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Looky what the dogs found....

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
See....this happens all the time and it's sad...it's nature. My cats kill squirrells and mice and it breaks my heart. Understanding nature is difficult for people that love all animals.

iGro4Me....you know damn well it wasn't your fault.

I hope there is no pit bull blaming here....blame people for breeding the shit out of them, never the people that give them a home.


The Hopeful Protagonist
In all honesty, I see both sides of the argument. Are my particular breed of dog more agressive towards other animals? The answer is probably yes.

I have spent thousands of dollars trying to be a responsible dog owner/lover by fencing in an acre of my property so :

A) My dogs could be happy and healthy

B) Keep other pets/animals safe

Other humans don't factor into the equation because the breed is NOT human agressive by nature, in fact I've had as many as 8 Pitty's at one time and never had so much as a whiff of trouble amongst my dogs/foster kids....NEVER.

I have a happy pack of which I am the pack leader, my little brood could change the perception some may have of the breed, guaranteed.

The point of the thread was not to discuss personal opinion on what type of dog people choose to have.

I felt bad and wanted to put it out there.....that's it.


Gro :joint:


My aunt has an attack cat, it mugs people it doesn't like from a high ledge if you come in the back door. Funny shit cause I'm on the little bastards good side.

Dogs are pack animals and protect there packs land, anyone who blames this on the dogs or their owner is a moron and has no understanding of dog behavior what so ever. period. I love animals and I'm not terribly torn up about one lost feral cat if rabies is an issue in their area.


Active member
Training a dog not to kill a wild animal it ALMOST as difficult as training a cat to do the same...My dog would never harm anything while I'm around...If not squirrels RUN for you LIFE!!



There are basically two types of animals....
Those that eat & those that get eaten. It's sad but true.

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
In all honesty, I see both sides of the argument. Are my particular breed of dog more agressive towards other animals? The answer is probably yes.
Other humans don't factor into the equation because the breed is NOT human agressive by nature, in fact I've had as many as 8 Pitty's at one time and never had so much as a whiff of trouble amongst my dogs/foster kids....NEVER.
The point of the thread was not to discuss personal opinion on what type of dog people choose to have.
Gro :joint:

I'm all for pitty's bro'. Many other dogs are much more human aggressive than pit's. Dobie's, German Shepard's, Cane Corso and breeds like them were bred for protection, making them HA. I do not but into the neg media B.S. about pit's, met many that were some of the friendliest dogs I've ever met. My lady is a vet tech and she'll vouch for the same info. Little breeds are worse, aggression wise, she tells me.
My mom had a Shepard that would not let me into her house, even after meeting me several times. The dog was that protective of my mom.
Wanted to make sure you understood, I'm not anti-pit!:joint:


The Hopeful Protagonist
I'm all for pitty's bro'. Many other dogs are much more human aggressive than pit's. Dobie's, German Shepard's, Cane Corso and breeds like them were bred for protection, making them HA. I do not but into the neg media B.S. about pit's, met many that were some of the friendliest dogs I've ever met. My lady is a vet tech and she'll vouch for the same info. Little breeds are worse, aggression wise, she tells me.
My mom had a Shepard that would not let me into her house, even after meeting me several times. The dog was that protective of my mom.
Wanted to make sure you understood, I'm not anti-pit!:joint:

What I am, is pro-responsible dog ownership, regardless of breed.

Absolutely, I couldn't agree more with the responsibilty tip.

Make no mistake about it, the breed has it's specific needs, room to run in a LARGE fenced-in area is one of them imo. I only wish people did more research before jumping at the first dog the THINK they want......That's how I get mine, they're rescues.

Again, I agree.....they are the friendliest dogs in the world and are very eager to please with humans.

Wildlife on my property, unfortunately, not so much.


