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My Super Intelligent C24 Grow Cab

The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
personally i would mount the fire extenguisher on the outside of the cab, easily accessible in a bad situation. catnip eh? you wild man, go head!



Active member
The computer controlled stuff is at growtronix.com

No, I've thought about where I mount the extinguisher a lot, bt for the fact of stealth ot should be inside the cab.

My LED's arrays are going to be built in a few months hopefully.

Yes, UV light is somethign I have on the top of my mind, but it's only necessary if you're growing pot. But I was going to get some reptisuv 10.0 reptile uv bulbs. I got a few for my buddy and they proved to make a huge difference.

Yeah, catnip for the time being. My wife was really getting tired of me growing tomatoes and was wanting me to try catnip eventhough we dont own a cat.....


Active member
Ok, I figured I'd give you guys some screen shots to check out. This is so freakin awesome.

Heres my control panel to view the info of all my sensors and the state of the relays that control different things like the vortex fan.

Here's a chart of my humidity and my vortex fan, A green designates when the vortex fan was turned on, and the read line is when it turns off. You can totally observe how the environment reacts when the fan it on.

This is another view of my chart. This pretty much says it all by itself.

And here is a pic of the Grow Journal. It is not fully completed as of yet with its functionality, but I'm sure DJ is gonna make it great soon. But this just gives you a chance to see the charts from a few days ago and take notes and stuff. Pretty sweet.

These pics just make it that much more amazing to see the potential of this system.


Active member

howz about getting a dwarf fig plant or something interesting you & the lady can enjoy...if you're tired of tomatoes... :chin:

very impressive!! :sasmokin:


Active member
Wow :yoinks: I love it!

It's a shame you aren't putting any mj in there. I'm sure it would love your cab conditions.


<--pc buff
i love the PH adjuster...
whats with the LEDS?? why no white color?? where are the MJ plants... or do you only grow tomatoes??i have a tomato plant growing for my next crop:)


Active member
White doesn't matter, only blue, red, and uvb to make good bud. no need to waste energy on stuff that is not needed

Ron Burgundy

New member
I just wanted to say, this is the nicest cab i've ever seen and i envy your knowledge and expertise. I to was looking at growtronix, but that pH/tds meter is on a 16 wk backorder. I think thats pretty ridiculous. Hopefully when he works everything out byt that time I'll be able to pay for something like that.

I just wanted to say you have a beautiful setup and congratulations.


Active member
The ph/tds meter, as from my understanding, will be ready for his production in a short period of time. He's had to work out some bugs with it and he said that was ordering the new pcb boards and he should have them in 5 weeks, and that was 3 or 4 weeks ago.

I'm sure once he gets the new boards in that there won't be a 16 week wait period.


I'm just curious if we are ever going to get to see some bud shots

edited out of kindness:, everyone takes a risk posting there photo goodness up here just use a proxy or a couple like a proxy string. I'm on probation and jail sucks so I hear you but I took a lot from this community but plan on giving back once my grow is running. The whole point is sharing knowledge. Its not just about bs but what actually works.

It's a sweet cab And I am inspired in with some of the ideas for my c-24 but I want to see what it can really do
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Active member
Well, the catnip is going now. I have a buddy thats working on making a setup almost exactly ike mine...;maybe even better, and he will be growing the real stuff. At least when I grow tomatoes, what you see from them will show you the potential of what there could be if there was buds.


Active member
Ok, So my catnip has grown a bit, I know that this really can't be compared to how pot grows, but this will at least show something to you all.

So, I have no clue of how old these are by now, whenever I start hydro it always stays small for a couple weeks before it takes off. I haven't been keeping ontop of the PH as much as I should and when I go and check it, it's usually down around 5.2 when it should be about 6.0 so I have had to cut off a few leafs because they were browning.

This one looks better

This is what I used to contain my light, I just used the middle section of a 2 liter bottle and lined the inside with mylar. It's a perfect fit for my 5" netpots.

This is how it looks from an above shot, you can see the LED's pointing in at the plant and the heatsinks on the back.

Here's both, The one on the right as you see is setup a little different, but it is creating about the same amount of light.

And here's how it looks all lit up, absolutely superb. As you can see, the plant almost looks as if it is glowing, the effect is way better in person.

Here's the other one, You can't see all that much but you get the point.

And now this is them both again

I have been switching the plants back and forth every couple of days. Despite that these plants have been subject to PH stress, they are really healthy and growing beautifully. They are now starting to outgrow there little light containers I made, but still thriving.

Total amount of electricity being used for this is probably about 16 watts. If this was MJ it would look great with really tight nodes.

Hang tight folks, I'm not going to be able to do the LED's much longer because I dont have money yet to buy more so shortly I'll have to use some CF's to help me out. But in a couple of weeks I'll finally get the money that I have been waiting for and I'm going to invest a real lot into this.

I've kinda done some quick mathmatics, and if I were to made a LED system with about 400 watts worth of LED's (Like 400 one watt LED's), but when putting PWM at a duty cycle of 0.5% into the equation and overdriving, I could make it run at about 35 watts but have better potential than two 1,000 watt hps lights. I know it sounds unbelievable, but trust me this is about how it will work out. And then I will have paid off the cost of this system with the savings of electricity in less than a year.

Anyone want to invest in one of these systems?? Send me a PM.


Active member
Depends on what you want. The ones I am going for are about $2 per red and about $5 per blue. I gets a little pricey, but it is soooo worth it because in the end I wont be wasting money on electricty.

There are others that are a lot cheaper, but i dont care for them


Active member
Wow that's amazing, I'm really glad you're going through with this, I can't wait to see you go all out on it. The plants look really good.

A few questions. How good is the light penetration with LEDs, and how much of a pain in the ass is it going to be to make a 400 bulb setup? And just to make sure, are you saying 400 1 watt bulbs could grow as much as 2 1000 watt lights? And that would cover about the same square footage as 2 1000 watt lights?


First of all, great ingenuity. superb setup. I think even just adding these to existing HPS setups would allow a boost in productivity, so it can be used by everyone. how many different colored LED's do you run? I see blue and red, but nothing else. I can also see a little bit of difficulty as plants get larger, since LED's transfer light over a relatively short distance, even reflectives in a small space wouldn't make a world of difference. You would definitely needs MANY of those LED's when they get bigger. and since they do not penetrate well, you would probably have to have them placed along the sides of the plants, possibly hanging vertically in rows on a flat surface, this way you could put a barrier of LED's between the plants, and coat both sides with LED's facing towards the plants. Larger plants would sure take up alot of LED's. and getting adequate coverage to lower growth will require a bit of rigging. Also, as they grow you will of course have to adjust your lights accordingly. I know of an awesome system design you could use if you are willing to put the work into making it, it would definitely be worth your while to try. PM me if you are interested in the idea.

I'm loving these lights I found...


has multiple colored lights, that covers the plants preferred spectrums.

It is much cheaper to build these things yourself than buy them, thats for sure.

here is a very good article (takes some reading of it all) that expressed concerns over LED usage, and why and what spectrums are important, and what problems the wrong or lacking of spectrums might cause.





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