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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
So, made the rounds today...(as many knew I was planning to for several days)......spent a good 16hrs or close out and about, checking several different ops...how this are looking......and sit down end of day, spend couple minutes to share some insight, for the sake of such only....and this is what I have to face?........(the children above, not you guys.)....

Have I ever asked anything in return?.......I share for the sake of sharing.......to provide something of interest...something of use..,...if not interested, then by all means, feel free to spend time elsewhere.........if nothing of use?, or of interest, then your a better man than I, and others, as has been.......

I see lectures of a man, when such on this site and others are truly rare.......

People who spend their free time creating fake names, multiples, to waste their time, my time, and others who read.....(NC motives obviously clear, as all statements the complete opposite of my opinions, positions, and guidance I offer......)


Why don't I get to the above real quick :smoke:....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
indicapimp said:
Why such hate? Why are you here on this site? What makes you think everyone is a kid on here? This isn't a MySpace page.....

I do not get it, why if someone grows Herb and shares with others are they a: 1) Disgrace
2.) Bad Influence, etc.

Besides the Military, I do not know many who chose to do something and or have a belief in something (maybe be temporary or ongoing/phase) to better their own life which may result in the loss of their own freedom.

Look at Joe Kennedy, he was a Bootlegger during prohibition...A well respected powerful man, probably went to church every weekend, met with Private, Public and Criminal individuals (Powerful People) and was looked upon as Successful, Respected an a outstanding citizen!

Now take the War on Pot, prohibition is in place now....
You become some idiot flunky who should be shot, your family taken away and destroyed and if some had it their way never walk among the public again.

I just do not get it....

:bandit: :bandit: :bandit:
Well, NC textbook troll.......not his main handle.......of course, everything stated not my position, purpose, what I do, what I condone.......so, motive appearent.....

He was just, as he stated, "playing with the computer".......you'll notice the progression, and pattern of him and many others.....ie: Nothing positive to say, ait of superiority, presents different persona, then, when called on such to provide information, comes up with reason not to, then, when that is addressed, becomes upset and starts posting nonsensical shit.....typical pattern, utilized by many actually......

I have no ill will.....been around different sites going on 6 yrs......takes a little more than that to "rattle my cage" :smoke:....As it should all.......someone you don't know, never will, don't want to........it's meaningless, pointless......and, to take it further....someone who doesn't even read a single page making comments?....well, it's laughable....and, frankly, I apply this to anyone and everyone on site who does the same, and, there are a lot of those...

Thanks for the comment though.......don't give it a second though.....obviously someone very troubled......by what?, well, we could dissect that if we dwelled on it long enough.......:smoke: piece by piece.....no stranger to psychology :smoke:.....

I'd say don't give it a second though (well, until they come back under 3rd name :smoke:.....which they will :smoke:.........)

Open bar man.......:biglaugh: We get a lot of people strolling through.......


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
tripps said:
Who's this ( :muahaha: ) ? O?
:biglaugh:.......Thanks for stopping in....I'm humbled.........and at a time when it is sometimes called "The Good The Bad, and The Ugly" :biglaugh:.........


The BS I just take as breaks and amusement.......you know.......the random drunk wandering past and blurting out something completely irrelevant........and all resume conversation as they skulk away :biglaugh:.....one by one.....as the real ones close the bar :smoke:....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Lougrew! said:
HOW TRUE hahahahahha...............
Is that so?.....

You know Lou........we have gone through this........

Since you want to continue?........well, I'm game.......

See, because we now know that when your puffing out that chest, it's really to slip on a bra....
THis thread has got to stop sometime buddy,or are you
gonna go for post 100,000,000,000 just keep quoting,posting
WOW buddy.............ouch?
:rant: fest........
See, I ha contemplated starting another, but, now?.......


Slip on your dress, and sit your ass back, cause it's staying as is......

See Lou (like many others) resents any attention not paid to him....

Lou resents anything of substance....because he offers none......

His posts consist of how great he is, how big his balls are....his posts will come into random threads carrying the same set of 5yr old pics with him....even when not welcome.....

Hmmm..........I think I saw a Lou picture thread of 200k + hits just now?......no content, just same old pics, over and over and over, and the same "Lou, your god".....

Lou is a moderate backyard mini grower......nothing else......nothing else to say.....same pics year in, year out.....he thinks that makes him special, when at least a dozen throughout this thread will do more mini's this year, urban and rural...

