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moonshine mix


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BBWluva said:
so the lime won't screw things up if i decide to mix some in?
I sen in another thread where beetlejuicy asked about his mix witch is sililar to MSM and Burn1 told him to add a couple spoons of lime. I asked burmn to chime in so well see. As for the fruit and flower If you look on the box it will tell you. I just sprinkle very lil around the whole pot and blend it in with my fingers or a fork and then water. I only did this with one of my sssdh and it looks a lil better compared to the other. mysta :joint:


Active member
TokenBlackGuy said:
i just switched over to RO water cause my tap is horrible.. so with this mix and RO water, what do i have to add to the water so i wont get cal mag definicienies?
Im already using
black strap mollasses
liquid karma
growyerown said:
Whats up OG!

good to hear from ya! I never knew taking flics of plants could be so much fun, man. I'm not doing these girls any justice with my poor picture takin skills though. I think im not using proper lighting. i'd appreciate any tips if you got em.

i guess im callin that purple bubba "larry" cause i know some OC heads that
have been scoring that same kush for some time and the person they get it from calls it OGKush "larry". also i've seen some peeps on this site with the same exact lookin plant callin it original OGKush?!?.... whatever it is it is top notch dank!

my buddy also got that purple bubba from Katsu on CW back in the day and its basically the same as the pre98 bubba that i've been running. whatever the case i LOVE em both equally but as far as potency goes....the purple bubba is a slight notch above the 98.

i orderded Rez's SourD IBL's and wonder diesel beans, i wish i would have asked you first cause i kinda regret it....not to mention his posts that say peeps with less than 100 posts don't know shit and so on, are hella offensive....oh wells, hopefully i can find a decent SD male to play wit and make some crosses.

i talked to Wisper...probably gonna visit him sometime this week.

hope to hear from you soon!


Anyone know what the deal is not being able to post/access IC through a proxy??? i was able to post/access through a proxy a couple of weeks ago but now there are some strange things happening. no problem though if i dont use a proxy.

if anyone has any answers or knows whom i can ask about this, id appreciate your reply.

I would add calmag


thanks mysta for all your help.... i am going to be trying chimera mountain jam in this mix, so i will keep you updated...
is there anything you can substitute the foxfarm planting mix for? the store was sold out of this but I bought the light warrior,ocean forest,PoM FF,perlite anyway.

also which blackgold soil are you guys using? red or orange bag? thanks


Active member
Mysta, nice info bro.
Havn't been here in a while.
Definately needs cal mag at 30 days along with an extra sprinkle of Fruit n flower at 30 days depending on the strain.
But most will need some.
The amount may vary because the regular dose lasts for 30 more days.
So for an indica you might want to use a half dose at 30 days or else just feed in the water like me.
I'm actually not using this mix anymore.
But still I remember the food and Calcium would run out at about 30 days for most strains.
Thats why I had yellow ass plants at the end sometimes.
Lack of calcium mostly.
But some Budswel wouldn't hurt either. Instead of the second dose of FnF.
But the Cal mag is still nessisary.
I love that shit.
Also ,I never had a problem with ph with these mixes.
It's the lack if calcium toward the end that was always the biggest problem.
Keep it up Mysta, you got yourself a sticky, yo!
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i thought the reason for adding the starter mix was to take care of the calcium problem? i think thats what moonshine said earlier in this post..


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
You're going to need powdered dolomite lime @ 2 tbs./gal. or 1 cup/cubic foot of ANY mix to supply magnesium and calcium even if you don't need the pH adjusting ability of dolomite. Anyone who thinks Pro Mix or FFOF has enough lime in it for their grow is kidding themselves.


i'm would rather add everything in the soil.that way i don't have to add any cal-mag later.i thought that was the whole idea of this soil?


i have some plants in week 4 of 12/12 that are yellowing a bit, mostly lower/mid leaves, trich production is fine i think but what can i add to help out? They are done stretching and i wanna be sure they got all the food they need to fatten up nicely. I watered yesterday and put about 1/4 teaspoon of budswell ontop of the soil, dont know if it had any effect as the yellowing was there prior.

the POM FF Fruit and Flower has some N inside, worth adding more on top? I would prefer to fix this asap as mid flower is important....

they are in MoonshineMix(3bag, POM F&F and POM SM) under 430W HPS
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beetle thats what i'm worried about happening.i think thats why they say you should add some fruit & flower at day 30 of 12/12...


