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Making it thru withdrawal


Active member
HS-You have a condition ... one that exacerbates the minds tendency to fixate on things ... see where I'm going with that? You fixated on not having weed and that psychologically manifested itself as what you perceived as being a Physical Dependency

I've never said I was physically dependant. I'm addicted to the lack of anxiety.

If I was fixated on the weed the anti-anxiety drugs wouldn't help at all.

Your argument is full of holes.

As for Sir Nugget? If there's someone who actually spent 75K on smoke instead of getting set up to grow it themselves I'd say they definitely have issues and should speak to a mental health professional. A GOOD one.
They should have done that 60K ago.


Patient Grower
Wow, people act as if 75k gross income over 2 years in LA is anything but chicken feed. Did Sir_Nugget pay his tax on that income? Let's see, 15.3% to Socialist Security, 8% to CA, and let's say 5% to Uncle Sam leaves ~$55k. That's just over $75 a day. Since Sir_Nugget is posting we know he spent some money on food over those two years. Did he pay any rent? Make any phone calls? Drive a car? Really, was Sir_Nugget a pathetic bum living on the street or with mommy and daddy the entire time?

Oh, if Sir_Nugget can command $75k for a 2 week gig once, why doesn't he do it again?

I call shenanigans.


Only withdrawals I notice are too many dreams and I don't sleep as well. Nothing compared to a caffeine withdrawal.


wow pythaglio is still here hating! you just cant get over my story can you pthaglio.. don't take whats on the net soo serious


Patient Grower
I see an analysis deconstructing a fantasy is now called 'hating'. No Sir_Nugget, I don't hate you, I just think you're full of shit. I am going to continue to deconstruct your bull shit as long as you insist on posting it. I notice you have no response for my analysis of you're expenses and income. Nor have you addressed why you didn't go out and get more work in the 2 year timeframe in question.

BTW, it struck me as I was driving home yesterday that someone who gets paid for an appearance in a commercial likely got charged an agent's fee, and that agents customarily take 15%. Of course that's tax deductible, so we can't just subtract $11,250 from the net, but knocking off $6k puts Sir_Nugget under 50k. We're now down to $67 a day as Sir_Nugget's total expenditures over this 2 year period. $600 a month for rent knocks off another $20 and brings it to $47. Food, transportation, lube for wanking off, etc $17/day if Sir_Nugget is a cheapskate. Since it's not likely that Sir_Nugget is that meticulous it's more likely that we're looking at a $20 a day 'habit' at best. I think my numbers on the low side, since we're talking about LA. $1000/month for rent would be cheap.

Reality is that Sir_Nugget spun the entire story from whole cloth. If you believe him, you may need to go to the mirror as you likely have S-U-C-K-E-R tattooed on your forehead in giant red letters.

Weedman Herb

I've never said I was physically dependant. I'm addicted to the lack of anxiety.

If I was fixated on the weed the anti-anxiety drugs wouldn't help at all.

Your argument is full of holes.

As for Sir Nugget? If there's someone who actually spent 75K on smoke instead of getting set up to grow it themselves I'd say they definitely have issues and should speak to a mental health professional. A GOOD one.
They should have done that 60K ago.
Well ... I said you were fixated on being Out of weed ... and That wasn't an argument ... It was just a fishing trip where I caught nothing ... Those statements were meant to be questions. I was hoping to better understand your brand of mentally giftedness ... I certainly am not a Dr of psychowhatever ... and maybe you're touchy about the condition you seemed eager to talk about ... so I'll leave it alone if you want ... but if Not ... How about my question ... Do you (an autistic person) believe Sir Nugget may have some kind of autism? and to add 1 if you want to try and field it ... Was I way off the mark when I suggested autistic people can fixate on an emotion, or thought ? And Sir Nugget DID set himself up to grow but sold/traded the gear for weed ... probably at a loss ...


Freedom Fighter
Imagine if your "Withdrawls" were nothing more than symptoms, even if of previously undetected problems, returning--:yoinks:


I'm not sure what to make of this thread, so I'll just add my experience.

I've had withdrawal symptoms from smoking cigarettes, and that sucked. I've had withdrawal symptoms from taking opiates (fortunately very light withdrawal symptoms) and that sucked.

I've had withdrawal symptoms from smoking the good herb, and well, I'll take that over the first two any day. (That is assuming I was experiencing withdrawal symptoms at all and not just dealing with the sickness which I was treating with mj... which is what I felt like was happening at the time anyway.)

