere around there
right after I mix I'll cheak


I was having the same sorta issue so I upped my cal/mag to 200-250ml it takes 5-7ml of ph up to get it to 6. All problems went away after doing so.
I'm not sure that will work for everyone, it's all about have a preportionat amount of all nutrients...

Just jacking up the cal mag might lock other nutes out

That's awsome you found somthing that works for you tho

How many ml per gallon????