This is the same man (I use term lightly) that continued to post throughout thread for months, never reading, asking about pics, as dozens upon dozens were right there..(called links......)

Now, he may or may not slink his tired old ass, and tired old pics in here (I liked them first time I saw them, like, 5-6yrs ago), and, make whatever comments, probably the same, as wit and intelligence is something he certainly lacks.......but, the truth is, as with others just like him....

I don't care.....

I have changed names month after month, year after year, this being one of the longest........I seek nothing in return.....I don't seek approval, nor care....my only interest to maybe share something of use......and the true reward being if something was of use.......

He's a movie of the week......an afterschool special....he seeks and offers nothing but agreement with his own delusions of grandeur......and, like many others......has a life so empty, that his persona here has actually become to him "who he is".......
Spring has come even in your neck of the woods!!!!!
PERIOD. :cuss: it wont kill you to let it go,start a new thread!!!
What, where, and how I do anything is up to me to offer.......

Since you have not read thread, and have no interest, I fail to see how any of it is of any consequence to you......

Now...Lou won't be back for a while, because that is what he does........he scurries around, throwing what he believes to be his witty little tidbits where not relevant, not welcome, and, scurries back at later dates.....

Remember Lou.....

An afternoon special....

Now....if I have missed a thread or a post in which you have actually carried on any intelligent conversation, of any substance whatsoever, of value to anyone..(you know, besides "I'm great, look at me, big balls, check em out"....I do apologize, and, post the link.....but, I saw your thread, saw the first couple posts..(which kept declaring your greatness over and over), and, well, that was enough for me :smoke:.....

Go do your yardwork......

As and before.........if not done...and you want to throw on a new dress, well, you let me know, and I'll be glad to really give ya a slap...This was by no means the best I can do......:smoke:
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
A very quick note on the lives of small "men"...

We have ongoing discussions of varying topics, and I think substance, which I have said many times, I myself draw quite a bit out of, and, others have also.....

Yet, what does one see above?

Ask yourself why? :smoke:.....

Herein lies the answer to the lives of small "men".......who they are...what they do....what makes them feel inadequate...what are their own inadequacies :smoke:

Because that is what the above is about.......Not about me........it's about how I endanger their opinions of themselves...:smoke:

Some say I should feel quite flattered that my mere presence creates such strong feelings of inadequacy.....

Alas.........I am not here to cater to the inflated egos of those who should not possess them in the first place....:smoke:

Sorry guys :smoke:...

As I have said many times...get over it, deal with it...not my problem....it's your problem...


natural medicator
and the train keeps rolling........

Sounds odd, but I feel fortunate to have had a poor start this year.......the situation encourages me to try again later in the summer.......still a few hundred of my NNxskud beans left, and I only really need about 100 for later selection and closet breeding so im thinking late season............minis....:rasta:

failure motivates me.....

Anyway, area affected by a bit of unseasonably cold nights (if unseasonably can even be applied to any weather situation whatsoever in my climate).

Many people will be loosing overly small ones in my estimation, and I am not expecting high survival rates myself.....even lower estimates than before due to small size they went out.......though i'm not aware of how well survivors grabbed with the nice rain I had after planting. If they did grab and survive....I'll be taking cuts as survivors are most likely very hardy. Nature is doing my selection for me :rasta:

you ohio valley growers :wink: with that nice warm weather must be smiling right now


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Jungle Jim said:
I guess since this thread has about 35,000 more than the next closest thread in the number of views, says alot about it popularity.
Honestly......not something I pay attention to, or that matters to me.....here for the discussion......for interest...(my own also)......

You would be surprised though if you knew how many resent the "hits"........every time they cross another level, they jump up and down swearing, wanting it for themselves.........This is not an exaggeration....this is true.......

Thank you for saying so.....I think we';ve touched on quite a few interesting topics, fairly in depth, and, when back to business, many more...(I had some fairly significant things to add when I cam on today....sorry wasting time doing otherwise....but, always spend the time to address all who take the time to post, and read........at least one of my own trainee's has not taken the time to read, so....
I, for one, check in each night, to see if there are any new posts. Sort of like some people watch the nightly news, or whatever else they do after a day at work. I check this thread, and all posts written by silverback. I have followed it since its begining, and followed the indoor thread for most of its "life".
Thank you, and, glad of interest....I was really enjoying the indoor thread and was sorry to pull and cut it short, but, might get back, have some things in the work which might fit well........and, you then of course know this all started as hypothetical discussion about ops in general......which many (including above), lacking in basic reading comprehension, have turned it into my grow thread......never was, never will be.......