Gro :joint:
I love cats, and i wouldn't worry about the situation too much. Some people in here crying over nature? What do you expect igrow4me to do, go and police the perimeter of his fenced yard before letting his dogs out? Funny shit. Surprised your dog of that size got an easy one on that cat. Seems like it would have had plenty of time to react, but that is nature at its best, fight of flight. Survival of the fittest, yada yada yada. Most animals can't be called out of attack mode anyways, even some humans are no exception. Pits are cool dogs as long as they're raised correctly, but if they're raised to be aggressive by a noob dog owner or some wannabe thug they can be very dangerous. Most I've ran into happen to be some of the friendliest, smartest, and obedient pets I've seen.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Its not my Rotties, nor my Doberman.....nor my Rott/Dobie crosses that are after the cats so much, it's my Boxer that tries to get them all the time, usually they are too quick for the dogs and wait for them to be distracted before they make a dash for the sanctuary of my verandah where no dogs can go or are allowed......The Boxer will go for any critter and recently met his match and lost an eye (got blinded) by a Stink-Badger.......the kitties always put up a good fight though if they do get cornered and always escape usually leaving a well scratched dog nose behind them.........although one of my cats has been ragged 3 times in the last 2 years and always gets a wound around the nape of the neck that heals pretty quickly.........dogs and cats, always gonna be a war.....

My dog-pack can't stand the local dogs and have been trying to further their cause of genocide upon them in recent months with 6 known kills now and 3 that I have managed to get in there and save from being crushed by canine jaws then drowned in the sea the 6 of them working like a team using the military tactic of the pincer movement........its so hard to pull 6 dogs off one when they have got their 'ragin fury' on......


The Hopeful Protagonist
Yeah that's harsh GN.....I do have a "Break Stick"


But fortunately I've never needed it and IDK how well it would work with a pack.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
GROADY loves the cats he grew up with, but let a stray come in the yard and it's all over..tried to break him of it but some are just too protective over their territory..


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One thing that seems strange; how come the cat didn't escape? Was it injured prior to the dogs attacking it?

If my dogs run for a cat, the cat is usually out of there within seconds. It seems strange that a cat wouldn't run and jump that fence. They're usually very cautious and timid animals that know when to call it quits and skedaddle.

I see you've never met my cat...

He'll stand up to my rottie and front. He won't even arch his back, just stand up on his haunches and slap my dog!

And no, they don't get along, so they're not playing. I have the scars to prove they really hate each other.


Freedom Fighter
I have it the other way around-- I have an American Eskimo Miniature...and it is a great dog...gets along with all the cats--
But I live in a Rural area...and my cats are inside/outside cats-- They are all (I currently have 5) very healthy, happy cats--
But we have coyotes here...and sometimes shit happens-- That's Nature--

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
So I go down to the beach at 6am 2 days ago just as the sun is rising above a calm sea with the 6 dogs ......the beach is totally deserted so I think that its safe to walk them for a couple of kilometers throwing sticks and coconuts in the sea for them to fetch, they get alot of good exercise swimming and chasing each other around play fighting......then as I'm just getting back to my place 2 local guys aproach wary of the dog-pack that is surrounding them and I call them off but one of the young Dobie/Rott crosses starts barking at the strangers near my front gate, I get the others to sit and grab him (Noah) forcing him to sit and behave........then the 2 local guys pass by as I say 'good morning' to them.........and I busy myself with getting the 6 of them thru my gate when suddenly the Boxer (Brutus) runs off round the side fence of my lot and I go to see what he is after, then the others follow and flush out a mangy looking local dog that runs the 80 meters to the sea across the sand with the pack in hot persuit..........I run after them shouting 'Out'.....'Out!'.......but by the time they hear and register this and I am in the sea the local dog is backed 20 meters into the sea and being attacked by the Boxer, the Rotties the Dobie/Rotts and even the 6 weeks pregnant Dobie bitch!........so I wade out there to try and rescue the local dog ......the Rotts obey and pull back to me followed by the dobie bitch and her 2 sons, but the Boxer is loosing it in some rage trying to kill the local dog, so the local dog tries to put up a fight but cant swim like the Boxer and goes deeper and drowns while I'm trying to grab all of the others and get them back to the beach waterlogging my cellphone that is in my pocket at the same time.......he just wont pull off the local dog!.......

eventually I manage to swim out to where the Boxer is still biting the dead local dog in deep water and pull him off bringing him back to the beach and thoroughly reprimanding him making him sit on the beach while the carcase of the dead dog is being brought to the shore by the waves..........then the 2 local guys show up again and I ask them 'is that your dog?'......and they confirm that yes it was......so I feel bad about the whole situation and tell them to come and see me in a few weeks when the dobie has had her pups and I will give them one of litter.....

