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MotherLode Gardens 2016

Don't listen to a real estate agent about compliance or anything else really all they want to do is make their commission off you get a lawyer licensed in Oregon with a track record of helping farms get licensing instead.

Trinity has similar rules to Humboldt just more strict and even less available property ...

All the counties giving out over 10,000 sq ft are gonna have an interesting conversation with cdfa when AB266 goes live in 2018. Counties are only allowed to license up to 10,000sqft. CDFA will be controlling the 1 acre outdoor and 1/2 acre mixed light/indoor tier.


Post#1 on the Calaveras grow scene. I've lived in Calaveras county for about 20 years, long enough to consider myself a "local". Last year the Butte fire burnt 70,000 acres and 500 homes and drastically changed the area. Previous years have lots of grows throughout the county that keep a low profile have been flying under the radar unless they get to big. Most of the big busts were cartel type grows on remote land. Choppers fly occasionally but not too often. Weed friendly county supervisors approved legalizing commercial grows of 5000 to 22,000 square feet for a $5000.00 fee earlier this year.New growers and previous farmers swept in and bought burnt out land for high prices. No effort to conceal gardens was evident throughout the area. They are quite visible as the geometric layout and wide use of smart pots makes them really stand out. Most look like a large homeless camps littered with filthy tents, broken down trailers, and multiple water tanks. Water trucks start rolling about 4 in the morning, the drone of generators is ever present where previously it was crickets chirping.Dirt trucks hauling massive amounts of premium soil roll all spring and summer. The roads are getting tore up even more than all the fire trucks damage last year. What really annoys me is how rude so many growers are, especially to senior citizens and long time residents. Most seem to really not care about being good neighbors. I think that many are just here for a quick buck and do not care about the damage they do or leave behind.They are definitely not trying to fit in. They always seem to have a similar story"I am doing a small personal grow and I am starting a family and want to do nothing but good blah blah blah. I have only met one couple doing that and being truthful. The list of growers published has some growers with over 15 22,000 foot grow sites registered for ONE person, talk about greedy. The local grocery store is filled with dirty smelly people who need to use a little water on themselves not just plants.
The local economy has benefitted for grocery, hardware, real estate, and hydro stores with the influx of new people.
My advice to growers when moving into a new area is to try and fit in and not try and takeover everything.Be nice and respectful to your neighbors. It is not a generational thing. We have third generation growers here that have been at it longer than you.
The november election elected a mostly pot unfriendly county board which may shut down the whole grow scene next year. Also approved is a $2.00 sq.ft. fee for growers which adds $44,000 tax bill to overhead with the large grow size.
I consider myself extremely pot friendly having grown for 30 years small time. Been to Amsterdam bunch of times. Never had cop problems with farming. Since discovering this site last year plant size has increased dramatically with tips from shrews, baked beans and mt.zion.
Calaveras is part of the big experiment and there has to be a better way.


passing the gas
I'm curious why you guys aren't considering socal? property is so cheap a couple hours east of LA and the season is way longer.

the biggest retail market is down there too.

5 acres with shed and water tank in Johnson Valley $13,500

$49,000 gets you 5 acres and a cabin in Joshua Tree. buy 2 like this and grow 12 at each.
purchase on a land contract with favorable terms to the seller and bail if things don't work out and you'll spend less than renting in norcal.


10 acres and up out there as low as 1K per acre.

you might have to truck in water but I can't see choosing the most expensive real estate to grow weed on.
there are places connected to town water too as well as many that are partially off grid or electric only.

3 acres in Anza 37K

5 acre fixer upper in 29 palms $6,700 c'mon that's only 4 elbows!

You get what you pay for.

I'd rather spend 550k on 30 acres with unlimited water in a place that doesn't look like mars.

Getting to LA from Humboldt isn't hard.


Well-known member
Southern oregon sounds nice too... I've never been up there personally but going up there first week in january to check it out. I've talked with several real estate agents who claim its really easy to make the transition to OR and be compliant quickly.

best of luck to everyone in finding a spot for next season!

IIRC, there's a provision in OR's law requiring residency for a period of two years before one can obtain a commercial growing permit.


IIRC, there's a provision in OR's law requiring residency for a period of two years before one can obtain a commercial growing permit.

We voted that in but then I think the legislature changed it so "big money" from out of state could ruin our game. edit: not directed at TheOutlawTree


If big money isn't shitting on the board, is it even a game?
big money is stoked that most people were fooled by "legalization" initiatives. big money is coming in strong as was expected.