Glad of interest man...only reason I post......nothing else really my objective, and, would have killed sooner, changed names, but, now, not going to happen (because seems what some want..:smoke:.......so.......wonder if I can keep it going, always fresh topics for next 5 years :smoke:.....)
How many people are going to grow a ton of weed? How many people are going to sell it if they do grow it? The theme of this thread, in my opinon, is not about growning tons, but to look inside oneself and see if they cant do better. It not about being rich or having "things" other people dont have. It is about doing the best that you can, with what you have on hand. Marijuana growing, is just the medium that we all have in common, or wish that we did. This is a pot growing fourm is it not.?
Wow man.......I think that everyone has taken it as something different.....and taken different things out of it (if at all), but, that was pretty deep man :biglaugh: Very well said.........
So if someone has a way of doing things that dont fit with your way of thinking, then they are wrong? Honestly,how many of you thought about doing late season minis before it was discussed in this thread? How many thought that you could carry 3500 clones in your trunk, in those under the bed totes available at wal mart? I have grown weed in some form or fashion since the early 80's. That doesnt make me any kind of expert. I have learned a ton of valuable information from this thread. So I would like to say thank you, to all of the people that have posted in some positive way. For the most part, it has been a dialouge between mature individuls, on the aspects of outdoor growning, finding the courage to think outside the box, and try some new things. Both pyhsical and mental. So I hope it continues for another 100,000 posts, and never has a picture in it that doesnt contribute to the overall theme. To all of the regulars, keep doing what you do, and check in from time to time and let us know how your season is going. To all of the detractors, find a thread that is more in line with you intelligence level.
I'm humbled such was drawn from it.........sincerely.........if others did?....wow.....was my pleasure...........sincerely......I just think of it as a "couple drinks and a conversation"......maybe haven't read through it in a while, so.....forgot a lot of topics and conversations........

Well said man.....well said......


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
FirstTracks said:
with all due respect..........

fuuuuuuuuuuck the haters

I must be pretty dense, because I'm not sure why sharing successful techniques, regardless of claimed scale of ops, is a problem on a site that encourages the sharing of knowledge.

Who knows what lurks in the minds of small men :biglaugh: (wasn't that like a late night movie theme like, when we were little kids?...30yrs ago? :smoke:......)

Well, c'mon man..."claimed scale".....I started thread July 1st more or less...had already been at work since April....and, from Juiy had 2200 or so....and then continued to august, so...I mean, what, I threw them all away? :smoke:......

(I had about 5,000 in early 08 gallery also....so.....2 rooms shown, about 3-700 each, so....I mean.......and, people...just want more and more and more and more :smoke:....)

Nah....6 yrs, have posted, as of this second, over 30,000 seperate plants......In my mind....nothing left to "prove", and, frankly, don't feel I have to, never did......

For 5 years before this thread........I shared gallery with circles privately...no grow threads....never claimed to...(but shared in PM info, pics, latest projects, etc), and, maybe this thread is a clear example why I never felt the need.......

Look at what I see as a simple discussion has become.

Look at what it makes people feel (negative) and think (negative and positive)....

I seek no "approval".......I could not care less if any believe....say "bullshit" and stay the fuck out...I ask for nothing from anyone.........nor do I care to receive, nor would I.......yet look at the childish behavior of all the "adults" :biglaugh:....

I should be sorry I do what I do?.....that it makes people feel certain negative ways?....

I couldn't give a fuck......I just told someone.....NC above?.......

I have been getting that shit constantly from "senior" "known" and "respected" members and worse since day one...(who make up stories because they are ashamed and embarassed of their behavior, and think I would share it with someone.....)

Getting back to business is something I look forward to :smoke:.......the trolls have their moments....get their attention.......and, now?...:smoke:

We order a fresh round and continue :smoke:

This one (and next) is on me :smoke:......(a joke, it's my place, they're all on me :biglaugh:)



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Elevator Man said:
Yup - I get a lot out of this thread too, despite its size - still not read it all, and I doubt I will, but I appreciate commitment above else.
Well, I don't think many realize exactly what, and how much I get out of it....literally......

I ponder plans, I rethink, during discussions I redo in mind, I change things on moments notice as we discuss.....we are talking in real life here, not "theory".......on a consistent basis.......so.....I find it interesting how some perceive it, because, when I am here, I consider it work.....and it directly affects my bottom line in real life....so...

