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Mr Greenjeans does the Seed Thang

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Anima :wave:
Thanks mate! Yes, Casey is always a beauty, I'll definitely be posting her up...

My good friend Core clued me in to tipping - then I started noticing it in other threads - guess I just didn't pick up on it before. Take off the top most bud on each main branch between 1.5-3 weeks flower - and get ready to stake up the stems :yes:

Enjoy the refreshments - after your run with the cannon, there's canna-treats and hot and cold running charas in the back :yummy::abduct:

Hiya StonedGrunt :wave:
Yup - JoeShmoe grows Amazing Amazons! He takes full advantage of what nature has to offer a grower.

Hiya JoeShmoe :wave:
Good to see ya buddy! Wow - CheMist - love the name - gorgeous - looks like a Kali Mist on 'roids! I like the looks of strong markings on the newer leaves - and denser branching.:yes:

The Hawaiian Snow - that's gonna be a trim job and a half - she's HUGE Dayum those are some long stems:yoinks: Looks like you laid down some 4-5 footers??? :headbange

Your G33 and GodBud are beautiful fat bottomed girls. Again - those crisp markings on the leaves - partly genetic partly pure healthy happiness - they're showing off how much love you give them. That GodBud plant though - looks like a SUMO WRESTLER!

Big hello back at Dammakus - I'll send him off a pm...

Glad to hear your wife is getting a med card - sorry to hear she has too - I'm sure you're meds are excellent for her. Give her my best wishes... And hope you have a great time in SC!!! :friends:

PS - next time I'll bring my vape - not a cannon, but what I use in the 3D world...


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Man, didn't realize how busy this job was

Beauty pics from Joe ^^

I'm gonna grab me some canna-treats then it's back to filling lungs

Who's Next?
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Awesome thead MrGJ!!(and I am stopping by TML's for the VAP Treat before I come over there this time :laughing: )
But I am still stuck way back at like page 45 or something in this thread----sh*t, cant you publish this for the better of mankind or something???????? I mean this is really cool! I was with OG for 2 years and Weedfarmer for 18mos; never ran into a thread as cool as this...
So thank you Sir for the encouragement; :lurk: I 'll be watching the rest of this and the new to come.....and as you'll see in my log in a day or two(I hope to have much to show/share on the "inside" scene soon!). My outdoor log should get quite a gathering once they start filling in(it's happening!) and I get some cool pics.......

Have a great sunday MRGJ!!! :Bolt:


Still Getting Sky-High
growinman said:
Awesome thead MrGJ!!(and I am stopping by TML's for the VAP Treat before I come over there this time :laughing: )
But I am still stuck way back at like page 45 or something in this thread----sh*t, cant you publish this for the better of mankind or something???????? I mean this is really cool! I was with OG for 2 years and Weedfarmer for 18mos; never ran into a thread as cool as this...
So thank you Sir for the encouragement; :lurk: I 'll be watching the rest of this and the new to come.....and as you'll see in my log in a day or two(I hope to have much to show/share on the "inside" scene soon!). My outdoor log should get quite a gathering once they start filling in(it's happening!) and I get some cool pics.......

Have a great sunday MRGJ!!! :Bolt:

:wave: hey growinman welcome on IC, glad to have u with us... :jump: i'm on WF too i use to see your outdoor grow MF.. great job! i'm 'weedcreater65' . i'll be looking to see some of those awesome weeds u got :lurk: Take care buddy & goodluck! :headbange


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
I didn't wanna snitch, but TML16 seems to have converted your moss-covered three-handled family gredunza,
to a kief injected, dual overhead chamber, high output power vape..
better go check it out..he's in the back with brownie crumbs all over his shirt..I think you have two jars left..hehe
Hi friends, i need to show this, 4 seeds, 1 non germinate, 2 big and good males that i´ll use in the future :laughing: , and the one FEMALEEEEEE :laughing: of G13b*F3

Thanks MGJ

This is the young girl... :jump:

The males are in a room to select one... :rasta:

Bye :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
just checking in ....:wave:...
ohw and brought a little preview on my reggae festival....:D

want more pics you know where 2 find me ...i'll update my thread with more pics 2 night :wink: :wave:

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Hehey everything looking great as always :D I just love the idea of hitting that C13 with C99 male MGJ, thats what Im doing here, also the first C99 x pure Haze seeds are maturing :woohoo: now those are the seeds I think of going thru this fall and winter to look for mothers and fathers if it is worth it, I have a strong feeling that it'll be a good cross anyway..much love all, gonna hit you people with some C13 seeds later this year, takes time to breed when you dont have a lot of room...btw just starting a nice grow, one of each strain and cross I have at the house, first up: Hashplant, Kushage, Amnesia99, C99, C13, OHxSk#1 and later when I get things running gonna add a few different phenos of pure haze, Strawberry Haze, A99xG13 (yields nicely) some Rockaberry and a few other nice things we have here.. :D Peace!

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Yeah - manning the cannon is busy business! Hey - you remember Hostess Snowballs? While you're back there getting treats, grab one of the Snowballs - just put out from the oven - gooey canna-chocolate cupcake drowned in canna-mallow, and dusted with White Widow Kief - :yummy:

Hiya growinman :wave:
Thanks for the kind words my friend... Very happy you like the format! I'll pop on over to your thread when you get settled in... Have a great day!