BBWluva said:
beetle thats what i'm worried about happening.i think thats why they say you should add some fruit & flower at day 30 of 12/12...

DOH! i never saw that b4, but makes total sense. Thank you BBWluva!


Active member
BurnOne said:
You're going to need powdered dolomite lime @ 2 tbs./gal. or 1 cup/cubic foot of ANY mix to supply magnesium and calcium even if you don't need the pH adjusting ability of dolomite. Anyone who thinks Pro Mix or FFOF has enough lime in it for their grow is kidding themselves.

Thanks Burn, glad someone stuck their head out...

I thought so/knew so just from experience with FFOF and peat mediums in general.

While I'm not dissing the mix it would help the new guy just starting to know this. It should be in the "list."

I made up my moonshine mix this weekend and added 3 dry measure cups of lime and held off on the POM fruit and flower fert as they are going to veg out a week or longer. I plan to top dress during flower. We'll see how it goes.


Seems like based on the comments on this thread that it may not be possible to just add water only for every strain.

I know that from seed i had 2 AK 48 phenos that were female. One seemed fine with just the mix alone + molasses while the other seemed to yellow prematurely... I would have to guess that depending on the strain some sort of supplemental feeding would be necesary.

If supplemental feeding is necesary it kinda makes the mix less of a magic bullet imo even though the plants i've bloomed using only the mix have turned out great (even the ak that was prematurely yellowing), even if they were lacking somewhat in yield.

I'm tempted to try a run with just plain OF in a side by side comparison with the moonshine mix. If i have to feed anyway, id rather not have to mix as well.

I just finished a run with the MM mix amended with coco, which resulted in faster growth than just the plain MM mix, but I had to feed at the end since cutting it with coco made the mix a bit light by the end.


how much fruit and flower are you guys adding at day 30?i know the box says 1/2 a cup for 1-2ft of growth.is that what you go by or maybe go 50% full strength.i don't mean to ask so many questions i just never used dry ferts before.


Active member
mysta177 said:
I just sprinkle very lil around the whole pot and blend it in with my fingers or a fork and then water. I only did this with one of my sssdh and it looks a lil better compared to the other. mysta :joint:

I would say a lil les than 1/2 a cup.


Active member
z0r said:
Seems like based on the comments on this thread that it may not be possible to just add water only for every strain.

I know that from seed i had 2 AK 48 phenos that were female. One seemed fine with just the mix alone + molasses while the other seemed to yellow prematurely... I would have to guess that depending on the strain some sort of supplemental feeding would be necesary.

If supplemental feeding is necesary it kinda makes the mix less of a magic bullet imo even though the plants i've bloomed using only the mix have turned out great (even the ak that was prematurely yellowing), even if they were lacking somewhat in yield.

I'm tempted to try a run with just plain OF in a side by side comparison with the moonshine mix. If i have to feed anyway, id rather not have to mix as well.

I just finished a run with the MM mix amended with coco, which resulted in faster growth than just the plain MM mix, but I had to feed at the end since cutting it with coco made the mix a bit light by the end.

I would have to agree. I found that with bubba, sfv, og, or other kushes I have add to add nothing and they stay green all the way thru. I would also like to say that IMO most of my strains finish faster than what other peeps say. This may have to do with my cab but I was thinking the mix also? I dunno.
Zor do you got any pics of your grows? would like to see diff msm grows.
I just wonder if MSMan is exper. with some shit....I am thinking og doing a coco w/ GH nutes next grow.....I dont know. I might also do a sfv og and orange kush grow for the summer then exper. Bar none the taste from the orig msm compared with my test grows adding shit taste way better no doubt.
Strech....whats up bro? yea I hear ya on adding it after a couple test runs from diff peeps. Im not saying Burn is worng cuz I think hes right (I asked him to chime in) but a test run is worth a shot just not to add to conf. MSMan is a top notch breeder so I would like to think hes done a lime run...but I dont know. I will cert. be putting it my next mix. :joint:

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