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"My newest creation" 3 rooms 4200w recirculating deep water culture:)



blaze you are awesome dude. I know my next home i buy im def gonna do something like ya got there


Excellent looking room Blaze, it’s really a top notch job!

I really like the bookshelf hidden entrance that you built. I was wondering if you might be able to mention a few things about that if you find the time. I’m not a very experienced carpenter, so some of these questions may seem basic.

It looks like the ‘door’ is part of the 2x4 wall. How does it stay shut, or what mechanism will you use to open and close it? Do you do anything to make the door as sealed as possible when it closes - I mean do you have a ‘door sweep’ on the bottom, and weather-stripping plastic or rubber around the edges?

Like I said, I’d be very interested to hear any info that you’d like to give about it. I’ve considered doing something similar before, but I really like the way that you have built yours.

Great thread, and I wish you all the best with the next grow. I’ll definitely be sticking around to check this one out!


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Taking my time for sure. I'm rushing as much as one can who has thought it out very well....

Going to go get the electric finished up tonight the drywall put up on the ac wall the controller and everything mounted.The water line ran and start lining it with the reflectix.After that paint the floor one more time and prepair the systemn and everything....

Yeah weather stripping has been used to seal it good...


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Hey guys got some updates did not get as much as i wanted to get done but i got a late start and just now getting home at 3:00am so done what i could....

Here are the pics...



great job blaze... looks like alot of lights gonna be reflected toward your plants, have you also added this to the floor ?


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
No floor will be white paint,But walls and ceiling will be lined wih reflectix!


Active member
new rooms are fun........... :woohoo:

look forward to seein some green in there.......I assume you kept some cuttings and what not or are you gonna start from scratch............good luck with the rest.


The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
im lovin it, may i ask where there may be a good supplier of the reflectix in such quantities? that suff is cool!



The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Well got some stuff done today and took some pics looking like its comming together now. So much done and so much to do....

Until next time be safe and take care!



keep 'em comin blaze :joint:

you're an inspiration to us all for sure, i now have an enhanced vision of what my room could be....



Active member
five_put said:
Excellent looking room Blaze, it’s really a top notch job!

I really like the bookshelf hidden entrance that you built. I was wondering if you might be able to mention a few things about that if you find the time. I’m not a very experienced carpenter, so some of these questions may seem basic.

It looks like the ‘door’ is part of the 2x4 wall. How does it stay shut, or what mechanism will you use to open and close it? Do you do anything to make the door as sealed as possible when it closes - I mean do you have a ‘door sweep’ on the bottom, and weather-stripping plastic or rubber around the edges?
my question exactly! maybe u could shed some light on this for us.
this construction thread is a professional as i have seen. of course i would not expect anything less from U!
i am glad i have found a good reason to come to IC often now. thanks for sharing this grow w/ us all!
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The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Well i bought a magnetic lock mechinism and could not figure it out quite yet...

so what i ended up having to do is use a regular key lock deadbolt,I sunk the actual lock into the frame of the 2x4 deep to where i could put the drywall over top of it and drill a hole large enough for the key to go into the lock but small enough to hide behind a shelf.

You have to take a shelf out and then its a small 1/2" hole. I will be assembling the magnetic fancy retinal lock soon as i get it figured out how to properly do it...


ahh blaze. great progress mate!

that reflectex looks great.

you sure have been busy.

im not too far behind you (dont ask) in building a new room.

"So much done and so much to do...." im hearing you man.

hope you get up and running ASAP!!!!!

will it be a clone run or from seed mate?

keep the tools out!!!!