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Need Advice


Yes start out with low doses. I get paranoid and anxious when I smoke or eat it no matter what kind it is. But when it settles down it helps alot! Also higher doses can make you just want to sit around and go back to bed. If you deal with depression that's the last thing you need. I bet you could do away with a lot of those meds when you start using cannabis. When your body gets those meds out and finds a balance it will get better for ya man. Your symptoms will improve and will be more manageable.
Thanks for the input Donkey. Yeah depression is a motherfucker. I'll need to find something to pick me up for the day and one to knock me out at night. I just want to get off these pills.


I would like to thank everyone for the advice! Please keep it coming. I'm gonna call it a night. The computer screen is giving me a headache. I'll check back in in the morning. Again, THANK YOU

Al Botross

Active member
ICMag Donor
Well I wrote this in another thread on PTSD, but i'll try to explain how i would go about it, Just like many Pharma meds the VA gives (Gabapentin or Motrin) they want you to build the levels of Med up in your blood.

SO here it goes, you need to smoke one or two hits of a pipe or bong 4 to 6 times a day, you're not looking to get baked or stoned. you are looking for a head change where all the "Noise" fads and you become "PRESENT" then you ride that for a few hours and when you start notice the high fade then go back for a couple more puffs, no more. and do that as many times a day as it takes. if you need more than 6 times a day then your weed isnt strong enough or not right for you. It could take up to a month or two for it to build up that the uncomfortable feeling go away because of Daily use and becoming acclimated. I mean from 8am -10 pm daily i could go to as many as 10 different clubs and see Hundreds of strains and 1000s of products. it really hard to explain just how easy and abundant it is out here.
Really prolly any hybrid could work for you, maybe start with some blue dream for the day( I hate to recommend something to strong. As in legal states Weed for warriors gives your free or discounted weed. Here in SF you could get free ounces for being a disabled Veteran and a member of the group or collective. So it is possible to get all your smoke for Free.

Problem with where your at is the dispositions of your Doctors there, Here in Cali its rarer to find a VA veteran that doesnt smoke weed. It a wink and a nod out here. But if you realy want to do it there, i say go for it. Means going to tons of the PSTD groups and find Doctors that support you using Cannabis, ecstasy, or ayahuasca, therapy for your PTSD work with them and reduce or stop the other meds and they can use the cost reduction and use of less meds as Justification as to why they're allowing it. Then also work within your state for Veteran PTSD MMJ acknowledgement in your laws.
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Al, thanks for all of your advise. I really appreciate it. My three neighboring states all have MMJ. I'm wondering if I should try to find a Doc in one of those to get a treatment plan and proceed from there.


Well-known member
Welcome to ICMAG and THANK YOU for your service and sacrifice!

I'm not a vet myself, but I know a bunch and I have the utmost respect for people that step up.

Get your post count up so you can PM. I live in a non MMJ state myself, so I can advise you on how to stay under the radar, and other things we will discuss.

take care


Welcome to ICMAG and THANK YOU for your service and sacrifice!

I'm not a vet myself, but I know a bunch and I have the utmost respect for people that step up.

Get your post count up so you can PM. I live in a non MMJ state myself, so I can advise you on how to stay under the radar, and other things we will discuss.

take care

I'm at 54 posts now so I think I can send and receive PMs.:woohoo:


Strong Pharma Drugs
are just that

I applaud your descision to take more personal charge of your health care
doctors, like all people, are subject to becoming complacent and processing their work
sadly tho we are their work

eductae yourself on what its is you are taking and know if it is risky to stop, before you adjust your intake, is my advice

I underestimated alcohol in my own and am just getting past that pitched battle...
and seem to have become somewhat dislexic in my alcohol-free-ness

to that end, I always check the ¿®@»©©©«@®?copyright¿®@»©©©«@®?
to make sure what Im reading about health care and prescription info is current

and I try to keep in mind when im reading opinions or factual trustworthy web-sites...

Thank You ImFuct
for serving the country and thus us all