Hiya Packn! :wave:
kief injected, dual overhead chamber, high output power vape..
Heh heh - man that gear is getting Star Trekked out - first Garlic upped the horsepower and now TML has added his injection mods :abduct: There's two jars left, but they are gal jars!!! :biglaugh: Glad to see you have your new thread started up - Bubbledust here Bubbledust there Bubbledust everywhere!

Hiya Alfred :wave:
:woohoo: 2 good males and a gorgeous female!:yes: Strong work Alfred - are you going to make a run of F4s? She looks really gorgeous!

Hiya Core :wave:
Man, looks like you had a wicked time at the festival! Peeped your pics - wow, what a party! Glad you're back though, and looks like your girls didn't skip a beat! :yes:

Hiya Farmer John! :wave:
How are you my friend! Great to see ya! Yup, I'm looking for a good pineapple dad from Wally's seeds, keeping my fingers crossed - just a matter of time... as you mention... Seed work sounds stellar my friend, as does your current grow. Curious - what did the G13 bring to the Amnesia99 party??? I mean what traits came through? Thanks my friend!

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Hehey brother actually the resulting plants were and are very G13 dom, only yield more and taste a lot like A99 but the G13 smell and taste is also present, pretty good one for a experiment..:D


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:laughing: You just made my stomach turn :biglaugh: I remember getting sick off those snowballs as a kid :nono: Never had one since.
I'll just take the WW kief a la carte s'il vous plait :yummy:

hmmm...this filling lung by lung is proving inefficient. I feel we should just hook up some inline fans to vape cannon and seal the room :joint:
Extreme Hot Box :headbange

Only 2 Gallons left :yoinks: :biglaugh: We're runnin low cap'n!

Still lots of summer left amigo...hope you're enjoying it :smile:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Farmer John :wave:
Man that sounds like a nice even mix of genes - you're right, damn good for an experiment! Give the clan a big summer hello for me!

Hiya TML :wave:
Whoops - oh well - will have to choose another dessert - hmmmm - how about Turkish Delight - Rose flavored - dusted with Strawberry Deez kief???

Yeah lungfull's one by one take time - that's why I have 15 wands hooked to the motor - plop one of those gallon bottles on top of the bowl, flip the switch, and wake away until you see our friends floating on the ceiling :biglaugh::abduct:

Extreme Hotbox - sounds like a UFC qualifying round...

Plan on getting back my plants this weekend :woohoo:, and harvest the C13 and maybe the Casey if she's ready.

Yes, lots of summer left, have a trip at the end of the month - last summer adventure before the school year... Havin a great time, hope you are too! Thx for stoppin by buddy!
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Voluptuous Trichomes
I'll bet you're happy to get those girls back....That's awesome news :yes:

Glad to hear some killer new strains will be floating around this thread in the near future as well :D

quick question: do beneficials breakdown dead roots? Been trying to find a post/thread on that....cya soon, my friend :wave:
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damn, loving all these new strains.

Looks like the chemdawg is the new prodigy these days ey?
Tons of crosses and backcrosses and whathaveyous with the chem genetics!

woot, lets see em... ;)

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya -VT-:wave:
Yup - gonna pick 'em up tonight. Just in time to chop-chop-chop.

Yes, some of the beneficial microbes break down dead plant material. There's a short piece on Wikipedia on Soil Life - well written.

Hiya Neptune :wave:
Thanks buddy! Yeah - chemdawg looks to be it this year - still lookin myself. Some nice StrawbDeez crosses courtesy of Somoz - a beautiful colorful hybrid called Tunza by -BG-, some MOD gear, KaliMist courtesy of Slips / JoeShmoe... have to see what I grab when I stick my hand in the seed jar :biglaugh:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Happy days! :canabis:
The girls are back home - I plan on chopping and trimming tomorrow.

Casey Jones day 62

This was a nice specimen - stretched 3x, I could have let her go another week if I started flushing her later. She started turning purple the last few days.

C13 day 51

I could have taken this one at 40 days, but wanted to see what would happen letting her go 50 or so. Definitely more frost on the buds - trichs are 25% amber. Should be a good kick in the butt :joint:

I've tried the Kwik Kali a few times now. It's good, but not in the same class as Kali Mist I've tried. It's got a 50/50 head/body stone, and kinda heavy feeling in the head - much different than when I smoke Kali Mist. I might try this one again in the winter, maybe I should let her run longer.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
WHHAAAAA nice man...he's on the lose again :D....
nice Casey jones grobro...you're not gonne be sorry you grew her ..i'll vouch for that....greeeeeeeeat smoke!! what i just say ....great....:chin:..its awsome smoke...
looks like she's running on her end :yummy:

Nice 2 have ya back lol :wave:


Why, hello Mr GJ :wave:

Man, that C13 looks AMAZING!!!:yes: :yoinks: :canabis: :kewlpics:

That Casey Jones isn't too shabby,either!

I hope my thumb turns out as green as yours!
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IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
...Casey Jones you better watch your speed...If that CJ wasn't enough the C13 looks incredible..
CJ is fox tail fortified and the C13 looks dense and delicious...green with envy over here..nice show MGJ.. :wave: