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Mustang Mist...not much to see yet...seedlings.


Active member
But here she is and I must say so far I'm impressed with my first batch of seeds. Got some that resemble white Mustang alot and some that look like white Mustang with skinny leaves.
By the way Mustang Mist = Kali Mist x White Mustang(chemdawg Bx4)

More pic's and more pheno's on the way.
There are about 7-8 people with these beans that will be testing them here as well.
So we'll see lots of phenotypes.
If I can find a Pheno that tastes like chemdawg and that spicey kali Mist taste too, I'll be verry happy. All pheno's should be covered in frost and unique in there own way. Both parents are very stable.
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heelo Jdog :joint:
hey bro congrats on the successful seed harvest :woohoo: ....now i have a Question do you THINK that the WM will bring DOWN the long ass flowering time of the KM?.....

have interrested in the KALI for some time but every time i think about popping or running a cut i remember she has a long flower stage, and in which case i pick something else YET again over her....

really hopeing she stays in the cross but also hope the WM speeds things up just a bit..
peace bro :joint:


Yep, not much to see yet.

Yep, not much to see yet.

Not much to see yet, But I would have to say I'm impressed. All ten of the seeds popped within 30hrs, with the first five poppin before 18hrs. I had two popping out of the rockwool last night, I expect to see them showing their seed leafs tonight.

Appreciate the great gift and looking forward to the upcoming pheno's! :joint:
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I'm getting Elites Kali Mist X Chemdawg, I bet they'll be pretty similar, him using your Kali cut and all... So I'll follow this one with closely... :lurk: :chin:


Active member
How did elite get a male chemdawg now?

Thanks guys.
I think it will be some nice smoke.
And ya Jaws I'm sure many pheno's will lean towards the Mustang flowering time.
I'd say a 10 week strain.
Which isn't bad considering I never really harvest anything before 70 days.
And 70-75 days should do it with this strain.
I hope elite didn't go and make the same ass strain as me that would suck.
But that lineage doesn't make sence.
Kali Mist female x chemdawg female.
Is it an S1 YBC? Thats the only way it would make sence.
And in that case it will be way different.


Active member
Cool, Mine will definatey be different then considering the Dad I used.
It has some indica in it.
That Humboldt indica.
The male that made White Mustang was a male picked from the same batch of seeds as the westcoast DOG clone. The chemdawg Bx3. Then just crossed that male to the 91 chemdawg and that white Mustang.
I found a white Mustang Male(Bx4 now) that is alot like chemdawg.
I got real lucky. The male flowered real fast and had crystals on the some of the plant and produce massive bolging flowers full of polline. On top of that it was flowered under a single 1 foot floro light.I think it's 18 watts. lol
I just put my SSSDiesel haze male in there tonight.
So I'll be making some crosses with that male next.
I think first I'm hitting the original OG Kush. And maybe the SR71 purple Kush if I like it enough. If it proves to be a good male I'll hit the Banana Kush if I can get permission to use it. Not like I'm selling em or anything anyway. Just a hobby.
And a great one at that!


ICMag Donor
looking great jdog
when you do a sssdhaze cross i would be very keen to try them,but then who wouldnt


Active member
Cool, my first one willbe my original OG Kush x SSSDieselhaze.
And we'll go from there to see if it's worth keeping it going.
But I can't imagine it not being bomb.with those 2 parents.
The original OG is some of the best weed I ever smoked in my life,when grown well.
Both have chemdawg in them too.
So it should be interesting to see how the genetic's double up or if they doat all.
We'll see. My SSSDHaze daddy is very much a SShaze pheno.
So the sour diesel shouldn't be too previlent which is what I wanted a SShazey OG Kush with slight diesel skunk flavors. I am flowering the male as we speak so pollination will be in a few weeks.


JDog , you are simply the most abusive person I have ever met [;>) ] , I,m so envious, you always seem to get the most wanted and best. What do you do , eat , breathe, sleep, pot? I do, and I don't even come close. One day I'm going to Cali.


Active member
Thanks guys.
Beetlepumper, alot of it has to do with living in Cali.
But it has more to do with my pasion for cannabis breeding and growing.
People seem to respond to honest passion for something.
No matter what it is.
So it just turns out that I meet other passionate growers and breeders that recognize my passion and there for, they always seem to want to help me out.
I think most people on these forums understand that I'm after the truth about things and I have no hidden agenda. So they see that and latch onto that.
Others disagree with me and call me names and stuff.
But thats like one asshole out of like a milllion.
So I think the vote is in.
I'm here to help and to learn and to make friends. Nothing else.
And most people know this.
By the way thanks to everyone for the massive amounts of Good Karma I've been getting for the last several months.
It means alot to me because sometimes I start to think the trolls are right, but then I read my karma and I realize it's one out of hundreds of people who troll on me and I think they are just jelous. Or else just like to be assholes.
Most of those types are easy to spot because they offer nothing to this site other then critsism and BS. Lots of complaining about others people and there plants but no plants of there own.
Go figure. Jelously I guess maybe. IF not jelously then they must just be flat out assholes.

Anyway thats not my point, my point is thanks to all the people who show respect and give me good karma.
That shit says it all.
And really lifts my spirits when a troll is trollin on me.
Which doesn't happen much anymore.
Just young punks that can't grow usually.
Like one thats been talkin shit lately. That guy is so clueless I can't even take him seriously enough to care.
Thanks guys and I'll do my best to keep things honest and troll free.
Now I just report em to the Mods and it seems to stop.

My next plants to go into flower are another 91 chemdawg, 2 #4 chemdawgs,Some Orange Kushs's and some original OG Kush(Kushy/chemdawg pheno).
And a couple urkles for smoke. Oh and the SR71 purple Kush.
So more interesting strain to come.
My Mustang Mists are getting bigger and looking like a nice combo of the 2 strains.
They all seem a little different being that it's a Poly Hybrid and the F1's will have some serious variation.
But the 2 multi hybrids I used have been bred for a long time and pretty stablized.
So it's not as much variation as other seeds I've popped.
Thanks again everybody.

Here are the 3 biggest ones so far...and one Lemon Thai that is loooking like the SFV OG in some ways. I hope it's the same Lemon Thai thats in OG.
Mustang Mist #1

Mustang Mist #2

Mustang Mist #3

Lemon Thai seedling...
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