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My Plants Have Been Alone For 3 Weeks - Predict What I'll Come Home To!


Active member
fwiw i've noticed that if a plant doesn't have visible trichs it isn't going to magically grow them; they always smoke and taste like grass :( try the pheno again and see if it happens; could just be stress

otherwise great to hear :)


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Don't worry so much about the smell until the last 30 days of flowering, or depending on scale, even later.
Mine never smelled much until I upped my wattage-2K+, 16+ plants. Used to not need carbon filters, just inscenese, potpourri, and febreeze.

Now that bitch has to run from day one.
fwiw i've noticed that if a plant doesn't have visible trichs it isn't going to magically grow them; they always smoke and taste like grass :( try the pheno again and see if it happens; could just be stress

otherwise great to hear :)

It could be stress...
More likely its been abused by a noob grower :spank:
I've got lots to learn. I know it's a great plant, even if though it isn't from Shantibaba (I know... Not trying to stir the pot, it's just what I've heard!).
I have to say though, Ganesh and PPP will be back (Unless they aren't good smoke, but I've got a feeling they will be.). Ganesh especially. It has pretty much zero branching and is a wicked single-cola indica/sativa hybrid. The PPP seem to be especially drought-resistant and would be perfect outdoors in the Okanagan Valley (Semi-arid).


Congrats on the homecoming! I get spooky just being away a few hours :hehe:
Thanks for the info on the PPP, I'v got some beans in the post headed this way.

The ladies come out of the closet...

The ladies come out of the closet...

Alright. I feel bad for not getting pics up last night, especially because of all the interest shown... However, I still don't have a proper camera to do these babies justice. This should give you a general idea, though. There are trichs like mad everywhere but on the SSH, soooo yeah. When my gf gets back I'll get her to take some better ones.

3 Mandala Ganesh:

Molested GHS SSH:

2 Mandala Satori:

2 Nirvana PPP:

Group shot:

Shitty photos, I know. A more experienced grower would probably have made sure they got enough water, raised the lights more, etc.... But this is my first grow ever, and I have to say I couldn't be more proud :dance013:


Active member
But this is my first grow ever, and I have to say I couldn't be more proud :dance013:

First grow - you took off for three weeks and you are still in the game? I'd say that's cause for celebration!

Great thread by the way - I was laughing out loud last night as I read it - especially at the comment that you would arrive home to find a ransom note!

Good fun.


Well done MushieMan!...glad to hear the girls survived....you can put those papers away now :)



Active member
Well that makes sense, only a first time grower would leave his plants for 3 weeks.
I can't imagine doing that.
But hey, it looks like you got away with it so good deal.
I think your doing just fine for your first time, abandonment aside
they look great if you ask me... im looking forward to the twice a week 90 minute drip experiment

With enough time I could dial it in, but I hope I don't ever have to leave them that long again. Too much stress (for me, not the plants!).

Well that makes sense, only a first time grower would leave his plants for 3 weeks.
I can't imagine doing that.
But hey, it looks like you got away with it so good deal.
I think your doing just fine for your first time, abandonment aside

I know, I know... Never again. I found out I was going to be away with less than a week to prepare. I'd be much more comfortable going on vacation while they're vegging under cfls.
But when life hands you lemons....


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Make lemonade, and spike it with Vodka (or gin).

Next time, find a bigger closet.

Didn't look bad, though.


Pleasantly dissociated
If you actually have good stuff after not tending to it for 3 weeks there is without a doubt no god :nanana::nanana::nanana:

i looked at is as there must be a god, rofl, half full half empty
he must be livin right i called it, this is nice to see and really makes me feel like a fool cause his grow looks better than first few grows and he left for a month, wtf , im a loser, get a warehouse man set it up and just come back at harvest, reap the flowers and skidatle
i looked at is as there must be a god, rofl, half full half empty
he must be livin right i called it, this is nice to see and really makes me feel like a fool cause his grow looks better than first few grows and he left for a month, wtf , im a loser, get a warehouse man set it up and just come back at harvest, reap the flowers and skidatle

Don't make be blush!
There is one reason and one reason alone that I came back to sticky goodness, and that is everyone here on ICmag who has contributed over the years. This place is a wealth of information and resources.
Some friends are super-duper-impressed and think that I'm some sort of genius; they're all, "Shit man I could never do that," "Its way too complicated" "I'm too broke to grow" (But not too broke buy an ounce every week??) "You've got a green thumb" blah blah blah blah blagh
For christmas Santa brought them all a couple seeds and a piece of paper that said "Everything you need to know about growing Ganja: http://www.icmag.com"
Even if only one of them make the effort to start (And thats all it is, effort), I'll be happy.

Thanks for the awesome education, ICmag!