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My cat bit me yo! Calling all cat whisperers.


We changed our cats dry food for a while, and my female disliked it, she lost tons of weight, but has sense put it back on. :covereyes:

Although having 2 cats it's a little hard to control her diet. My male doesn't eat a lot and is very picky when it comes to wet food, she usually eats his portions too! :rolleyes:

Can't really sit and watch them eat because they eat here and there throughout the day. My bro works 3rd shift, and I usually stay up late and sleep till noonish, there's always someone asleep here and the male cat loves sleeping with people, so hes usually sleeping instead of getting his fill!

The female you can pull her cheeks back (basically pushing her fur down) and she looks skinny like the male in the face! Then I can really tell they are brother and sister.

They clean each other a lot and the males for some reason goes to far and bites a lot of the females whiskers off. (usually about half of the whisker will be gone) One time I think he took too much off, she seemed off balance for a while.

I read that whiskers have nerves and to cut one would hurt a cat. I can't imagine if it hurt, why she would sit there and let him clean her to the point of breaking the whiskers off?:thinking:



Damn that's sexy...

don't hate

Homer J Pimpin

that shit is sexy bobby,scrappy aint lying.The cat is kinda cute too.

mad librettist

Active member
We changed our cats dry food for a while, and my female disliked it, she lost tons of weight, but has sense put it back on. :covereyes:

Although having 2 cats it's a little hard to control her diet. My male doesn't eat a lot and is very picky when it comes to wet food, she usually eats his portions too! :rolleyes:

Can't really sit and watch them eat because they eat here and there throughout the day. My bro works 3rd shift, and I usually stay up late and sleep till noonish, there's always someone asleep here and the male cat loves sleeping with people, so hes usually sleeping instead of getting his fill!

The female you can pull her cheeks back (basically pushing her fur down) and she looks skinny like the male in the face! Then I can really tell they are brother and sister.

They clean each other a lot and the males for some reason goes to far and bites a lot of the females whiskers off. (usually about half of the whisker will be gone) One time I think he took too much off, she seemed off balance for a while.

I read that whiskers have nerves and to cut one would hurt a cat. I can't imagine if it hurt, why she would sit there and let him clean her to the point of breaking the whiskers off?:thinking:


for dogs and cats, kibble is unhealthy. If you want your cat to be in top form, the only way is a raw food diet. In all cases I have seen, switching carnivores to a carnivorous diet results in greater muscle density and lower body fat, as well as less voluminous and smelly stool.

For dogs, that means chunks of meat on the bone, but from what I have read, the cat version involves feeding whole prey rather than processed food.

For dogs, in my experience, after 2 weeks or so you stop finding bone fragments in the poop, because the dog digests it and turns it to powder (yup - they basically poop bonemeal). With cats, I'm assuming there is a big change in what gets regurgitated.


Active member
but from what I have read, the cat version involves feeding whole prey rather than processed food.

A use for that retarded Fed Ex guy who leaves my stuff at the neighbors house. He must have been absent the day they reviewed 2 digit numbers.


Thats interesting mad - just yesterday we were discussing a raw food diet for our great dane. It was odd for me to hear you give them bone and all, but with raw bones they don't break and fragment like cooked bones. Good to hear others know about this as well.

Should be some good stuff for my dog come bow season. :dance013:




You really opened my eyes to how bad kibble is. I feel so bad for my cat and its no wonder hes a fat jiggly mess addicted to that shit!!

I am going out tomorrow to buy some meats, and slowly work him into a raw food diet. Shit...after a while I think I will start releasing a mice for him to catch!!! i mean people do it with snakes all the time why not a cat???? might be messy though LOL

only problem i forsee is when i leave for 2-3 days...how will i leave meat out for him to eat without it going bad?
i love my little kitty she fetches crumpled paper balls and loves to snuggle. no homo.

i only read a little bit of OP but id say dont be a bitch its just pussy, lol, jk im really...



When a cat flips on its back it may be ok with you, maybe not. So telling people its safe to touch is wrong. It may be, it may not be.

Also, what basis is there for saying the cat bit you for fun? By what basis are you dismissing the possibility you are stressing out the cat and it is sending a message for years?

My male cat literally follows me around or if i'm sitting he'll paw at my legs until I notice him and then makes me follow him to the kitchen where he plops down on his back...head first...its actually adorable...and then waits for me to play with his belly so he can attack the hand monster..purring the whole time....never once using his claws or biting down hard...he loves to grab onto my hand as I pull away and he tries to hang on as long as possible..its funny as shit.

My female cat on the other hand...she will lay on her back just like the male...and let you pet her belly...purring like an airplane...but if you try to get rough with her..claws come out..she gets pissed...and she bails...so ya each cat is different.

But one thing I will tell you right now...and dude up there can say whatever the fuck he wants...but you can take this to the bank...if a cat is laying on its back...chilling...and there are people around...talking..walkin around ect...that cat trusts the shit out of the situation and people that are around em. It may not mean come touch my belly...but it definately means trust.

A cats instinct when its nervous...or a little scared...is to get the fuck outta dodge and hide...not plop on its back...the term scaredy cat came about for a reason...sure if its fighting or playing with another cat one of its moves is to get all four pawns in the air to defend itself and use its back legs as weapons...

And ya...if a cat is flicking its tail it means its agitated by something. If you are petting it and it starts to flick its tail it means its overstimulated and its time to stop. But most people who have cats know that shit already...

U make it seem as though cats are this mystical creature that are hard to figure out....when in reality if you pay attention a cat will let you know what it needs/wants from you.