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My Plants Have Been Alone For 3 Weeks - Predict What I'll Come Home To!

I had to leave my plants for the holidays, and it has been nerve-shattering. I took every precaution when automating my little closet and when I left I had the utmost confidence in it, but after a few days I started to get nervous. Like, nightmares about my babies dying nervous.
I left in the third week of 12/12, and will get back right after the 6th week. In the closet are 3 Ganesh, 2 Satori, and 2 PPP freebies that only vegged for 2-3 weeks, and a GHS SSH which was vegged for almost 2 months. They are under a 600w HPS in a cooltube with a can-style filter. Heat has never been an issue, nor has odor. I set up a drip irrigation system with 1/2 GPH drippers which ran for an hour on monday and 45 min on tuesday. I had time to test it and it saturates the soil nicely, which then has 5 days to dry up.
What do you guys think I'll come home to? Killing fields? Minor flood? Police tape? Happy plants?
Also, what is the longest you've left your indoor plants (Without utter destruction)?


Watching this one with moderate interest. Good vibes sent your way.

May you come home to happy children.



Active member
it's always a roll of the dice; seems like you covered your bases

most i've gone has been like 4 days without someone watering em

puffin fresh

Active member
ICMag Donor
I predict that SSH will be massive, I left for 3 weeks once with someone looking after them given explicit instructions and after that I decided to never leave again. :) Good luck!

good drown

ok i think some plants will be dead or close to death due to either over watering or under watering. the ssh is going to be 6 feet tall and maybe touching or grew past the bulb. have your camera ready when you get home, and take some pics as soon as you open the door.
this should be good


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
If your feeding went well and nothing gold moldy or bug ridden you should be good. If something got clogged or power outage which tripped something and lights went out of wack then who knows.

I couldn't leave for more than a few days while lights were on at my pad. Too paranoid. Let us know


im going to guess that the tops got a little bit burnt from growing too close to the light, since you weren't there to raise the lights

edit: the longest i was gone away from my plants was a weekend and i came home to a tiny bit of mold forming on my biggest cola. It was because i gave them a heavy watering before my trip, and it rained every day i was gone so high humidity, soaked soil, and 3 days equals moldy bud. only lost that one biggest cola so not too bad
As far as feeding goes, they've only ever been given bubbled tap water. All the good stuff is in the soil (Forgot to mention my medium!). As far as burnt tips, I was worried about that too, so I raised the light about 18 inches above the plants and turned the ventilation to full. Its noisy, but I'm not sleeping next to it so thats all good. The cooltube might rob some lumens, but it is never more than warm to the touch.
And as far as the SSH being super tall, funny story. It didn't get enough air movement on its 8 main colas (LST'd like a mofo) so they could barely support their own weight at 3 weeks. Its been growing horizontally like a vine with the colas creeping into all the other plants. I tried to give it as much support as possible, but I'm almost positive that some of them will have snapped under the weight.

I'm the eternal optimist, but Nicoli could very well be right. It could be an utter fuckup. If my dreams (re: nightmares) are anything to go by, then I'm pretty screwed.
Also, who knows what happened with the power. It could be a closet full of hermies.

Thanks for the kind wishes, everyone.

Puffin Fresh, did your SSH keep stretching after the first month? Just curious...

As far as moldy or burnt colas, are they still good for hash?

john cutter

as long as the ssh haven't grown into the bulb and caught fire burning yours and the neighbors house down you should be fine... haha

I think youll be okay, plants will be all over the place and may be past the bulb but theyll be alive and well. raise it up when you get home and youll only be two weeks from harvest.

I really want to see some pics when you open the door.
I love ICmag! adventures in the life of a grower
another request for pics upon entry for sure....
I didn't see if you said when you get home?

woops you got in while i was posting.
Either way, I should know in... 18 hours or so.
THe clock is ticking.
lookin forward to it


There prolly doing really well,

I been to jail for 3 weeks before all the while shitting bricks, bailed out and came home to 100% clone trays rooted and production plants almost to the ceiling, a great welcome home to say the least.

Good Luck!


A empty house with Squatters all your crop is gone.. I'd laugh if it was that dialed in you have a strain that cuts trims hangs and plants its self up all in a weekend. that would be cool...
A empty house with Squatters all your crop is gone.. I'd laugh if it was that dialed in you have a strain that cuts trims hangs and plants its self up all in a weekend. that would be cool...

I'm actually in the process of training my dog to do the harvesting. :biggrin:

But in all seriousness, I've caught her nibbling at fan leaves when I leave the closet open. Thats a start, right?
I would be careful. My buddies dog ate a pretty big plant that was in full bloom. I mean the entire thing. He was never the same since, kind of damaged. He didn't live too long after that. If the dog hadn't died, a whole plant gone to waste might have been upsetting as well.

Thats really shitty. I would have a really hard time getting over that. Thanks for the heads-up, I'm going to keep an eye out now. She got told off regardless; nobody trims my babies. Ever.:noway: