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mfts, 4 x 4' x 16'


the med man

im still in there 2x a day bending and training the branches. i found some 11 fingered leaves, so cool to see on afghanicas inside. il take some pics in the dark of em next dark period.

hard nugs and resin are already totally being produced. i raise the lights too everyday a couple inches. i notice afghani kushes strecth for up 2 5 weeks before beefing out. maybe thats why everyone thinks they are sativas, or indicas for that matter, mm
hello med man

Love the setup.

Was wondering, do you think you could produce the same results with the same setup only flooding the tables?

the med man

hey jack, thank you.

i will be very honest....i have grown virtually every method avaialble. and even compared to aeroponics when you break things down nothing has come close to yield vs quality with the mfts.

flood n drain may be suprior becuase its like hydroponic dirt growing, very easy to dial, very hard to muck anything up. i say this becuase its easy to run 100% organic nutes in f/d set ups. this run im at 2/3rds, and hoping to make it to 85 or 90% in the future. ive always grown for myself, or other for themselves. this is the best connoseuir/high yield system ive ever ran for horizontal lighting, peace, mm


Active member
this is the best connoseuir/high yield system ive ever ran for horizontal lighting, peace, mm

No kidding. This system is elite hydro for sure. This is not the easiest system to dial in but once you dial the sterile rez, stirring, oxygen, table tilt, and incremental flow increase the girls just explode. I am running both RVL strains I've got simultaneously in coco and the MF Tabels are kicking ass on my coco table. And the coco table was vegged under 1000w the MF table only 400w. I am running Ionic and it makes this system very easy to run. pH stable as hell...for instance my pH meter just freaked out this week so I thought my pH was drifting up up up but even with adding a bunch of ph down and adjusting to 5.6 the ph is right back at 7.5 the next morning wtf...ya it turned out to be that I was droppinng the ph to 4.0 or less and by morning it was back at 5.8 and I though the girls were pissed about switching to bloom nutes oops.
Thanks for showing off this system med man, very simple to build and the fastest growth I've ever seen when run correctly..HM


its very thick in there now,screen is up and i can see a difference in topping early like i did to toppinglater like your method,co2 is up at 1500 and so is the res,looking good hopingfora great ending!


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the med man

i would try to maintain a steady 1400 ppm now, allowing for bi weekly spikes to 1500-1600 for a couple hours at a time before u top off with fresh water, mm


what do u think on how it looks so far?since ive added the dehumey and ac drains back tothe res water levels are staying full but i can now see the girls are eating and the ppm starts at 1500 and in a day shes down to 1250,ive been topping res small enough to bring up theppms to 1450or so and was going to try small amounts of gmb or do u have another way?
@the med man- Could you give some thought to and advise on scaling this down? I specifically interested in any per plant flow rate and root spacial requirements. I would like to run this on a say 9 square foot scale for test gardening.

ya, you gotta make the drain big enough. up to 3 or 4 plants can and will make it into the res under optimal conditions.

funny thing is a had a student this summer who instead of making the hole bigger just tore all the roots off. said it wasnt a big deal. then got 1 pound light, which is awesome for the strain he grew, but the product really suffered in the end. note to self, always consult the product creator, not grow shop owners, lol, mm

Man I can relate to that. I run Modified Heath.R style RDWC with vertical bare bulbs and UV shades for my eyes. My landlord is a patient and wanted me to send him with a list so he could duplicate the same system in a room identical to mine. I give him a list down to the part #'s.

Dude comes back " FROM THE HYDRO STORE " with big as horizontal vented hoods, 7 times more CFM of fans. 5 times the water pump, double the res. Long story short the dudes room ended up being about 50 Fahrenheit and his water was actually higher as the pump made a lot more heat. Grow slow frosty ice water weed grow slow.


the med man

looks awesome dude,

maybe to control ppm in the res u could drain the dehu into another container first, like a 5 gal utility pail to be practical, and as they transpire and the res increases in ppm, add enough r o back to control the spiking.

the last thing you want is too lose control of ph and ppm in the res. its far superior to start at 1250 and let it spike then to do the opposite imvho.

