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Midnight Madness, Love Cheese, Atlantic Diesel, Super Lemon Haze


, The Ghost of
True-Color Photos

True-Color Photos

For the most part.

I managed to get in before the light came on and got some pics under a 100 w equiv. cfl and a 100 w incandescent.

Had the plants too close so there was some oversaturation.

These are my favorite - more in the album. Enjoy!




Well-known member
For the most part.

I managed to get in before the light came on and got some pics under a 100 w equiv. cfl and a 100 w incandescent.

Great shots WG, those SLH sure dont like nitrogen, one thing for sure is the frost they get on them really great smoke not much for yield but top shelf i got a bunch goin again that i revegged from last summer ,and all your other ladies look great too, nice work...:dance013:Bud


, The Ghost of
I had a long 'talk' with JBG29 and he suggested a ph issue. So Im using the only thing Ive got to lower my water ph- Superthrive. Ive checked it multiple times and it definitely lowers it.

The lighter feeding seems to be helping too. Some of those wretched claws are trying to straighten out.

Thanks! Ive really been working hard at getting some quality pics up. I know I can do better if I use a tripod - but Im too lazy to drag it out.

In other news: Ive made my 1st ever pollen collection! MM#1

Let me tell you, handling this shit has got to be every bit as nerve-wracking as handling enriched uranium or deadly virus cultures.

I misted the entire work area so that stray pollen coming into contact with anything would 'stick down'. After collection, everything got soaked - even Bert. Since Bert does not seem to be Berthas other half, Ill call him Oscar instead.


, The Ghost of
5 weeks today - that puts me somewhere in the low range of half way there.

Been lowering my water ph and its helping - Thanks JBG!

AD is still rolling along and starting to get a lil milky. Hoping she plumps up in the home stretch.

MM#1 - Oscar - dead. Im probably going to move the AD into his space to finish up next week. I need the extra space in the pantry for the LC.

MM#2 - Full nutes and loving it! Frosting up beautifully!


MM#3 - Feeding her 3/4ish nutes. Theres a lot of bud building but she almost completely without trichs. Her structure is like the Bertha pheno - except that the buds are shaped like elongated pineapples and the lack of frost.


SLH - Just 1 pic so I dont have to make a 2nd post. 1/2 strength nutes and lowered ph is helping her to shine. Hard to tell from pics but the claws have straightened out as much as they could. Budding has exploded and so has the trichage!

Sorry about the subpar pics.


Active member
ICMag Donor

Looking good pal!

I hope that pineapple bud structure plant turns into a real winner, that was a hilarious description.

The SLH looks excellent! Fabulous job reviving the poor thing. Now let the games begin. Did this hiccup effect yield?



, The Ghost of

Looking good pal!

I hope that pineapple bud structure plant turns into a real winner, that was a hilarious description.

Me too. Its still early... Plenty of time to show some magic. Shes gonna be beefy when the calyxes swell.

The SLH looks excellent! Fabulous job reviving the poor thing. Now let the games begin. Did this hiccup effect yield?


Thanks bro. Yield? Couldnt tell you being my 1st go at her... I can answer that after a 2nd run.

Ill make a guess... yes... yield has probably been pretty badly lowered.

Shit... wish I could smoke some... all out until the AD is done. :tumbleweed:


, The Ghost of
No bump and grind with the ladies tonight.

Although my pots are dry enough to be able to turn my circulation fan off for the night, the rh is 55% due to the January thaw we're experiencing.

I dont want to not run the fan with the rh that high... so intead, Im watering... Ill get sexy in a couple days.


, The Ghost of
[B]Input Needed![B]

Input Needed!

The thaw is over... temps are dropping and so is the rh... back under 50%.

Id dust tonight but my pots are too wet to turn the fan and exhaust off... Id expect the rh to spike if I tried.

Id like to do the deed tomorrow if the humidity gets down around 40% again... I dont want to wait much longer and risk harvesting a bunch of immature seed.

So heres my plan. This is where Id like to get some feedback. That goes for all you lurkers in the shadows too. Hey, if you want to remain anonomous in the thread, pm me... please.

1) Shut down all fans/exhaust.
2) Affix dust mask - dont want to blow that shit around.
3) Gently dab pollen via q-tip on desired buds. Im opting for a q-tip because I watched a couple of vids showing the pollen flying all over the place when applied with a brush. I need some smoke! The seeds are just for me to play with.
4) Get the hell outta there, clean up, shower.

The very basics all seem common sense enough, but I have a few questions.

1) How long prior to use should I remove the pollen from the fridge?
2) Does it make a difference whether or not I dust at the start/end of light on? Im thinking of doing it at the end so that I can exhaust the heat from the light... it would get to around 90* without the exhaust.
3) How long will I need to stifle the air flow as to not spread any still-viable pollen around the whole pantry?

Im sure some answers will raise more questions.