I really dont care where i end up as long as it's good land in a good climate and can grow as much weed as i want. That last part is key, and it's what big money is trying to take away from the rest of us. these cultivation laws keep changing so fast it makes your head spin. They're pullin the rug out from under us.

I was readin my local paper yesterday, an article about they want to boost the local economy. maybe the geniuses will decide to stop banning grows and instead maybe go the other way on that. would be nice , then i wouldnt have to think about moving, again, for the 17th time in 10 years.


Well-known member
Schrews im going to the emerald cup! hope to run into ya and some folks there. I rarely get on the mag any more. Seems im always on IG. My bro who got you into the festival will be there also. Im flying down from oregon and hoping that I can get a cali rec at the cup to buy seeds. The em cup website says it is possible but its up to the doctors.

Its a shame that 64 passed. I have an opportunity to grow in yreka next year but dont think i will take the plunge if they keep things rolling in this direction. As soon as some of the canna based prescriptions get approved the feds will reschedule. Its all a money grab. Personally i think pot is gonna end up like alchohol and the west coast will still bootleg just like the south does with moonshine. The majority of the country will smoke their bud light. Some folks will enjoy the craft micro buds, bho and rosin will compare to hard alcohol like vodka, whiskey, and tequila. Breeding is what will give the small guys a chance, People will always be looking to enjoy the new flavor. Untill the east coast has massive cannabis, the black market will be alive and well as it always has been. Until feds change their stance, the tax on cannabis will be continue to keep the black market alive. My bro has a dispensary in oregon. He personally made 290k (the dispensary makes 5 to 10k a day) after taxes he brought home 90k. Testing fees, state and local taxes, licensing fees etc will keep cannabis expensive and profit margins for the big boys slim.

You should definitely get into an owc with your property owner if possible. Turn an expense(rent) into an investment. I am doing one right now. I have no credit at all, havent had a paystub in a nearly a decade. So its possible if you find the right situation.

Ok i havent posted in a while ...rant over. Hope to see ya in a few days


Well-known member
Premium user
Schrews im going to the emerald cup! hope to run into ya and some folks there.

Personally i think pot is gonna end up like alchohol and the west coast will still bootleg just like the south does with moonshine.

The majority of the country will smoke their bud light.

Untill the east coast has massive cannabis, the black market will be alive and well as it always has been. Until feds change their stance, the tax on cannabis will be continue to keep the black market alive.

Good post :tiphat:


Schrews im going to the emerald cup! hope to run into ya and some folks there. I rarely get on the mag any more. Seems im always on IG. My bro who got you into the festival will be there also. Im flying down from oregon and hoping that I can get a cali rec at the cup to buy seeds. The em cup website says it is possible but its up to the doctors.

lets definitely meet up this weekend!


I have bought 10 properties off ebay . All in cali . In lake ...sonoma......siskiyou....and lassen counties .... most i got for less than 2 grand . One is 20 acres . ..... i bought tjem all from the same guy . You can find good deals if you look


Well-known member
I have bought 10 properties off ebay . All in cali . In lake ...sonoma......siskiyou....and lassen counties .... most i got for less than 2 grand . One is 20 acres . ..... i bought tjem all from the same guy . You can find good deals if you look

That Tiger mountain rosin was all I dabbed on when I got back!

Sour apple ancient looks and smells so bomb and is so potent

Space monkey is dank and hella terpenoided

The AOG fuel pheno reeks in the best way possible, it reminds me a lot of one of my sky lotus phenos this year but came out way chunkier.

The tranquil elephantizer may be my fav though! Nice dense stony nuggets.

Very much looking forward to testing your AOG F2's and AOG x BLR in a few months! Super pumped on all this good stuff for the coming snowstorms


I'm curious why you guys aren't considering socal? property is so cheap a couple hours east of LA and the season is way longer.

the biggest retail market is down there too.

5 acres with shed and water tank in Johnson Valley $13,500
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$49,000 gets you 5 acres and a cabin in Joshua Tree. buy 2 like this and grow 12 at each.
purchase on a land contract with favorable terms to the seller and bail if things don't work out and you'll spend less than renting in norcal.
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10 acres and up out there as low as 1K per acre.

you might have to truck in water but I can't see choosing the most expensive real estate to grow weed on.
there are places connected to town water too as well as many that are partially off grid or electric only.

3 acres in Anza 37K
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5 acre fixer upper in 29 palms $6,700 c'mon that's only 4 elbows!
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That place is about 40 miles from the abandoned Salton sea where they have those toxic dust storms.

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