Glad something of interest....glad of use.......lot of topics gone over and to come, so.....might have missed something , or not, of further use......(I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to be certain....hence "might".....)

Thanks........reason I post....reason it's here, and, reason for thread......glad of interest....
Having started my first proper outdoor grow this year (40 plant target, definite trouble if caught), I've had to think long and hard about a lot of things lately, but decided to go through with it, on the basis that if the karma stays good (and the natives of my spot will let me know on that!), then it will hopefully progress smoothly.
Well, but, keep in mind....if spread out?......worked in?.....can be as safe as can be, minimal risk....reduced risk with increased spaces and less per plot.......

The best of luck.......sincerely......(I even wish the trolls the best of luck, but, as above, hope when in, and safe, they choke on that shit :biglaugh:, but, wouldn't wish anything regarding being cracked.......wouldn't wish such on someone (wasted time and effort, work........I believe strongly in reward for labor and time and expenses....etc........)
I'm not planning to sell mine, but just want to produce enough to last me through the winter - there's not much of an 'outdoor' market here anyway, although that's mainly as no-one ever does it.
Well, wouldn't you need, instead of through winter, to next fall? :smoke:

I wish I could do things differently....I've been out.....did a small bubble run recently....of some use, but, nothing special for me until Sept/October...maybe sooner (quick hit and run inside on something...and, maybe some bubble from some breeding projects, etc.....)
Keep it up Julian - I may not post much here, but I certainly read a good deal! :)
Nice of you to say, and, glad of use..........of interest....try to do whatever I can to help anyone.....sincerely....glad of use.....


natural medicator
Julian said:
Well, c'mon man..."claimed scale".....

ahhh, you know i'm not one of the haters, threw in claimed just to make a point.......it doesn't matter what you prove or don't prove to the community here..... Its the fuckin worldwideweb and maybe stated before, but you have no responsibility to prove to anyone at all just how LEGIT you are. :joint:

(I had about 5,000 in early 08 gallery also....so.....2 rooms shown, about 3-700 each, so....I mean.......and, people...just want more and more and more and more :smoke:....)
people who've been following threads..........we remember :headbange

Nah....6 yrs, have posted, as of this second, over 30,000 seperate plants......In my mind....nothing left to "prove", and, frankly, don't feel I have to, never did......
what i was sayin above
Many of us are well aware that you aren't some newbie poster doin this for attention

For 5 years before this thread........I shared gallery with circles privately...no grow threads....never claimed to...(but shared in PM info, pics, latest projects, etcLook at what I see as a simple discussion has become.[/I]...
should I be offended J? :wink: you act as if I don't know :joint:
Several very helpful examples in the past I might add :wave:

I seek no "approval".......I could not care less if any believe....say "bullshit" and stay the fuck out...I ask for nothing from anyone.........nor do I care to receive, nor would I.......yet look at the childish behavior of all the "adults" :biglaugh:....
the way it should be

I have been getting that shit constantly from "senior" "known" and "respected" members and worse since day one...(who make up stories because they are ashamed and embarassed of their behavior, and think I would share it with someone.....)

you use that veeeery loosely.........who give a fuck what they've been put in charge of:wink: or how many stuck up threads they have. Doesn't do anything to change the fact that some act like children who are stuck in their own egotrip

on to more productive discussions..............not that my stories lately are adding much besides filler conversation between drinks and smokes :redface:

was checkin back at old comments and found gardening quote, didn't realize it was in your sig.........guess i'll have to un-steal it
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
FirstTracks said:
and the train keeps rolling........
Back to business as usual........:smoke:
Sounds odd, but I feel fortunate to have had a poor start this year.......the situation encourages me to try again later in the summer.......still a few hundred of my NNxskud beans left, and I only really need about 100 for later selection and closet breeding so im thinking late season............minis....:rasta:
Well......fuck late season man, we're still early...not even entering "mid"..........what happened man?...did you jump the gun and get slapped by late cold snaps?.......(I did......saw today everything fine...had a lot to add before saw and addressed the above stuff.....) What's the NN/Skud? (your going to say and I will be like "Ohhhh, I forgot " :smoke:....

Yeah man, see.....that was a theme of thread....still early man..only a couple weeks behind schedule in whole scheme of things......could germ today and still end up with 10 footers depending on strain :smoke:....(one thing I kept repeating to myself today, as I saw things that grabbed nice....but were a little late to start with and a little smaller than I had hoped......(touching maybe 8"...but, surprised at how nice they have grabbed....very, very pleased...was very concerned last week or so......various reasons...will get to them later :smoke:......
failure motivates me.....
Good......affects a lot of people a lot of ways.......you see threads all the time about one failure and asking if they ever should again......

