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Monsanto does not own General Hydroponics or Botanicare

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Active member
Thank you for your most kind and thoughtful response.
don't thank me yet! don't you know I'm a piece of f'n S?

You are an articulate individual, and you have covered a lot of territory. you mean I am long winded and sound very smart. Yes. Yes I do.

Are you saying that you find the corruption so prevalent, with deeply seated roots, that resistance is futile ?

Resistance??? Huh? Resist WHAT?? You're talking to me ON A COMPUTER> A MAGIC BOX. Smoking ALL the weed you want. YOU'RE A WINNER GUY FUCK KENNEDY AND HIS STUPID FUCKING BRAINS if it took the brains of jfk to get where we are today, either aliens, weirder than aliens, spaceships, or fucking druggies and hillbillies mistaking ball lightning for faries, well who cares trump is prez nigga!

A little further down you state twice that you feel like the integrity behind the testing is unimpeachable.
I sure do wish that I could agree with you on that even once.

IF you don't then do you're own test! BUT don't do what all those other guys did by wasting theirs and everyone elses time and fucking up their test by NOT being UNbiased, by NOT performing an ACTUAL test that will ACTUALLY show REAL results.. not just results you want...

those are very... very different things.

At the outset of your post you speak of frequent criminality and then go on to say it would be difficult to hold those responsible to account because
it happens all the time.

And you know... they ARE the illuminaty bilderberg billburr group cfr afciopot mdma trilateral commission majistic 12 council of 9 retards.

Yeah... YOU're gonna stop THOSE guys? ORLY????

You get back to me on that revolution...

Hey fbi... I know this guy online,, yeahhhh he's uh... He's trying to fuck up the system of weed and videogames and netflix. I don't think he's down with The Avengers or maybe having a nervous breakdown that it's all ending... it really.. really is ending... can you check on this guy, please???? I think he's not down with the whole interdenominational satanic overlords ruling our lives.

I'm fine with it. Fuck the devil and I got weed I'm happy

That sounded like a description of regulatory capture to me.
It would seem we have a similar interest which I will respond to separately.

World domination?? Na my friend. I live on a space ship now.
I steal space ships!:peacock:

ugh and fuck my browser. ugh. ighguh ugh guhy yay fixed
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Active member
How "premium" orange juice is really made...


The weed extract industry does the same thing, adding terpenes back in at the end to those flavorful co2 cartridges.
While SOME of the things uncovered in that news piece are likely true (such as extracting out essential oils/flavors and adding those flavors to water to make a orange drink)... Those oils again, come from clone plants...

And some of the other claims are LUDICROUS.. That crazy chick is COMPLETELY lying and bonkers @6:25 "I was told we'd have to shoot you if......." YEAH OK K SURE YOU're done lady!!!!

I mean come on.

Use some critical thought here.

Lets try this..


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9uAMcpxmXs&ytbChannel=How it's Made - Official

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyW7JVjYoYU&ytbChannel=Gil Grant

Couple more..


This is MUCH more reasonable to the palate!


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Well-known member



Just stfu already.

You've Literally grown ZERO plants... Using ZERO methodologies. ZERO.. None. NONE.


Christ almighty.:laughing::comfort:

You have more posts than me, and you've never grown a plant. You don't know how plant bio works. You think fertilizer will magically make your weed not taste like it will taste.

dot dot dot

Like... I'm DEFINITELY not alone in knowing FOR A FACT youve never grown A plant. You probably ARE a plant. omg.

Did I hit a nerve? GH sucks for growing weed. Period.. shut up already.


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You mean like yourself?? Is this going to devolve into an "organic vs conventional" debate again??

ANSWER US.... WHAT THE FUCK IS "nitrogen" ANYWAY and how and in what form(s) do plants uptake it??

Is SULFUR, ahem, "organic", and "earth friendly"??????

Microbe and fungal life is a very broad thing... And plants DON'T eat microbes and fungi, THEY EAT FERTILIZER AND CO2.