That being said, cannabis is a big helper for knocking out light opiate withdrawal symptoms. :)


You know one thing that makes me curious is how with a 400 and a 1000W setup are you not growing more pot then you can smoke? When you think of all the bud plus oil / hash trim that much power can make you should be in lala land.


Freedom Fighter
You know one thing that makes me curious is how with a 400 and a 1000W setup are you not growing more pot then you can smoke? When you think of all the bud plus oil / hash trim that much power can make you should be in lala land.

I'm guessing his Crack ain't Green--:nanana:

Weedman Herb

Here's a possible, after the first month and a half, scenario ... 4 dead moms of various Purps under the 400s and 16-25 dead clones under the 1000 ... in separate corners of a dark room no one is allowed to go in (you can't forget the semi transparent shower curtain between the 2 to block the light from the "flower" area). SirNugget at his ballin best ... rockin da Indo from someone elses window (while renting the basement to 3 stoner buddies to pay the bills) ... playing his commercial Over and Over for whoever will stay still long enough to see what is supporting the party ... 5 years later the dough is gone and the gear has long ago been swapped out for some high priced weed (that actually had a chance to finish before being killed) ... The room mates grew up, got out or disappeared owing ... the party is Over ... and it Hurts Sir NoNuggets deeply ... so deeply that weed Must be physically addictive ... I think I remember a "making of" Addicted to Weed : The Rise and Fall of a Commercial Star ... I must have missed the documentary ...


Active member
Yep Weedman that sounds like the kind of situation that needs an excuse and what better excuse than the dreaded 'marijuana'?! And not just any 'marijuana' mind this stuff is the deadly Kush which is 10x more addictive than stuff that normal people smoke.


ive been smoking 27 yrs and i stop 2 times a yr by choice.
i get 2 or 3 sleepless nights and thats it..i do get a little grumpy for a few days other than that it's all good..it's more of a dependancy than an addiction..



the funny thing bOUT SMOKING is the less you smoke the higher you get.... hmm...


Sir_Nugget said:
I am currently going through withdrawal... When I was 18 I got put in a national coca-cola commercial and made $75k in a two-week shoot... With the money I rented a townhouse in a nice area of los angeles and set up a couple 400 watts, and a 1000 watt in my upstairs. I stayed in LA because of my sick mom...

Within two years all my piggy bank was dried up, due to my expensive weed buying habits.

I didn't read the whole thread so I apologize if this is beating a dead horse...but, that just didn't make any sense to me. Why would you be spending all your money on weed if you've got a dedicated grow house? :weakestli


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
wow kid. you have actually inspired me now that i have read a few MORE of your posts. you have inspired me to start a new movement within the canna community. a movement that is sorely needed. a movement that will boost the cause of canna acceptance throughout the world! we need to unite and take it upon ourselves to SHUSH the idiots in our community who talk out of thier asses and spew horseshit.
---did you just quote a movie as proof that cannabis is addictive?-nuf said on that subject.
---what you said about eddy in the other thread is inexcusable. but i did not want to ruin a thread wishing him well as he was sentenced by calling your stupid ass out over there, moron.
---please stop posting, its embarrassing us all.

Marijuana is addictive.. Why do you think Thurgood Jenkins (Half Baked) Had such a hard time throwing his joint off the bridge at the end of the movie.. because he was fuckin addicted to the shit.. whether its mental (which is bullshit) or its physcial.. its still addictive.. and to me, weed is far more addictive than ciggarates...

All you who say weed isnt addictive, maybe you dont smoke enuff..

As far as my equipment goes, a couple a 400's and a 1000 aint that hard to come up with... and I did sell them, for weed because I was addicted that bad.. Now I bought a new cheaper 400 and there is a plant under it.. But why would that even matter? think I care if you believe me? O and BTW, when your a national star like me (Yes, being in a coca cola commercial does qualify you as a national star), and you can get many modeling / film jobs... u start to party more (weed only) and worrying about growing less, which is why i only got a 1/2 p from my 1800' watts, just got lazy..

The point of this thread is to help people going thru withdrawal, If you aint goin thru withdrawal, and all u got to say is negative shit, then GET OUT OF THIS THREAD..

This is a positive thread, and f*ckheads that don't think MJ is addictive are turning this into a negative thread.. bad karma for you all you negative posting f*ck heads