It happens...has happened to me with things, will happen to all sometimes....such is the life of the farmer :smoke:.....

(If one looks at it a different way :smoke:......to expect perfection from everything they touch indefinitely.....would be folly :biglaugh: (word chosen for amusement :smoke:...)

Well, not exactly......can plan for it, can expect it, but, as long as prepared for something to turn against one, can regroup and get right back to work and not even miss a bit theoretically (like the above...miss a couple weeks of entire season.....still entire left.....we sometimes get caught up in moment (I do all the time...all the time...did today, forgot not even June yet :biglaugh:.....hit July and 4 feet?...you know...then all thoughts today meaningless...you know?.......always try to look at the positive (I do).....

Sometimes hard to do when looking and picking off ticks everywhere :biglaugh:.....
Anyway, area affected by a bit of unseasonably cold nights (if unseasonably can even be applied to any weather situation whatsoever in my climate).
Yeah, but, what's your extended 2 week?...is it minor?...was there irreversible damage?...if back to warmer quick, you know, they could make it through.......I had the same...got some things out very early...had a feeling too early and might turn against me, and, saw em today....very nice.......(saw 3 different things/ops today....)

Strange ass season man....I'm still wondering where it's going to take us.....in a month...in 2......September...October, etc....could be longer..........I don't see how could start so late, and end early, etc, so, right now, waiting to see some sort of firm pattern established......
Many people will be loosing overly small ones in my estimation, and I am not expecting high survival rates myself.....even lower estimates than before due to small size they went out.......though i'm not aware of how well survivors grabbed with the nice rain I had after planting. If they did grab and survive....I'll be taking cuts as survivors are most likely very hardy. Nature is doing my selection for me :rasta:
Well, wait...you have no positive confirmation of survival rates?....don't assume, you know what they say :smoke:........as above man...same deal for me....they worked out well, and, if you got them in right?, well, they might be slow to come (due to temps), but, lot of aspects make survival possible.....maybe worse case, like mine...growth just a little slowed.....from what I have seen, a lot of people right now experiencing the same...(too cold, too long), so.....

You know man, then all falls into the overview.......single day here and there in 30's...well, not enough to kill everything (one of my ops has gotten several, so......they're good...they grabbed....look fine, just not the explosive growth I would have seen if was in 70's/80's with 60's temps and rain, ya know?......and, also, remember, coupld great days?....they'll be underway...now not the time to make the assumption (I think)...wait to confirm man (and let me know :smoke:)...might be surprised...I hope you will....
you ohio valley growers :wink: with that nice warm weather must be smiling right now
:biglaugh: Me?.....nah...not quite :smoke:......plus, I'm doing several areas pretty spread out right now.......so......maybe 1,000 mile difference between them all.......(16hrs today........quick walk through all, so...70mph or so...comes out to about that...never counted actually :smoke:...), nah, some of my spots good, some bad, but, I think we should all be good in another week or two (haven't checked all my 2 week outlooks since yesterday afternoon, so.........always remember...2 week outlook, checked twice daily, morning and night..(systems change too quickly.....)

I think within 2 weeks...we're all going to be happy.....think June and July will all have us ecstatic.......August?....fine.......real question is Sept/October.......but, we're good man.........season as a whole, you know...couple weeks behind?, eh, big deal.....so it costs a foot or so.....you know :smoke:..

Don't write entire season off just cause a minor inconvenience :smoke:...

And, for us?...here?........I would think at this point that is, indeed, what it is for all....a minor inconvenience..........can pick everything up tomorrow, next day, next week, next month....have 60 more days to plant :smoke:

(You know man...I can get just as negative as anyone else :biglaugh:, and, have my moments :biglaugh:.......frothing at the mouth, but, in the end man, it's all about adaptability.......pick up, start up, anytime, anywhere, anyway possible :smoke:.....

I mean, when one remembers that....anyones potential is limitless........