Those microbes and fungi do... well, pretty much NADA.. ZILCH.. you need them for growing like you need a hole in your head. Very verrrrry little. K?
If youre gonna actually use microbes, use ones specifically found to work for cannabis to increase yield, such as mammoth. Most microbes actually cause cannabis to uptake more detrimental heavy metals though fyi... Most people don't know that, ie. glomus species and so on. WHY do we need that when cannabis is already a heavy accumulator of metals and will uptake luxury elements?.... You don't! That's the answer! yay!

If you think you need microbes or fungus or anything to grow amazing plants tell that to every rockwool grower who grows better than you, with less heavy metals content, less dangerous microbes and fungi, and less potential for them, and less pests overall, less pesticides, etc., etc... no need for SHIT, putting dangerous SHIT on your plants, that has to be treated with chlorine and other CHEMICALS.. lol... to break down so it is usable in the first place..

UGHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh f f ff f f f f f fff f f

f'n S

dot dot dot

"Organic" is a multi-billion dollar marketing term. ALL soil is LIVING and ALIVE, that's kinda what makes it "soil" versus "dirt" but then again this is semantic... Many soils are alive and great for the plants that grow on them, and will kill the ones we cultivate...

"true living soil" you f'n freak hippy morons... making up words and phrases and thinking you invented or discovered some new, or old thing, shows how little basic education you've had. Particularly any soil science. Christ almighty.

Good post and SPOT ON!!!


Well-known member
You mean like yourself?? Is this going to devolve into an "organic vs conventional" debate again??

ANSWER US.... WHAT THE FUCK IS "nitrogen" ANYWAY and how and in what form(s) do plants uptake it??

Is SULFUR, ahem, "organic", and "earth friendly"??????

Microbe and fungal life is a very broad thing... And plants DON'T eat microbes and fungi, THEY EAT FERTILIZER AND CO2.

Those microbes and fungi do... well, pretty much NADA.. ZILCH.. you need them for growing like you need a hole in your head. Very verrrrry little. K?
If youre gonna actually use microbes, use ones specifically found to work for cannabis to increase yield, such as mammoth. Most microbes actually cause cannabis to uptake more detrimental heavy metals though fyi... Most people don't know that, ie. glomus species and so on. WHY do we need that when cannabis is already a heavy accumulator of metals and will uptake luxury elements?.... You don't! That's the answer! yay!

If you think you need microbes or fungus or anything to grow amazing plants tell that to every rockwool grower who grows better than you, with less heavy metals content, less dangerous microbes and fungi, and less potential for them, and less pests overall, less pesticides, etc., etc... no need for SHIT, putting dangerous SHIT on your plants, that has to be treated with chlorine and other CHEMICALS.. lol... to break down so it is usable in the first place..

UGHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh f f ff f f f f f fff f f

f'n S

dot dot dot

"Organic" is a multi-billion dollar marketing term. ALL soil is LIVING and ALIVE, that's kinda what makes it "soil" versus "dirt" but then again this is semantic... Many soils are alive and great for the plants that grow on them, and will kill the ones we cultivate...

"true living soil" you f'n freak hippy morons... making up words and phrases and thinking you invented or discovered some new, or old thing, shows how little basic education you've had. Particularly any soil science. Christ almighty.

This post is dumb. Really fucking ignorant. I would love to share a more acurate version of my feelings but would likely get myself banned.

Either you have no idea what you are talking about. Or you are intentionally trying to make others dumb because it hurts your feelings.

Listen. I am i support of sustainable farming. Is it perfect. No.

Do most synthetic techniques cause damage. Yes. Either through mining or just runofff. None of this can be disputed.

It is not all black and white. Quit sounding ignorant. Yes. The word organic is broken. A marketing ploy now instead of a concept...

Ruined by people like you.

For the record..... i can grow great weed using worm shit from my food scraps. Bio char. Bokashi. Teas from herbs and sprouts . Several very sustainable way to not support monsanto or any of their inbred cousins.

Go away an grow some totally average herb with your GH. Lol. Crap.


You mean like yourself?? Is this going to devolve into an "organic vs conventional" debate again??