Again folks, advise, comments, input... all greatly appreciated.

Edit: Oh shit... looks like Im good... Ive got a couple of big B's hovering in the title. Haahahahaa!

But, no, seriously... get back to me.


Shut down the fans...

Fuck the qtip, use your fingers (thumb and pointer finger). qtip spills pollen too, while the oils on your fingers 'grip' the pollen better.

Mark seeded branch. Roll bud to be seeded between your fingers. Reapply and repeat.

Pollen should be ready to use a few minutes out of the fridge.

I do it right at lights out cause of the heat issues you noted... Easier to shut off fans for a night. And just flip them back on in the morning. That's why the finger roll works great, once the pollen is stuck, it's not going anywhere.

Throw a / before the second B in your title, and it'll clear that up too ;)


, The Ghost of
Thanks Lou - forgot about fingering the ladies.

I used to know all that html shit... its passed with the years.

EDIT: 8:30 am Jan. 16th - Let loose the spunk!


, The Ghost of
MM#2 and MM#3

MM#2 and MM#3

I got a ton of good pics tonight so Im splitting this update in 2... And Im still only using 1/2 the pics.

Plenty more in the album. Theyre very similar... just slightly different angles and focus lengths.

MM#2 - Very happy Ive got clones of her waiting to run again. I wouldnt be surprised if her 30" frame yielded 3 in her 2 g pot. Very stinky - sharp and chemically with a back of the throat dryness.



MM#3 - Shes certainly going to have the weight and is finally starting to get some frost, but she has got next to nothing for odor. Her structure is made up of foxtails shooting off everywhere.



, The Ghost of
LC and SLH

LC and SLH

Damn server reboots! Got this all typed out but not in time. Short n sweet style.

AD - Youll see her when shes done. So far, Im glad I kept her.

LC - Syrupy sweet stank. Probably will be the lowest yielder still in the pantry.


SLH - Again... Right now I think her yield wont be stellar either, but 'My god!' the frost. Not really lemony per se, but a citrus rind, cleaner smell.

Its getting hard to move the LC around so pics may run a bit scarce, but Ill do what I can.

In the end every lady will get her own centerfold spread. :biggrin:


, The Ghost of
nice colas on the MM#2. I looks like they are putting on some weight.

You know it! These 2 MMs are probably going to be my best yielders yet... especially when you take pot size into account.

I figure a plant that puts out an oz/foot and/or an oz/gallon is a plant for me!

Thanks for dropping by CB.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Lovely specimens you have there! Your hard work and attention is paying off, the SLH is looking delicious :canabis:


, The Ghost of
Many thanks gromigos. Honestly, I think Im working harder at taking pics than tending the garden right now. Its going water - feed - water - dry - feed - water... Im becoming automated!

Found spider mites on a couple leaves of the AD. Shes mostly defoliated now but shes almost done too. Ive had her somewhere else to make room for the LC, so my hope is that cross contamination is minimal.

However, I found some on a single leaflet of the SLH. Plucked her some too... mostly from that area, some bad claws and others that werent getting any light. So the work is going to pick up for me. Spent a couple hours last night inspecting all the leaves... Ill keep this up to the finish. Shitty problem to have 6+ weeks into flower... but it is what it is.


Active member
ICMag Donor



Damn man I'm so sorry to hear. Where did they come from??? I thought this was a seed run...


Lovely specimens you have there! Your hard work and attention is paying off, the SLH is looking delicious :canabis:

Fuck yes LyryC, delicious indeed! The frost coverage is amazing :woohoo:

WG I'm really glad for you that the SLH is at least citrus smelling if not lemony. She might not be a huge yielder because the sativa genes will decrease the yield over an indica variety but I would not be surprised if she were the most potent of all your girls though. Can't wait for a smoke report.

Happy growing!


, The Ghost of
There is another grow so close to me that I can literally smell it, no shit.

Theres been mite warfare there for many months.

Ive been there, that persons been here... it was bound to happen no matter how cautious. And no, total separation is not possible.

I probably should have switched out my No Pest strip a couple weeks ago but $ is tight.

Just all the more reason to be proactive about pest control... another lesson learned.

All in all, with a boatload of diligence, spider mites arent as bad as a lot of other creepies.

Hey, Penguin. You aint been round these parts in a spell, good to see you again.

That SLH is piling on the flowers at a noticable rate now, even the small buds are getting impressive. Shackling her to the wall is probably the biggest contributer to that.

But, this is a centerfold udpate!

AD - I took her early, but not terribly so. Trichs - 30% clear, 65% milky, 5% amber. Probably could have gone another week but Ive been out for awhile and I cant justify paying for it when its right in front of me.

She was surprisingly heavy when I severed her.





Not too bad for a booger runt. 2 hits of scissor hash made me mellow and warm behind the eyes.

Everything else is coming down in the next 3-4 weeks... Opening up the pantry to blow up some tester beans!