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My Plants Have Been Alone For 3 Weeks - Predict What I'll Come Home To!


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Trust me nooob, I had nightmares about a fire, and the implications. I saw automatic fire extinguishers intended for oven ranges in a thread here some time back. I haven't been able to find a source for them, but I want one. Even if I don't ever go on vacation away from them again, nobody is home all the time, and $200 bucks for peace of mind sounds good to me.
Smokealot - Thanks, but I could've done better with the watering schedule and light height.

Oh, and Shawkmon - I can't even clone yet. EVERY (20+) time it dies on me. = noob
could you imagine trying to automate something on a large scale all from seed? sounds like a nightmare.
I have to ask has there been fires started by plants that have grown into the lights? Factor in that the plants could get pretty dry thus more flamable...that would be my reason for advising against anyone trying this, but I don't know if that is a valid concern.

I'd never advise people to not use a carbon filter, especially if you won't be there to moniter the smell...obviously some strains will smell far worse than others.

As for your cloning woes, have you tried Rapid Rooters? They are the ticket bro.

Glad it worked out for ya but I don't think it's a gamble worth takin.


Do you think there are enough 'gone for the W/E-Holidays stories to start a thread about it?...I'm sure there are some sad, funny, heartwarming stories out there on this topic?

Wh@about it MushieMan?....you wanna start this thread or me?



The Mad Monk
all things considered, first grow & leaving em for 3 weeks, they look good. now jus dont do that again. :)
Pictures! Photos! Engravings! Portraits??

Pictures! Photos! Engravings! Portraits??

So I hauled two of the Ganesh and both of the PPP out of the closet for some pictures.

PPP #2:


PPP #1:


Ganesh #1:

Ganesh #2:

Credit goes to Mrs.MushroomMan for the photos. :kissgrin:
Ganesh will be chopped in 8 days! Satori and PPP in 16! Wooohoooo!
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