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Mr Greenjeans does the Seed Thang


Still Getting Sky-High
Mr GreenJeans said:
Hiya StonedGrunt :wave:
I see you visited the vapor cannon :rasta: :kos: Next stop - Mars :biglaugh:

Lmao yeah & tried some alien weed too lol :muahaha:
BTW can't wait to see some more pics of C13 & CJ , i wonder how the smoke is gonna be.... i bet they'r KILLER. :bongsmi:
goodluck on your harvest MGJ! :wave:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya DimeBag :wave:
Hey, thanks for stopping by to visit, and the fine compliments. Always welcome my friend. You have a great week too. Make sure to have some canna snacks and a hit or two from the cannon before you go.... :rasta:

Hiya Dr Dog :wave:
Thanks buddy - yes C13 is a fast fruity frosty lady, 2:yes: from me. Standing room only - hmmm, that's why I haven't been able to find a seat :laughing: - here, come on with me over to TML and the vapor cannon - won't need seats - we'll be floating... :rasta:

Hiya twistedtree :wave:
Yes, I hope to cross cindy if I get a male - make some cindy seed as well as try a Killer Queen knockoff... No worries mate - you'll be puffin on your own very soon! I'll send you a pm with a sample sig....

Hiya StonedGrunt :wave:
I'll put up some dried bud shots of both when they're ready - no doubt they will be very fine smokage - have grown them out before and they're :yummy: Thanks buddy!

J-Roc represent fo Shizzle :wave:
Thanks for visiting J-R - very kind comments - yeah, coming to the end of the year long thread - time to start a new one soon - keep an eye out - coming soon to a computer screen near you.... complete with a high volume canna-fog machine... :bongsmi:


The Tri Guy
Hey MGJ, just a quick check in to see when the show is re-starting. Wouldn't want to miss anything.


Hey Mr GJ :wave: I tried sending you a pm, but I'm not sure if it went through because my computer was acting funny. Well, if you didn't get it, it was a thanks a bunch for the link info message. You rock, man! :headbange :jump: :headbange

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya GMT :wave:
Thanks mate! The new show won't get rolling until 2nd week Sept or so - have a trip coming up end of the month. Haven't missed anything yet... well maybe a coupla blunts :laughing::rasta:

Hiya tt :wave:
Thanks for your PM - I got it. You're very welcome, very glad I could help out! Nice sig!


Still Getting Sky-High
:rasta: I'm planing of chopping around sept too but i think i won't have a nice crop coz due some (p) deff they'r growing slowly :frown:

waiting to see ur updates MGJ awesome thread. :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Came in the other day and wrote up a big long post. Went to Ctrl + C on it and hit V by mistake :pointlaug
:biglaugh: I had to shut down the whole window and walk away from the PC.

For the life of me I can't really remember what it was I commented on in that big post...mostly being goofy with the vape-cannon

Maybe it's time to give the old brain a couple days rest? :smoker:

I'm sure you got an update coming soon of all those beautiful vegging ladies you have posted in your sig :canabis:
wtf is a Tunza?? :biglaugh: sounds interesting :chin:

Thanks for all the help you've been giving me too :respect: You're greatly aiding my garden :yes:


PS :muahaha: I can't believe I almost just did it again....luckily I hit X this time :redface:


Voluptuous Trichomes
That's a dank veg lineup (couple strains are new-to me anyways-)....I'm getting impatient...can't wait for the next show, MGJ! :headbange
I'm gonna make sure I'm on page 100 :rasta: :joint:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Just don't ever toke Memory Loss & Amnesia at the same time..because..ah...because..ah...who are you?...what is this place?..who am I?..
how did I get here?..why does that guy have a hockey helmet on and brownie crumbs on his shirt?..why is he pointing that cannon at me?...
I gotta go toke some Eye Blindness & Hearing Disorder...the Upchuck Sage isn't agreeing with me.. :wave:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Wow - thanks for keeping me company guys! :friends:

Have to apologize in advance - time has been a bit tight the last couple weeks and tighter next week. Taking a trip the last week of Aug, prepping for that is taking a bit of time... Want to up pot all the vegging girls before I leave to give them a good water reserve.

Hiya twistedtree :wave:
My pleasure buddy - plenty of room in the front row - just watch out for when Gallagher shows up, it can get wet and messy when he hauls out the melons... :biglaugh:

Hiya StonedGrunt :wave:
My friend, any crop you can smoke and get buzzed is a good crop!:yes: Jes keep growin! Glad you're enjoying the show. I want to get some shots of the vegging plants up this weekend or early in the week, and a few shots of the dried buds I chopped last week. They're comin!

Hiya TML :wave:
Oh boy - guess it was your turn - happened to me in your thread last week - I'm sure the post was as friendly and funny as always - dang Ctrl-Cs... Really - windows underpinnings hasn't BASICALLY changed THAT much since they started with the registry business in NT - you'd think by now they'd figure how to get rid of system hangs - din't git me stahted - I was an OS/2 jockey, Mr Gates should've taken a few hints from Big Blue... 'nuff said on that or I'll be stuck in Rant-O-Rama :laughing: Yup, want to get an update out soon. Especially since both you and -VT- asked, and I can't find the original thread anymore, here's the scoop on Tunza.

Our ICMag friend -BG- had a run with this beauty early this year:

and kindly offered me some pips. He had this to say:
"Colorful by nature, no cold nights needed. She really looks beautiful and is very easy to grow....takes about 9 weeks to finish and produces large and very resinous buds. Mother was Northern Lights from sensi seeds, very blueberry tasting individual.. father was Kalichakra from Mandala seeds....We call this cross Tunza...it's some african language and means handle with care :D Taste like cinnamon/citrus and spicy/hashy...very nice indeed!"

With my small grow area I haven't had a chance to germ her out until now. Psyched to have a chance to grow her - thanks very much -BG-! :canabis::friends:
You're nuke a gnat / mash a mite program is in full swing - happy to help out - I know you will prevail! :dueling:

Hiya bozga :wave:
Glad you like the show - hang out as long as you want - the bean bags are very comfortable to nap in... Make sure you get some canna treats and drinks in the back...:wave:

Hiya -VT- :wave:
Thanks my friend - should be a fun show coming up - not going to start it on page 100 though - gonna start a new thread with a fresh page 1... But I will flash the vegging ladies here and add the new thread to my sig - now to think of a snazzy thread title that I can live with for a year :chin:... Thanks very much for the kind comments and attention to my garden -VT-!:friends:

Hiya Packn :wave:
ROTFLMAOYA!!! Very funny my friend - yes, I'll be sure not to mix the Amnesia99 and MemoryLoss :biglaugh: Sheyut man, you better toss the Upchuck Sage - sounds like you're smoking sage the COOKING herb!!! Hmmm - this suggests a real pollen chuckin event - CaseyTunzaCindaMist! :laughing::friends:


Tree Grower
Mr.G ive missed so much :spank: .All i can think of saying is :yoinks: :jawdrop:.You simply have become one of the best grower's on site and ive much :respect: :bow:for you my friend :wave: .


Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: Hey MGJ, i'll be on 'stand by' for the next updates.. & just like u said as long that its good i'll be happy :rasta: better quality than quantity, but i would love to get a decent yield anyway they'r not finished yet so i assume they gotta get a lil bigger lol.
That tunza looks damn deliscious :rasta: nice!!!
take care grobro! & goodluck! :headbange

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Teresa :wave:
How are you my good friend? You are always so kind with your compliments - thanks so much for your kindness! I tell ya, whenever I get a yen for trees, you know whose garden I go visit :yes:!

Hiya StonedGrunt :wave:
Excellent! They will definitely get bigger in the final weeks - that part still surprises the sheyut outa me! Some of these ladies really beef it up in the last couple weeks! :canabis:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Veg update

Veg update

Here's what I have to work with rest of the year...

Veg area 08/07

Above the picture is a hood with a 250W MH. Probably time to change that sucker out - it's been running for most of a year+.

AB G13 and Freak Bros C13 moms:

Cuts to come from these two. Hoping to dust the G13 with some Pineapple C99 pollen.

Amnesia99 and Casey Jones

I'd like to grow out this Amnesia99 and one of the Casey's very soon, the other Casey will be saved as a mom.

KaliMist and WallyDuck C99

Kali from cuts and C99 from seed.

Memory Loss, Tunza, Super Silver Haze from seed.

Looking forward to all three. I had a solitary SSH seed from a friend, male or female I hope to use this one, it looks vigorous.

So that's the lineup - plan is to up pot them this week and change to flouros while I'm away.

Have a great weekend folks! :wave: :joint:
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Active member
g13 x c99 (pineapple pheno) sounds awesome! I've tried pg13 x black widow...one of the heavier hitters... Good luck with that cross.. it sounds enticing!

Nice to see your lineup...green vibes headed your way!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hia Mr.GJ..nice new selection you have yaself there...your comeback is nice man :D
and you should replace the MH Mr.GJ...i have a visual for you about that...i need 2 look for it...
*9 minutes later* holy cow.... lol...but i did find it in my gallery...lmao at page 81 and i have 85 :S

scedule about lumen loss