ANSWER US.... WHAT THE FUCK IS "nitrogen" ANYWAY and how and in what form(s) do plants uptake it??

Is SULFUR, ahem, "organic", and "earth friendly"??????

Microbe and fungal life is a very broad thing... And plants DON'T eat microbes and fungi, THEY EAT FERTILIZER AND CO2.

Those microbes and fungi do... well, pretty much NADA.. ZILCH.. you need them for growing like you need a hole in your head. Very verrrrry little. K?
If youre gonna actually use microbes, use ones specifically found to work for cannabis to increase yield, such as mammoth. Most microbes actually cause cannabis to uptake more detrimental heavy metals though fyi... Most people don't know that, ie. glomus species and so on. WHY do we need that when cannabis is already a heavy accumulator of metals and will uptake luxury elements?.... You don't! That's the answer! yay!

If you think you need microbes or fungus or anything to grow amazing plants tell that to every rockwool grower who grows better than you, with less heavy metals content, less dangerous microbes and fungi, and less potential for them, and less pests overall, less pesticides, etc., etc... no need for SHIT, putting dangerous SHIT on your plants, that has to be treated with chlorine and other CHEMICALS.. lol... to break down so it is usable in the first place..

UGHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh f f ff f f f f f fff f f

f'n S

dot dot dot

"Organic" is a multi-billion dollar marketing term. ALL soil is LIVING and ALIVE, that's kinda what makes it "soil" versus "dirt" but then again this is semantic... Many soils are alive and great for the plants that grow on them, and will kill the ones we cultivate...

"true living soil" you f'n freak hippy morons... making up words and phrases and thinking you invented or discovered some new, or old thing, shows how little basic education you've had. Particularly any soil science. Christ almighty.
I d rather be a freak hippy moron than being on your side. I highlighted some of your bold statement...
I d rather be a freak hippy moron than being on your side. I highlighted some of your bold statement...
Yea weed is a hyperaccumulator and will uptake metals it they're the right valence and don't have any competition. For instance arsenate will easily be uptook by plants without any phosphorus. You add phosphorus the uptake ends, regardless of bacteria or mychorrhyzal


I do not get it, the GH terroir that is!

My first post in this thread sums it up it.

Facts are facts I agree, terroir does not come out of a bottle.

I believe terroir is going to become a pretty big word in the craft cannabis industry, just like it is in wine, or scented flowers like lavender. You can not grow lavender like they do in Provence.

Anyone can buy a bottle and copy each other, terroir is impossible to copy, it can be enhanced and manipulated.


Active member
My first post in this thread sums it up it.

Facts are facts I agree, terroir does not come out of a bottle.

I believe terroir is going to become a pretty big word in the craft cannabis industry, just like it is in wine, or scented flowers like lavender. You can not grow lavender like they do in Provence.

Anyone can buy a bottle and copy each other, terroir is impossible to copy, it can be enhanced and manipulated.

Terroir is a myth made to sell wine. It's just another way for farmers to make their product from their specific location seem special.

"If you want to understand the overwhelming importance of variety on a wine’s character, then simply compare a Merlot produced from a Napa Valley vineyard and a Merlot produced from a vineyard in Bordeaux. Those two wines will taste far more alike than will a Pinot Noir and a Merlot grown side-by-side in the same vineyard in either location. They will taste far less similar, if there is any similarity at all."



Terroir is a myth made to sell wine. It's just another way for farmers to make their product from their specific location seem special.

"If you want to understand the overwhelming importance of variety on a wine’s character, then simply compare a Merlot produced from a Napa Valley vineyard and a Merlot produced from a vineyard in Bordeaux. Those two wines will taste far more alike than will a Pinot Noir and a Merlot grown side-by-side in the same vineyard in either location. They will taste far less similar, if there is any similarity at all."


ok, believe what you may. I so believe in terroir. There are things we do not control, population of indigenous microbes and bacteria, all play different roles in the uptaking and the breaking down of nutrients. Just some hippie freak moron shit. I also believe I am done contributing to this thread!
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