(and, believe me man, I have a fuckin major scale mess on my hands this year from several directions, (partners, sites, supply issues, scheduling, etc) but, you know...if I end up with what I need anyway?...big fuckin deal...all that energy wasted...could have been channeled into something better, ya know? :smoke:....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
FirstTracks said:
ahhh, you know i'm not one of the haters, threw in claimed just to make a point.......it doesn't matter what you prove or don't prove to the community here..... Its the fuckin worldwideweb and maybe stated before, but you have no responsibility to prove to anyone at all just how LEGIT you are. :joint:

people who've been following threads..........we remember :headbange

what i was sayin above
Many of us are well aware that you aren't some newbie poster doin this for attention

should I be offended J? :wink: you act as if I don't know :joint:
Several very helpful examples in the past I might add :wave:

the way it should be

you use that veeeery loosely.........who give a fuck what they've been put in charge of:wink: or how many stuck up threads they have. Doesn't do anything to change the fact that some act like children who are stuck in their own egotrip
Dude......I know man...I wasn't bustin your balls or anything , or in bad mood.....was just addressing that for benefit of those who didn't catch it the first 3 times :biglaugh:......

Nah, I'm cool man...great fuckin mood.....had a good day...(except for all insect bullshit and things here and there.....)

Nice of you to say....sometimes I forget lot of use go back a ways :smoke:....(talked to someone this morning.....go back to OG days long gone....had forgotten......was nice :smoke:....)
on to more productive discussions..............not that my stories lately are adding much besides filler conversation between drinks and smokes :redface:
I wouldn't agree man........the seemingly "simple" thing might very well change a lot for me, and, hopefully others.....

Nah...I draw quite a bit from it all actually..(even the trolls :biglaugh:).....
was checkin back at old comments and found gardening quote, didn't realize it was in your sig.........guess i'll have to un-steal it
:biglaugh: I wasn't using it for a while, and missed it so much :biglaugh: (and saw that quite a few remembered it...been using that one now for like, 5 yrs......)

Good one, isn't it? :smoke:....

(He obviously did not understand the scope of that one when said, I am sure :smoke:)


natural medicator
Julian said:
Dude......I know man...I wasn't bustin your balls or anything , or in bad mood.....was just addressing that for benefit of those who didn't catch it the first 3 times :biglaugh:......

Nah, I'm cool man...great fuckin mood.....had a good day...(except for all insect bullshit and things here and there.....)

Nice of you to say....sometimes I forget lot of use go back a ways :smoke:....(talked to someone this morning.....go back to OG days long gone....had forgotten......was nice :smoke:....)
nah, I couldn't see little stuff like this changin your mood significantly
I wouldn't agree man........the seemingly "simple" thing might very well change a lot for me, and, hopefully others.....

Nah...I draw quite a bit from it all actually..(even the trolls :biglaugh:).....
yea, we all know you keep your psychoanalysis in practice with the trolls....and more than likely many of us :biglaugh:
:biglaugh: I wasn't using it for a while, and missed it so much :biglaugh: (and saw that quite a few remembered it...been using that one now for like, 5 yrs......)

Good one, isn't it? :smoke:....

(He obviously did not understand the scope of that one when said, I am sure :smoke:)
or maybe he did and was just the most cryptic out of all of us......
he did, after all, love the country life and some of the isolation that allowed even more of his creativity so......maybe unlikely.....but possible...


New member
I think none of it matters. The ones needing to know about local weather are just using a trick to learn or have you reveal your own weather paterns for them to single you down.

Online it's best to learn to blend in with any environment much of the same could be said with growing marijuana.

The real reason I wanted to post is the myth of being able to grow your own. First it takes alot of work and you get rewarded for the amount of work you put in.

I must say it isn't worth it to me to reveal anything to anyone so I must take on a whole new persona who I can mingle with my buddies and be at ease and one who is in tireless mis-information and counter mis-information to find their plans.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
FirstTracks said:
nah, I couldn't see little stuff like this changin your mood significantly
I think most trolls find it very frustrating and disappointing that it does truly amuse me......If no effect?, then a waste of their time and energy, and, I always enjoy a match or wits......:smoke:......so, even more fun for me :smoke:.....fuck that, I'm a professional :biglaugh: (professional smart ass :biglaugh:)...so, you know.....Good luck :biglaugh:
yea, we all know you keep your psychoanalysis in practice with the trolls....and more than likely many of us :biglaugh:
:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

You must remember OG huh? :biglaugh:

Nah.....it's of use for everything, as seen....every aspect of life......growing?...fuck yeah man.....almost every aspect....every aspect......

A reason for everything we do, think, say, preferences, approaches, styles, etc.......always a reason for everything we are........sometimes we're right, sometimes we're wrong, sometimes have to change, etc.....

Can't change something that you can't identify and understand though, right? :smoke:

No ones perfect, but, little self awareness, we can all try to be better in some way, shape or form...(and, these tiny things, sometimes affect us deeply in many areas of life, for many years to come if un-noticed, yes? :smoke:)

(And I didn't even smoke anything today :biglaugh:)
or maybe he did and was just the most cryptic out of all of us......
he did, after all, love the country life and some of the isolation that allowed even more of his creativity so......maybe unlikely.....but possible...
I'm swaying a little towards such lately, so, find that of great interest, and, to be honest, I didn't have a clue when I started using that sig (who the guy was, anything whatsoever)...and, as time went on, learned a little more, saw and read some more here and there, still do........Guy was on it, that's for sure....

I don't know about green....(was 1817-1862), but, if he was...then he really was on it, wasn't he (at that time period :smoke:...

(Although all his pics, he looks higher than a mf'er :biglaugh:)



natural medicator
Julian said:
I'm swaying a little towards such lately, so, find that of great interest, and, to be honest, I didn't have a clue when I started using that sig (who the guy was, anything whatsoever)...and, as time went on, learned a little more, saw and read some more here and there, still do........Guy was on it, that's for sure....

I don't know about green....(was 1817-1862), but, if he was...then he really was on it, wasn't he (at that time period :smoke:...

(Although all his pics, he looks higher than a mf'er :biglaugh:)


hey now, Tom Jefferson was trying to convince everyone to have a garden full of hemp just like him........and I'm pretty sure they didn't have the .1 (or whatever it is) THC requirement for hemp back then....(even earlier than our apparently high as a kite author thoreau).

Maybe it wasn't bred for thc content, but who's to say it was bred out at that point......

Now i'm gettin the urge to see if Throreau traveled to Africa/Asia/Indian subcontinent at all and possibly experienced something he liked and brought back seeds :muahaha:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
FirstTracks said:
hey now, Tom Jefferson was trying to convince everyone to have a garden full of hemp just like him........and I'm pretty sure they didn't have the .1 (or whatever it is) THC requirement for hemp back then....(even earlier than our apparently high as a kite author thoreau).

Maybe it wasn't bred for thc content, but who's to say it was bred out at that point......

Now i'm gettin the urge to see if Throreau traveled to Africa/Asia/Indian subcontinent at all and possibly experienced something he liked and brought back seeds :muahaha:
AHHHHHhhhh, your right, I forgot....Washington, Jefferson...long before 1850's.........okay, I forgot :biglaugh:

(I always laugh and wonder about that shit: ie: Who ws the first to walk, see it, and be like "Hmmm...I think I will cut that, dry it out, put that shit into a pipe and smoke it :biglaugh:......)

Always was funny to me :biglaugh:...

I saw he traveled extensively in US and also Canada, never saw anything else...(Wrote on Mexican-American conflict)......

Okay, yeah, he probably indulged :biglaugh:....


natural medicator
Julian said:
AHHHHHhhhh, your right, I forgot....Washington, Jefferson...long before 1850's.........okay, I forgot :biglaugh:

(I always laugh and wonder about that shit: ie: Who ws the first to walk, see it, and be like "Hmmm...I think I will cut that, dry it out, put that shit into a pipe and smoke it :biglaugh:......)

Always was funny to me :biglaugh:...

I saw he traveled extensively in US and also Canada, never saw anything else...(Wrote on Mexican-American conflict)......

Okay, yeah, he probably indulged :biglaugh:....

from what I understand about the history of the Mexican army.......their herb was basically part of their rations and I believe the tune of 'la coocaracha' (o wow, i butchered that spelling) was originally related to the army refusing to march until they got their herb supply. I could be off on that though.....haven't been reading enough historical materials lately.

So if he wrote about them, probably interviewed them at some point......and when imposing on strangers its only polite to partake in their customs :joint:

HDT was growing mexi bagseed in the mountains of new york before anyone!!!!!! :rasta:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
FirstTracks said:
from what I understand about the history of the Mexican army.......their herb was basically part of their rations and I believe the tune of 'la coocaracha' (o wow, i butchered that spelling) was originally related to the army refusing to march until they got their herb supply. I could be off on that though.....haven't been reading enough historical materials lately.

So if he wrote about them, probably interviewed them at some point......and when imposing on strangers its only polite to partake in their customs :joint:

HDT was growing mexi bagseed in the mountains of new york before anyone!!!!!! :rasta:
:biglaugh: I got it, and, believe it.........:biglaugh:

For sure...:smoke:........(writings, you know.......had to be in a lot of cases, and, sig line?...well, I just looked at it (before I read this) with new and fresh eyes :smoke:......which sometimes we don't have :smoke:...)

