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Movies to watch while stoned that aren't about drugs


New member
I really enjoy Roy Andersson's films. It's more art film style but really good.

For those of you who like martial arts films and don't mind subtitles, I've been watching a lot of Donnie Yen movies lately and damn the fight scenes are amazing and they have pretty interesting plots. IP Man, Flash Point, Kung fu killer and Dragon are all great movies

Green Squall

Well-known member
Has anyone seen El Topo? Someone recommended it to me so I watched the trailer and it seems beyond disturbing. They say you can't "unsee" this movie.


Has anyone seen El Topo? Someone recommended it to me so I watched the trailer and it seems beyond disturbing. They say you can't "unsee" this movie.

Alejondro Jodoworsky made a bunch of fucked up movies. After El Topo was somewhat of a success, he made The Holy Mountain, with Beatles manager Allen Klein as producer, and with some funds from John Lennon and Yoko Ono. He took a bunch of LSD before filming to come up with the 'plot', and had his actors take mushrooms during the filming, and despite the fact that it's just the kind of nonsensical mindfuck you'd expect, it also has some really awesome and unique visuals and cinematography:



The full film is up on youtube in HD, for free:





a last one, already a classic i think, Meet the Parents, the 1 and 2 are the best, the 3 is not funny.


Active member
almost embarrassed to post this one. kevin Costner actually put out a movie that I thought was really good; 2016 release criminal.

Green Squall

Well-known member
No Mans Land

"A Bosnian and a Serb, are soldiers stranded in No Man's Land -- a trench between enemy lines during the Bosnian war. They have no one to trust, no way to escape without getting shot, and a fellow soldier is lying on the trench floor with a spring-loaded bomb set to explode beneath him if he moves. The absurdity of their situation would be comical if it didn't have such dire consequences."


Active member
Dude, where's my car.

Dumb and Dumber

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

The Tingler

Any Dr Phibes Movie

Get Crazy

Blues Brothers

Clockwork Orange

Raising Arizona

Big Lebowski



Love his movies. I like watching them with people and then talking for hours about what the movie might have been about. Mulholland Drive really lends itself to discussion.

I took a Philosophy & Narrative class once. That’s what the class was. We watched movies with strong philosophical themes and then discussed them. There was lots of reading that accompanied each movie and the class itself was ‘writing intensive’ so lots of writing too. It was a really interesting class.

Eraserhead was one of them.

Stalker was my favorite. I liked it so much I got my own copy and, yeah, watched it while high. Okay, many times over the years :biggrin: