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More Strains than Brains - SB's evolving project.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
It seems like the intensity (proximity) does have an effect. I don't grow in the CFL box anymore (at least for the time being) and I only have one tent with a UV bulb in it. The colas by the bulb are always satisfyingly more frosty than everything else. :smoke:

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
wonderful ladies as usual SB:respect:
I'll be pulling some pollen from the freezer soon as well, I sure hope there is life in each of our pollen pouches lol, I'm rooting for ya!
I like the alphabet soup title, easier than extending that acronym further eh!


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Thanks, RM! :tiphat:

'FSSSDH' does sound more like steam escaping a radiator than a strain of herb... I believe, 4 days in, that I see all of the lower budsites that I dusted beginning to brown up and shrivel. This is good news! I hit quite a few, so instead of 37 seeds like I got from the F99 project I expect several hundred. Of course, I've only started 7 of the F99 and already managed to find the best plant in my garden, so maybe I should stick to dozens.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs


And pictures!

First, the news. The F with her load of SSSDH seeds came down today. The seeds look pretty good, the one I pulled off to check was dark and perfect.

Alphabet Soup
, therefore, is a reality. Looking some kinda way-serious forward to trying these... oh the possibilities! My mind is literally boggling. (Literally.)

And... now the pictures. This is the taller, columnar 'C99' pheno from the Flo x C99. The colors are spectacular. The odor is very strongly dominated by the Flo mom's smell (which is fine by me) but with a little sweet fruitiness tossed in. There is also a little bit of an astringent tang to her which I quite like. Yield looks to be on the high side, although it remains to be seen how dense the buds are when they dry. The trich coverage is quite good, the C99 pollen has really done some work in that respect while leaving a very Flo-dominated couple of plants. (This has the same father as the F99 - looks like he was indeed a winner!)

I will get the mutant pheno posted tomorrow. She's even frostier than this one, and I've also tested her. :smoke:

Tune in next time...

[edit: These photos were shot on day 52. From the parentage I'm expecting 56-60 day finishes.]


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Thanks again, unc. I don't think I'd have threads going without your participation.... :tiphat:

They's still sleepin' in tent 2 right now but I'll get them posted in a little while. Is it weird that of all the pictures in the last post I love the one of a fan leaf the most?


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
I never seem to get a good stem shot when I am trying for one. I think I take pretty good leaf shots, though. We all have our niches...

Sure wish I could shoot buds like Doobieduck does, though. :smoke:


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Mutant Bitch

Mutant Bitch

Don't worry, she's prettier than you'd think.

First up is the next one to go in. I should be flipping her in a week or so.

And here's the one currently flowering, day 54. She 'topped' herself, as you can see (The main cola is there - second from the left, 3rd highest. Go figure?):

This one is just as dominated by the Flo odor as the other, though this one is more purely floral than slightly fruity. It's also less astringent. The flavor matches it well, even green. As for the smoke... first, she's potent. Nothing at all like the mother. This stuff tore me up and it wasn't even really dry yet. Cut through some heavyweights I'd been smoking all day like a pro.

The high itself is very, very reminiscent of the Flo mom in character - highly uplifting, tremendously cerebral; thrilling. Butterflies in the chest and visual effects. I can't wait to smoke more of it, I'm looking forward to chop day. :jump:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i can see why you would keep that one,very intriguing shape and leaves,and those buds are almost too pretty to smoke...almost


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
I haven't decided which one to keep... I have a copy of each in white pots, ready to flip next week. :smoke:


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Yes, she gets the foxtails from her mum... fortunately even in this more Flo-dominated pheno, the C99 has mitigated that tendency. The mom was actually more foxtail than bud, and it made for some incredibly disappointing yields. I think this one is going to be pretty heavy. We'll know soon. :smoke:


Well-known member
great show SB, been lurking long enough!

that F99 looks like a pretty succesful cross, wonderfull looking plants and those both strains really show through.

i've got some f-13xa11 lined up next, hope they will turn out something like your f99!

ryde on!


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Hey Suomi, thanks for posting. Glad you're enjoying the show. :smoke:

I've got some pics of some old favorites in line for this post... some F99, the White Widow and my superstar the Grapefruit Jam. There's also a shot of my so-far-favorite Happy Brother BX1.


White Widow

Grapefruit Jam

Happy Brother



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
I wanna fire this baby back up. What better way than with pure fire? This is some of the White Widow. I'm learning to love this lady... it's clear after many months that the F99 and Widow are my go-to jars. This one smells like warm banana bread. It's like what sex would smell like if gummy bears could fuck.



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
im still thinking about gummy bear sex....is it a reverse cowgirl smell or straight doggy?i know bears crap in the woods,so does the pope by the way...but a sugar based kama ursa i am having trouble wrapping my head around....