On a different note?....
Your a good guy........as are many whom have been conversing throughout this thread, and, obvious in tone......and discussions.....not many threads can contain so many posts, with so little conflict :smoke: (and, granted, in some cases (all? ) I furthered the conflict, so :biglaugh:......)

That being said....that is why trolls bother me so little......hard to take note of a single person's negativity (that is not backed up by any clear statements or opinions), within a larger group having a positive and ongoing conversation, so.......yeah...

Lot of good people......intelligent......reasonable.....no ego's involved....all for sake of discussion.....and, far be it from a person here or there with nothing of substance to say to void what I see as some progress as far as topics and such.....

Sure will be more......they're always welcome..:smoke:...but, sure point made.....

Didn't get to add what I wanted (getting them in right, results at different spots, different conditions, different temps, lack of certain things.......one larger spot actually no cages! Was hopping fuckin mad...all there, healthy as a MF'er...every single one.....standing tall and proud...(pretty as fems :smoke:...)...Sand op was a complete success...first time I have ever done pure sand, guess I did it right, wanted to share a little....(also ones where holes filled with water....fuckin all worked well.....were beautiful...........so....had temps out of line on some, no cages on others, pure sand on some......and, I actually place success on, of course, getting them in right...and, something I have of course stressed many times, in many ways, but, again, truly I believe the most significant aspect of all season in many cases...

I could have skipped any number of steps on any one of ops........and, would have failed...all aspects, done in line......(not to mention one that I missed the rain, forecast fucked me, 1.5 week later for rains...same one...everything fine...they're well.......)..so.....

I try to stay on that more because now, getting into season, I see again people having lot of problems because certain steps avoided or missed or excluded......all aspects of getting them in right?....I say it all the time......can either make or break all season to come...

Get em in right?...they grab?...and your good to go....

Otherwise, back to point....thankful and appreciate those who are people (men and women :smoke: ) of respect.....

Always a pleasure.....

Always a pleasure.....

(heavy, heavy day...16hrs doing rounds....5:20am now, so...going to make some food, flick through channels.(grab mirror, check clothes and double check for ticks again :biglaugh:...ammonia the mosquito bites everywhere :biglaugh:)..and, will get back to everything I assume......back to business as normal :smoke:.....)

My thanks to those who are men among men :smoke:...

Hmmmm..........interesting realization.......Me? Personally? I never sleep day before heading out ....maybe too much thinking, maybe stress, maybe concerned...maybe combination...partners have always gotten a full nights sleep....me?....nah, I'm up, ready to go anytime...then, work all day, night, do what I have to....then, afterwards, back to thinking about where to go next, things that have to be done, etc..(they're probably fast asleep for hours now.....I'm planning around everything I saw, new things occurred to me, what I want to do, change, etc :smoke:........
Last edited:


natural medicator
glad to hear the sand planting went well! :headbange
also your no cage spot. all were there (or basically all)? congrats!!:rasta: always a good feeling when the critters don't snipe 'em off.

It always seems to add a combination of a little more stress but also a little more excited anticipation as to what the results will be as you wonder how much your efforts will pay off at harvest time.

The relative lack of childish conflict is one thing I appreciate about this thread, as even if it goes to shit for a page or two, next day its back on target and back to productive, or at least entertaining discussions.

I might know a little about what you mean regarding staying up night before, etc. Myself, I appreciate having that full day before and then all night to truly plan out what I am doing, though this is more often linked to giving a presentation to the boss or preparing for other work related events such as negotiations. Though I do believe rest is valuable for a fully active mind during these situations, it seems that I can convince my mind and body to be fully functional until after the important event or set of events is completed, and then i crash........though often too wired to really sleep to quickly quite often.

Anyway, night seems to be quite condusive to deep thinking IMHO. One of the reasons I don't sleep as much as I know I should.

I feel ya on those bugs. while workin on friend's cabin the other day, barely any biting me while moving. As soon as I sat down for a beer break....kamikaze bugs...

Worse for me is the poison ivy though. No matter how careful I am covering up and scrubbing down after, almost always seem to get it after planting in nice spots. Lucky for me.........if I get it, hopefully so will any rippers trying to snag my ladies :rasta:
its only a 2 week thing anyway....no big deal

hope your day's journies go well
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