i think it look awesome, and already know how itl look. u should have a very uniform and girthy canopy soon. i think u could have vegged for less time the way it looks already,

the trick is to never have to add anymore nutes, but just ph adjuster and water till res change, mm

what do u think on how it looks so far?since ive added the dehumey and ac drains back tothe res water levels are staying full but i can now see the girls are eating and the ppm starts at 1500 and in a day shes down to 1250,ive been topping res small enough to bring up theppms to 1450or so and was going to try small amounts of gmb or do u have another way?

the med man

if i was you, i would try to build a 4x4 table, and put 9 plants in her.

if that isnt possible, build a 3x3 tables and put 1 plant per foot squared. it will knock veg time down to 5-7 days if you follow the med-man method with your cuttings, and they dont suffer any mft shock in the first 3 days.

if its 1 p per sq ft, then instead of growing 4 branches per plant wchich still will work awesome, id recommend not topp, growing 1 big main donkey dick with maybe 3-4 more side helpers/ the key with the med-man method is to have your bag filled with all fist sizwed colas when dried and cured. its a sign u utilized your space, power and plants with the utmost of efficiency, peace dude, mm

@the med man- Could you give some thought to and advise on scaling this down? I specifically interested in any per plant flow rate and root spacial requirements. I would like to run this on a say 9 square foot scale for test gardening.


the med man

lol, i dont judge because knowledge is never a gift, a high price always has to be paid weather it be monetary, labor, friendships or even our lives in some cases.
stupidity is just level 1 on a path of knowledge, and for every bit of knowledge gained is an equal amount of stupidity relinquished, mm
Man I can relate to that. I run Modified Heath.R style RDWC with vertical bare bulbs and UV shades for my eyes. My landlord is a patient and wanted me to send him with a list so he could duplicate the same system in a room identical to mine. I give him a list down to the part #'s.

Dude comes back " FROM THE HYDRO STORE " with big as horizontal vented hoods, 7 times more CFM of fans. 5 times the water pump, double the res. Long story short the dudes room ended up being about 50 Fahrenheit and his water was actually higher as the pump made a lot more heat. Grow slow frosty ice water weed grow slow.



yeah i think i did over veg a bit but i was having trouble getting the roots to comeout of the cubes,and ilearned something from that so illbe betterprepared for the next one that will beplanted in a few days,yeah!!!! as far as theppmspikeim finding itonly goes down now compared to when ac and dehuey drainedtootherareas and ph goes from5.2 to 6 in 2 days usually and i justknock her down again,thanxs for the kind words enjoy your daytomorrow bud,peace.

the med man

day 28 bloom - bc bubba - day 38

day 28 bloom - bc bubba - day 38

the plants have been growing so much thatsome buds and leafs are suffering from a bit of burn. ive been trying t raise the adjustawings about 2 inches a day still, thats with bending and training bi-daily.

the size of the buds and the amount of resin on the fan leafs is insane. they make my mouth drool. the frshest sweetest lemon lime wood polish x skunk x kush x charas. wow. cant wait to start breeding her. i really lucked out with both these cuts. as no more were to be given out after me due to circumstances, mm

ps. i emptied the res till 50 l were left, then topped off to 400 ppm with fresh water. tomoro i will rinse and completely drain the res and top off 100 gal per. all the organic nutes im using now is starting a bit of sludge, which is unavoidable in the path to the kindest quality......


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the med man

as my condition usually does me, i misplaced my camera since thursday.... which means not only couldnt i take pics of the 11 blade mmk, but forgot too as well. next wave or tomoro il take and post them.

the medical master kush is unreal. stretched 2x the bc bubba, and really reminds me of the og kush i used to grow in 2003. the deepest dankest lemon fuel x skunk x kush x sour charas. after bending last night, as it gets easier as the buds form becuase they catch the screen better, i seriously could not stop smelling my fingers. i wanted to eat them lol. and no matter how much i smoked it got worse not better lol if anyone has ran afghani kushes in mfts before, you will know why. especially with my organic recipe. mmmmmmmmm. or, anyone thats been lucky enough to partake in the nuggage after i harvest......

cant wait to breed her to the white fire og male i have, im really blessed to live in this place at this time. ive seen like 10 pk, 15 mk and 10 og and 15 bubba cuts in the last 5 years, all dynamite whatever they really are, mm

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