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Mustang Mist...not much to see yet...seedlings.


A little update of what's going on with my Mustang Mists

Chemist #8 has developed seeds on the bottom branch that I knocked up with the #1 & #9 pollen. These three (#'s 1, 8, &9) were the most vigorous and fastest rooting in my garden. Heres a picture that shows some of the seed pods on #8:

Still not sure why I did this, but to look on the bright side it was a fun pollination that will assure me some of these genes later.

Heres some pictures I got of Mustang Mist #2, she's at 38days in the pictures.


JDog your Mustang Mists look awesome man. I hope we get to hear a smoke report about them.


Active member
Dude ,you'll be very happy you made those seeds once you smoke it.
It has a very unique high, it's alot better then I expected it to be.
It tastes amazing like hashy chocolate berry skunk. It tastes like part of the Bubba genetic's, not the kush part but the DOG part.
Smoke report coming after it drys and cures. The high alone will make you happy you made seeds.
It has a crazy sativa high that makes you feel like your floating and it totally numbs your body but it's a nice up intense high. I'm stoked on it.


Well I gotta little eager today and picked a bottom bud early. Not something I've done before and nothing I recomend, but some reason I did it. Picked a little taster bud @ 56days.

This flavor puts on the grease!!! Has me lickin my jaws already, I'm hoping it has great flavor.

Heres a picture of the plant I took the bud off of, Mustang Mist #2.


The plant I pollinated I've also picked (@9wks flower). The bud that I pollinated has some nice ripe seeds :jump: .


Active member
awesome bro.
My favorite pheno is the Kali Mist pheno.
The Mustang adds a nice edge to the kali Mist high.
Makes you feel like you just did coke or something.
Nice uppity high. Like a rush almost.
I'll do a smoke report on them soon.
Just letting em cure a little.


How long are you gonna let these go? I have 2 of these. Both male and female. I'm gonna hafta watch your grow and pay attention because I dont know much about these yet.


Active member
Just top em and don't feed em too much flower food till the flowering really starts.
For the first couple weeks feed with half grow and half bloom food.


Jdogg you rule bro! I am blown away by this chem mist cross you made. Seriously Rocks the house. Im gonna snap some shots of the 2 females i got indoors. Muchos respect and great work.



Active member
Awesome, I'm so glad everyone likes it so much.
That makes me super happy. Enjoy. I'd love to see some pic's.


Mustang Mist Indoors Day 46 or so

Mustang Mist Indoors Day 46 or so

I really hope Jdogg continues to work with this cross. Boy am i happy to see such dank results cropping up from these beanies. Slight variation but with stabilization i think this one has potential. So far i have harvested an outdoor chemist and have 2 going indoors. Each pheno was different in smell but 2 females looked similar in structure. The one im cheefin on now smells like dank fuel and burnt rubber...

I think this is a kali mist dominant pheno..smells real dank tho.

This one needs to be tied and is the choice cut of the three..it was hard to decide cuz the kali dom looks real frosty but the yield looks smaller. Seems to be packing on the weight now and smells very familiar. I need to tie her up sometime or get to the store for more stakes.

This doesnt seem like your average mix out there...Jdogg has seem to conjure up an elite cross as each pheno seems super dank so far... :joint:


Active member
Nice Rev X, I missed that undate.
I will mess with it some more once I have room.
I have several seeds.
Most go to around 11 weeks.

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