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MotherLode Gardens 2016


the start of a great film,

kung fu growers v rippers, coming summer 2017
sorry i edited after you quoted me

Screws estimate may not be far from truth. Been having some great meetings with colorado outfits lately


So I'm trying to read the text of these laws and figure out what it means for large medical growers.
I think it's different for every county. not sure though.. so much new confusing bullshit to figure out

It says in the penalties section of MMRSA that the town treasurer where the 'complaining attorney' resides can keep some of the penalty fines. Does that mean counties will have big financial incentive to come knocking on unlicensed grows? Like asset forfeiture for police?
Yes the whole point of prop 64 is to generate revenue for the people who are running things. It's really just part of a much bigger goal of those in power, to control every aspect of our lives

The government keeps passing rules to make it harder to grow personal, got rid of medical. You guys need to be on it, stay motivated and educated about what is going on.
this is not a surprise if you have been paying attention..

the entire human race is being pitted against itself in a giant race to the bottom. the only winners are the ones who seek to own everything and control all production. Cannabis is not the only victim, almost everything the earth has given us is being sold out to corrupt globalist greedpigs.

expect quality of life for average people in the "first-world" to go down drastically in the next few decades, until everyone everywhere is basically competing for the same scraps, left over from the global elite. The 1950's dream of working a decent job, being able to afford a family, decent housing, healthy food, retirement, etc.. is becoming laughable for most.

stay optimistic though. maybe some new invention or way of thinking will save humanity



But it's hard for me to navigate the legal bullshit. credit, taxes, licenses, fees, paperwork, etc.. I really dont know about any of that stuff. I want to learn but my eyes just glaze over when i try to do research. Would be nice if there was somebody qualified to explain all those things. I have lots of ideas its just hard to know what i should do or what is even possible. plus am still waiting on my county to decide what they want to do about the new rec laws

its called an accountant and a cannabis specialist lawyer, both awesome things to have no matter your situation... they could lay you out a step by step plan to get you where you wanna go, just a though..

I'm seriously considering meeting with a lawyer before purchasing property, but i feel like most wouldn't know any more than i do when it comes to local bans :(

and as far as your county ban, no news is good news i would think...


New member
I suspect there will be a lecture and panel discussion on this subject at the Emerald cup and I suspect it will be standing room only


You can still be a micro farm under MMSRA: growing, trimming and distributing up to 25 plants I believe), I don't know what the fees are though.

I think it will become a boutique craft business for the small gardens. Create your own strains which the big corporations don't have or grow exotic strains the corporations won't touch.

Since AMUA passed I've noticed a lot of people acquiring Z's legally this last week... And everybody would rather get it from the farmer who they meet than some random dispensary.

mack 10

Well-known member
So I'm trying to read the text of these laws and figure out what it means for large medical growers. In my county, if you grow a lot of weed, they assume you are commercially cultivating and if they come knocking they come to arrest and charge with cultivation. They don't play and i don't see them allowing commercial grows.

What I've deduced so far from reading the text, is that cultivating or possessing any recreational amount over an ounce or 6 plants is up to 6 months in jail and/or fine. I guess that applies even if you have 28.5 lbs instead of grams.

It seems my county has no criminal recourse now against big growers-- they can only approach this civilly. They'll come knocking on big medical grows that are ostensibly for personal use, and they'll say it's commercial and hit you with fines for tax evasion and operating without a license. I don't know how much that would add up to. I'm also curious who would be doing that enforcement. It says in the penalties section of MMRSA that the town treasurer where the 'complaining attorney' resides can keep some of the penalty fines. Does that mean counties will have big financial incentive to come knocking on unlicensed grows? Like asset forfeiture for police?

The last paragraph about the town treasury from which the complainingattorney resides can keep some of the penalty fines... Wtf?

What a clusterfuck. Going legal? Seems a load of bs.
They are trying everything (from the backdoor) to hammer
You., taxes, rules, checks etc etc oh and youll need a cool million just in case
They decide to tax you some more..sucks.

Legality at the cost of the market.


I know this is how its all written... but what baffles me is how an entity of higher jurisdiction(state of CA) gives the ultimate decision to a lower jurisdiction(the county). It was a bit more arguable before AUMA passed, but now when its legal STATEWIDE, counties should not be able to outright ban growing. fresno county has a ban on cultivation, manufacturing and retail... but damian marley just bought a prison in coalinga for 4.1 million and turning it into a 77,000 sqft operation. how does that work? wtf?


the entire human race is being pitted against itself in a giant race to the bottom. the only winners are the ones who seek to own everything and control all production. Cannabis is not the only victim, almost everything the earth has given us is being sold out to corrupt globalist greedpigs.

expect quality of life for average people in the "first-world" to go down drastically in the next few decades, until everyone everywhere is basically competing for the same scraps, left over from the global elite. The 1950's dream of working a decent job, being able to afford a family, decent housing, healthy food, retirement, etc.. is becoming laughable for most.

stay optimistic though. maybe some new invention or way of thinking will save humanity


I have this constant love/hate relationship with money. I'm addicted to making it. I'm really good at making it. I know what it can do and anybody that says it can't buy happiness is pretty delusional. I mean it can't literally buy happiness but you know what I'm saying. I like vacationing in Hawaii, riding my motorcycles and providing a comfortable lifestyle for my family. Prime-rib > frozen hamburger. But I fucking hate being a slave to green paper with numbers printed on it. That's what I spend most my time thinkin about!!?? How I can attain more green paper with numbers printed on it???

Phil Knight could change every single persons life that makes Nike shoes overseas and not even notice it. He wouldn't even have to give handouts, he could just pay them enough to get out of the slums and not have to ration their food. But nobody cares. He doesn't give two shits about those people that make a few dollars a day. Donating $105 mil to Stanford is a lot cooler. (These are people that the quote I say so often that we talked about a few pages before doesn't apply to at all. These people are fucked from the get. But in America, if you want something bad enough, you can achieve it.)

I actually have some business plans in the works that are pretty cool. It really doesn't take a whole lot to make a man happy I've learned. A decent wage job that he's proud of and allows him to provide a good living for his family solves 90% of the puzzle. I'm gonna get royally fucked over on taxes but paying my employees a good wage is something that's very important to me. It also increases productivity a shit load when people are happy lol.
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Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I suspect there will be a lecture and panel discussion on this subject at the Emerald cup and I suspect it will be standing room only

I certainly hope you're right. I already (after the divorce) am setting what little pennies I have left to attend this year...man I would love to get a clearer idea of where I want to land or even if I want to come back at all?


I have this constant love/hate relationship with money. I'm addicted to making it. I'm really good at making it. I know what it can do and anybody that says it can't buy happiness is pretty delusional. I mean it can't literally buy happiness but you know what I'm saying. I like vacationing in Hawaii, riding my motorcycles and providing a comfortable lifestyle for my family. Prime-rib > frozen hamburger. But I fucking hate being a slave to green paper with numbers printed on it. That's what I spend most my time thinkin about!!?? How I can attain more green paper with numbers printed on it???

they say you should have something that makes you money, something that makes you healthy, and something that makes you creative. Ideally they are all the same thing. problem comes when you focus too much on one of those things


I'm sitting in a hot tub in downtown santa cruz dabbing your dream lotus rosin...its god dwmn amazing
hell yeah! i love the dream lotus it's like the sweeter side of blue dream. glad you got some of that. We've been pressing out a few flavors already, everything coming out great and its just from little popcorn buds.

i have some Sorcerer's Apprentice rosin for you from last year's plant that you loved, i'll bring it to emerald cup


look forward to next years grow from you man. one of the better grow logs going in my opinion


starting to get cold here. ganja is going off the hill slow but steady. I was driving around the state all last week, thanksgiving holiday was hectic. Damn near killed my indoor grow because i put everything in flood tables with a timer set to water everyday. Apparently that's not the best way to do soil, which i forgot because it's been so long since i grew indoors without coco. now they are doing ok but i need to figure out a new plan for irrigation

still havent sent in my soil tests, i'm procrastinating bad. Kinda feel stalled out. Would be nice to build a greenhouse and do a winter crop here but would take more work than i am willing to do right now. I'm already planning 2017 outdoor season because i have nothing else to do, but don't know what amount of ganja my county is going to allow in the future. All the locals are going big though, nobody seems to care about the limits.

My mounds look good, the cover crop is spreading out in between them where there used to be nothing but weeds. I want to start working with the native soil so it's good to see plants growing in it. i'm still surprised by how well my plants did when they went straight into the rocky ground. the AEA stuff probably helped.

emerald cup next weekend, who's going? I wanted to make some Motherlode Gardens t-shirts to give away at the cup but i procrastinated on that too.. oh well maybe next year if cannabis cups are allowed under the new laws.... I'm bringing rosin and flowers for the homies though


Active member
ICMag Donor
starting to get cold here. ganja is going off the hill slow but steady. I was driving around the state all last week, thanksgiving holiday was hectic. Damn near killed my indoor grow because i put everything in flood tables with a timer set to water everyday. Apparently that's not the best way to do soil, which i forgot because it's been so long since i grew indoors without coco. now they are doing ok but i need to figure out a new plan for irrigation

still havent sent in my soil tests, i'm procrastinating bad. Kinda feel stalled out. Would be nice to build a greenhouse and do a winter crop here but would take more work than i am willing to do right now. I'm already planning 2017 outdoor season because i have nothing else to do, but don't know what amount of ganja my county is going to allow in the future. All the locals are going big though, nobody seems to care about the limits.

My mounds look good, the cover crop is spreading out in between them where there used to be nothing but weeds. I want to start working with the native soil so it's good to see plants growing in it. i'm still surprised by how well my plants did when they went straight into the rocky ground. the AEA stuff probably helped.

emerald cup next weekend, who's going? I wanted to make some Motherlode Gardens t-shirts to give away at the cup but i procrastinated on that too.. oh well maybe next year if cannabis cups are allowed under the new laws.... I'm bringing rosin and flowers for the homies though

Crews and others,

A group of us is getting together at the cup sunday am to discuss nutrition and results this year. Hope you join in!

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