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moonshine mix



luckily only a few of my plants are acting this way, i'm pretty sure it's cause the containers are too small and the soil got worked too hard by these rough ladies.


Hey yall

trying a run of MSM my next go round. But over here the garden center doesnt have the planting mix, they do have Happy Frog though, can I sub that??? Or stick to the original MSM???




mysta177 said:
I would say a lil les than 1/2 a cup.

how much would u add to a 1gallon growbag when topping?

as per Moonshine Man, he suggested 1teaspoon per gallon..... Thanks MM!!!
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I think I did 1 teaspoon for a 3 gallon, that's what homie Jdog said, and his shit dont lie.


i fert'd the plants earlier today, time will tell....

next time i plan to do larger containers for shitsure, otherwise so far this is the nicest looking, best smelling cannabis i have ever grown.


Active member
gratefuldawg said:
I think I did 1 teaspoon for a 3 gallon, that's what homie Jdog said, and his shit dont lie.
your right about that. The only thing is JD uses other things when he added the fruit and flower thats why the low dose. I still say 1/2 cup for 4gal containers but thats my opinion. Try it and post your results we sure would like to know diff things that make this mix better like addind lime.....keer er green! mysta


Active member
I have been readin about Mollasses and it seems to have both calcium and magnesium at about the optimal ratio of 3:1... so if i can find out the right amount to add to RO water than i wouldnt need calmag additive at all...


Active member
It's actually 1 tablespoon that I use per 3 gallon pot.
But I also use alot of perlite which cuases me to lower my dose of F nF.
You see the more perlite the less actual soil room there is for the food and the roots.
So it feeds them more with a lower dose.
Also I add so many nutes that really I only use the FnF as a backup to make sure my plants make it to the end of stretch with enough food.
After that I feed it myself accordingly.
I guess my soil mix is actually not that much like the Moonshine mix.
Just inspired by it. Plus I've made alot of changes in the last year.
Now I have a killer mix that I can still feed with PBpro and Budswel, liquid Karma, sugar daddy, silicate and what not.
If you use alot of perlite watch your doses of FnF because it makes it way stronger.
Consider the roots and how much room they loose to grow with exrta perlite.
I started using less perlite recently.
Now I'm using more of a half and half Happy Frog/Light Warrior mix with a layer of perlite about an inch thick on top before I mix it up with the F N F.
Basicly more Happy Frog and less perlite so the roots have more room.
Thats why some of my shit hermed a month ago or so. Because I used the same dose of FnF in a mix with tons of perlite.
So now I use FnF as a buffer or a root stimulant more then anything.
Take Mystas advise as far as only using FnF.
He's the master.
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You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Thanks for the help Mysta, now I need to find this stuff in my neck of the woods.


New member
If starting from seed in the MSM without the POM F n F, how long should I wait before transplanting them into the "hot mix" with the F n F and the POM Starter?


Ah shit.. sorry about that. Teaspoon vs. Tablespoon. That could make a huge difference . Glad you quickly corrected me J. I bought some of that grotek silicate, I'm lookin to make the SFV branches a little stronger. What up mysta! what you smokin on lately?? I've been smoking a lot of bubba, and I need a Sativa plant to flower quickLIKE.. I'm not sure if I have the same bubba as you guys, but it kinda makes it real hard to talk to the ladies blazed on the bubba. It definately seems more indica, maybe it's an S1 my friend has.


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Hey Mysta, I went a got the Light warrior, and planting mix, I have to wait untill next week for the Ocean forest.

Will this be good enough for veging untill I get the ocean forest, and use it when I get to flowering?

Thanks again for the help.

PS I also got the Peace of mind.

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Token black guy, i'd love to know about molasis also. Have you found out how much to add to RO water? I remember one person telling me a teaspoon, and yes it was a teaspoon, not a tablespoon.lol

Pumpkin2006, I don't think this will yield as much as hydro, but I could be wrong. Organics usually don't yield as much, but IMO it's better.

BBWluva, it depends on your environment, but a good way to find out is right before they start to wilt, or even wilt a little is when you should probly water. I'd like to know if when you start watering your plants, say after their transplanted out of their keg cups, or little pots, if they get use to being watered a lot, cause moonshine man waited what..a week?? There's no way I could've gone that long, but I was also in the desert with no humidity. I'm just wondering if I got them use to bein watered a lot. Just a damn shame I had to cutem down a month early. Thanks landlord..fuckin skank!

