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my home was raided for a high powerbill!


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
If you insist on growing maybe you Fla guys should do autoflowers under 24/7 ;)
I've always heard that as a rule of thumb, you can easily get away with (1) 1,000 per BDRM. 5 BDRM house (5) 1,000 watt'ers w/o a problem. But that's for states that are NAZI Bastards.
Pretty fuggin sad the hillsborough county sheriffs office n other couties have they own youtube channel. lol My dads in Tampa and i done a grow there 8 years back and wasnt so scared n paranoid ever in my life. Felt like I was in Nazi germany hidin some jewish friends in my house. After the grow I moved back home to Canada. Gl with your case bud and the move to Cali to.
Pretty fuggin sad the hillsborough county sheriffs office n other couties have they own youtube channel. lol My dads in Tampa and i done a grow there 8 years back and wasnt so scared n paranoid ever in my life. Felt like I was in Nazi germany hidin some jewish friends in my house. After the grow I moved back home to Canada. Gl with your case bud and the move to Cali to.

hahahahahahaha! o shit thats funny man


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I still can't believe this is all over PLANTS, aliens of much higher intelligence must be laughing their asses off at us while they whizz by smoking some herb! :joint:


Tropical Outcast

...what are smart meters?

Someone else already covered how smart meters work, this is how the usage looks like using a smart meters diagram:

Now just imagine how a 12/12 or 18/6 looks like on that!

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
Florida's power companies are in alliance with the authorities(dicks). They have very strict growing laws there, and they're 2nd in producing indoor grows. Damn bro, I hate to hear that. Keep ur head up bro

So you guys are saying they can tell by the 12/12 cycle? that is fact? once when i had a device that was functioning incorrectly and pulling mad power, i had a power company person come knock on my door and offer to see if he could reduce my power usage. I let him in and he found the source of the high power usage. No weirdness or anything. do you think ur 12/12 had something to do with it in your case?


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I never thought about the damn smart meter thing. That would be hella easy to spot grow cycles. Now it makes me want to run another cab just so my power usage is constant instead of 18/6 or 12/12.

I am 100% legal but I still don't need anyone fuckin snoopin around trying to make sure I am legal. Can't wait til I get my land, my wind,solar,water power and off grid.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Yes, the 12/12 is a dead giveaway if you have a smart meter. Don't want to scare people but if they are looking it is clear as day what you are doing. You could get around that risk with a flip/flop setup using two growrooms OR grow autoflowering strains under 24 hours of light. There are some pretty kickass autoflowers out now that are just as good as regular strains.


I remember attending the prelim of a friend who got popped in Cali 25 years ago.
The attorney for my friend asked the cop who had flown over the grow how he identified the crop growing under a cloudy fiberglass roof? The cop replied the plants underneath the fiberglass were consistent with the typical color of Cannabis. The attorney asked the cop who claimed to be an expert, had he ever seen Cannabis plants that were dark green? That were light green? That were golden? That were purple? The cop wanting to show his wide experience said sure he had. The attorney then asked what was the typical color of Cannabis? The cop had no reply, but it did not matter as the Judge had already decided, and bound my friend over for trial.
Point, there is no justice, and the police, judges, are all just a bunch of Fascists, don't let them get their hands on you...
I saw the photos at the trial, no way you could swear what they were, guess, sure, but what happened to beyond a shadow of a doubt? I could not believe it, what a joke, American justice....


A few years ago before the housing boom went bust they busted dozens of grow houses in the Port Saint Lucie FL area in one year. All belonging to one guy in NY I think.
From those bust the government supplied new toys for state drug task forces. They started finding them all over the state. It has been a huge infusion of funds for local governments and police. Now police forces all over the nation are crying because the feds are cutting back funds.
Sorry to hear about your bust. But you are not only a victim of the war on drugs. You are a victim of greedy criminal enterprises that don't give a damn about small or personal growers and will drag you down with them. Good luck
Because it takes an hour to dry a load of clothes and lights run 12/12 or 18/6 etc. Instead of having a peak in the graph it would look flatline 3000K steady 12 hours off and on each day at same time.

how do the smart meters know if it's a dryer, grow lights, or tv's that are being powered on?