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Looky what the dogs found....

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Hehe my Amstaff caught her first toad the other night.. Her mouth was foaming for hours afterwards... Those nasty toads taught her ass a lesson:wink:


The Hopeful Protagonist
I would have thought the cat best chance was to go up . i have seen them jump 4/5 feet in the air , and climb trees like a squirrel . looks like a common taddy to me . plentyfull round here .
It has the markings of a scottish wild cat , a bit bigger than the domestic and cant b tamed .
Cats and dogs eh


That's exactly what he/she looked like.....Much bigger than a standard domestic.


I love all them animals too. We have a abandoned shack right next to our house that is a flop for ferel cat, woodchuck, skunk, whoever gets there first. Have helped a couple of the cats out, even caught a young one and gave it to someone.


we had a cat problem around here, swear to God there were 20 that resided around here, we would feed them & give them water. They kept having babies, and we couldnt get the animal control out here.. slowly they started dying off, got hit by cars(we're by a busy street), or died cause of the nasty spiders we have here...But my bf cant have cats(in the house) hes too allergic. but we did what we could by feeding them & giving them water... We wouldn't have been able to get those cats to the vet to spay/neuter them. they were/are reallly wild. we have like 3 now that stay around here...

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