Hydrofome..Jdog veges in straight light warrior, so ya..you cool. I'd probly wait on adding the POM in Veg, but thats just me. I had good results veggin in Ocean Forest 2 gallon pots, and then transferring to 4 gallon moonshine...a little bit modified mix that consist of happy frog/light warrior/pom/perlite. A lot of people can't get certain things on the moonshine mix list, so they have to tweak it a lil.

I'm lookin for the dude who knew how to set up the auto watering timer/drippers/etc.
I need a vacation.


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
gratefuldawg thanks for the help.

Just poped some strawberry diesel clones in the that mix.

BTW, is it equal parts being mixed when I do get the o.f.


Active member
9 plants in 2 gallon pots of MSM. I held off on adding POM Fruit and Flower and untill later when I top dress it in.

I added 3 dry measure cups of dolemite lime to the 3bag mix and the plants don't seem to mind, and I Bet will appreciate it going into their 30s and 40s...

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bbwluva...i don't know about everyone else, but i tend to water somewhere around every 3-5 days or so. depends on how much i saturate them and how hot the weather is. i grow sog perpetual style in 1 gal bags. to reduce the "pee" from the bottom of the bags and ensure a good saturation, i don't put all the water in at once, but instead spread it out over about an hour, letting the soil wick it up into dry areas. i read a post by msm that you shouldn't let too much pee come out (overwater) and don't let them dry out too much. this mix is very light in terms of weight, so i find it much easier to determine when it needs water by lifting or finger in soil method.

gratefuldawg...as to your question about the week after transplanting from a keg cup...i can go a few extra days without watering making it right around a week or so. this is due to a heavy saturation when you transplant. after that they get watered just like the others, maybe a day more between waterings until the roots/plant fill the pot better and drink more water. also, i have been trying to play with an autowatering system that i can rely on when i go on vacation. i bought a unit called a green genious which seems awesome. it's battery operated and can water up to 8 plants. you can set how often it waters and how much volume, too. i haven't yet determined the schedule yet, but i think that less volume every day would be better than more volume every few days...this is because the hoses don't have drippers and i don't want much runoff.

a question for all you msm users: do your plants look hungry at around 30 days or so? i have a mom of hogsbreath that i've been trying to make my main strain and noticed they get hungry around midflower. i tried amending the soil with another teaspoon or so of POM fruit and flower, but it doesn't seem to act quick enough. i was thinking i will try some liquid fish emulsion at 30 days and see if that works. i tried adding the teaspoon a week earlier to the group behind to see if it helps. also this could be due to the 1-gal bags i'm using (plants are around 12" tall) or it could be just the strain.

stretchpup...looks good man! i wish i had some of those gdps and urkles cuz those are by far some of the best smoke i have ever been privileged to taste. i just wish i knew someone with it.


Thats a nice clean setup stretchpup. Nice strains too. Chem'D...ummmm, I hope to have that some day. Highonpottery, I've also noticed that I need to feed, but like I said earlier, my mix is kinda tweaked at the moment, I'm goin with Jdogs mix more or less, I think we're using less POM to be able to feed it when it needs it. Give it 15ml per gallon of pureblend pro bloom, and see what that does. The shit works miracles, I promise. My AK's got a little nitrogen hungry pretty quick, but the PB pro and calmag cleared that right up. I've heard about the green genious, but I kinda like the idea of slow drippers for a more even ditribution. I'll check it out though, appreciate it.

Hydrofome, I'm not sure, you'll have to go back and check if no one else posts an answer. I gotta a lil 4 inch tall strawberry D that I just popped, and I shit you not, it allready has little crystals on it. Pretty excited to see what it turns into. If it's a male, I'm dusting some SFV branches. Strawberry lemon Kush.

Time to go smoke the fu#k out..after all.. its Fryday!!:)
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highonpottery fox farm recomends 1/2 cup of fruit & flower once a month, thats 8 tablespoons.i was thinking more around 5 or 6 tablespoons of fruit & flower at 30 days into 12/12.even if you mean tablespoons not teaspoons 1 just isn't going to be enough.i've also noticed alot of guys are using like 3 gallon pots ,you have to use at least a 5 gallon pot with this mix.bigger the flower pot more food for the plants.