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My Plants Have Been Alone For 3 Weeks - Predict What I'll Come Home To!


Organic Dank Land
lol, i read two pages, and hes not home yet to tell us anything, post pics when you get home bro good luck

You got me on the edge of my seat bro.

This is like entertaining KINDA but im so scared about THE POPO GETTING YO ASS i hate to see a brotha get FUCKED YA KNWO!?



Pleasantly dissociated
i see dude made a post in a diff thread recently so i think his house didnt burn down
i made a post in the thread he posted in said we need pics in this thread so i hope soon, haha this is interesting to say the least


New member
I'd imagine there smokable by now hope not, there was a guy a while back that used those aqua globes and went away all his plants died. So at least you didn't waste money on those things
I've been gone from my babies for 3 weeks now.
I've got leaving them alone down to an art.
(Not really. I have nightmares about coming home to a minor flood or dead plants, etc. every few nights. I can't stop worrying about the poor girls. :( )

He wrote this on the forth in a less is more thread. where is he is his plants dead?


Yeah bro, cmon!! Wheres the update??

I had to leave my ladies for 4 days and it killed me! I was dealthly afraid of coming home to see a breaker blown and lights off, or even worse.. charred remains! Of course everything was fine, and the ladies were happy to see me! :D


Overkill is under-rated.
Goddamit so much.

I think they were dead, if they were alive he'd have jumped in here telling us how proud he was. It's unlikely his reservoir held out as long as he needed.

My grow is super-automated (reservoirs even refill themselves) and I'd never leave it for more than a week. I only check on it every couple of days though, in flower.


Active member
I wanna see some picts...

I predict some out of control plants. Especially if they were in bloom.

I think the longest I've ever left plants unattended was 2 weeks in flower. 400W DWC SCROG. But I still managed a good harvest.
Yesterday was one of the happiest days EVER.
I was going to hold off until my gf could take pictures (I'm retarded with her camera) but we couldn't find the battery. SO I'm just waiting for the lights to come on and I'll do a photo shoot with my pieceofshit laptop cam.

It wasn't a perfect sight, but it was better than I was expecting.

First of all, :yoinks: did they ever grow! Good thing I had the lights up high (Could've and should've gone 6 inches higher).
One satori got burned (barely) and one SSH cola got a bit singed, but no biggie.
Second, they weren't getting enough water. They all got probably 3/4 of what they could've used (This is my first grow; I forgot to factor in the fact that they get thirstier as they go into flowering.).
The SSH (5 gal bucket) got the shaft and lost most of the leaves on the bottom half; I pulled her out of the closet to get a better look and got showered with dead leaves. Droopy leaves galore. The colas were looking great though, and had bulked up nicely. My only gripe is that I can't find a single trichome anywhere on her - but she's still got at least 5 weeks to go so whatever. Also, she's no longer a creeper vine; sometime in the last three weeks she found the strength to pick herself up.
Everything else is in 2-3 gal homemade bags (~6 inches diameter, ~18-24 inches tall) and fared much better; possibly because of a smaller soil surface area.
The two PPP freebies were the best out of anybody. No droopy leaves, barely any dead ones, and tons of weight packed on. Incredibly hardy plants; they looked like a million bucks. If anyone knows which breeder the PPP freebies came from, let me know, because they are superb. One pheno is much faster, shorter, and slightly denser; the other is more sativa. Before I left I thought the indica-dom was going to be the better of the two, but with all the bulk the sativa-dom peno packed on, it looks like a tie. Both are much frostier than I expected.
The two Satori are still a little disappointing. They have yet to put on weight like everything else, but are still pumping out trichomes. They stretched noticeably, and appear to be the same pheno. They were showing signs of under-watering, but nothing extreme.
The three Ganesh are troopers. 3 phenos; two of which are about 24-28 inches tall and one which is barely 12 inches. The two taller ones look like they'll yield the most (Obviously....) and have a nice balance of sativa and indica. The shorter one is all indica and will probably yield 1/4 to 1/3 of the other plants. They were showing minimal signs of underwatering and had a few dead fan leaves, but that might also be due to them nearing the end of their life cycle... I don't know, this is my first time!

I'm pretty stoked on life right now. Probably the best nights sleep I've had since I left.
Lessons learned:
1. Raise the light all the way if you've never grown before or are dealing with unfamiliar strains.
2. Drip irrigation is awesome, but doesn't saturate the soil like hand-watering does. Next time instead of watering 60 min monday and 45 min tuesday, I'd water 90 min monday and 90 min thursday.
3. Carbon filter isn't always necessary. I was worried about coming home to an apartment hallway reeking of ganja, but these strains don't really need it (yet?). So far they are odiferous to the max, but the combined smell is like fruity incense. Plus, enough people in my hallway smoke the herb that it always smells kinda like ganja, so I don't really know why I was tripping about odour. I guess you can't be too paranoid though.
4. Set up a webcam in the closet, like those ones people use to spy on their nannies from work... Just so I can keep an eye on them and sleep easily.

Anyways lights should be on in an hour or so.
Thanks for all the interest everybody, I wasn't expecting so much feedback. All the well-wishers sure helped calm my nerves in the last 24 hours, and everyone who thought bad shit was going to happen was on the same wavelengths as me. I honestly thought everything would be effed in the a.
But it isn't!
:party: :jump::friends::woohoo:
I'll get pics up asap.
One love, ICers


Overkill is under-rated.
Congrats man, that's great news! Good job, and as with everything else, another lesson learned for future reference eh? ;)