....Phew.....dogs will be dogs.....I just wish that they would'nt keep murdering all the local mutts.....


Would I be right in saying that only way to really stop o.t.t. aggressive male dogs from attacking others is to keep them on a lead and or muzzle them?

and never mind pit bulls, Greyhounds are very quick and savage when it comes to meow-meows. If I was a cat, I'd prefer my chances against 3 Pit Bulls rather than a 3 greyhounds. All greyhounds in Australia must be on a lead and muzzled when walked, That feral cat must of been injured, probably had a damaged leg, snake bitten or a bug of some type, as it's very unlikely for any dogs to catch and kill a fit adult cat as they almost always escape.

I got my first ever dog about 4 1/2 years ago..he was about 6 months old and had been beaten or treated bad by humans, you could tell by at the way he shied away from a raised hand or stick...but is aggressive against every other animal. When I take him for a long walks, you can almost see him smile and he sprints everywhere like a nutter.

The other day he was sprinting at a million miles per hour, hit a pothole, tripped and did on forward somersault at full speed and kept on sprinting not missing a step (wish I had a vid of that) . The long walks gives him great muscle tone, feed him a mix of salt free left overs and dog food. I use a good quality dog shampoo once per week and he has such shiny fur that people often comment on it and he pulls like a sled dog on the lead. I talk more to him than most people, ..and even more so, if I bring a spliff with me on the walk lol

but he's a skittish nutter who barks like a maniac at any person that comes within a mile of my door and tries to attack every dog he sees. It must of been "breeding" season around here for dogs in the past few months as he's been extra ape shit than usual

My dog loves to eat ganja leaves....and definitely prefers females, just like his owner...


Damn bro that local dog was probably someones good friend.As much as I'd like to let my shephard roam free its just usually not a cool thing to do around here.You really should control your crew a little better there mon.If my dog died because of someones negligence I would say there would be hell to pay.Unfortunately its hard to pay anything from jail.I love my dogfriend.


I would have thought the cat best chance was to go up . i have seen them jump 4/5 feet in the air , and climb trees like a squirrel . looks like a common taddy to me . plentyfull round here .
It has the markings of a scottish wild cat , a bit bigger than the domestic and cant b tamed .
Cats and dogs eh


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Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
So I go down to the beach at 6am 2 days ago just as the sun is rising above a calm sea with the 6 dogs ......the beach is totally deserted so I think that its safe to walk them for a couple of kilometers throwing sticks and coconuts in the sea for them to fetch, they get alot of good exercise swimming and chasing each other around play fighting......then as I'm just getting back to my place 2 local guys aproach wary of the dog-pack that is surrounding them and I call them off but one of the young Dobie/Rott crosses starts barking at the strangers near my front gate, I get the others to sit and grab him (Noah) forcing him to sit and behave........then the 2 local guys pass by as I say 'good morning' to them.........and I busy myself with getting the 6 of them thru my gate when suddenly the Boxer (Brutus) runs off round the side fence of my lot and I go to see what he is after, then the others follow and flush out a mangy looking local dog that runs the 80 meters to the sea across the sand with the pack in hot persuit..........I run after them shouting 'Out'.....'Out!'.......but by the time they hear and register this and I am in the sea the local dog is backed 20 meters into the sea and being attacked by the Boxer, the Rotties the Dobie/Rotts and even the 6 weeks pregnant Dobie bitch!........so I wade out there to try and rescue the local dog ......the Rotts obey and pull back to me followed by the dobie bitch and her 2 sons, but the Boxer is loosing it in some rage trying to kill the local dog, so the local dog tries to put up a fight but cant swim like the Boxer and goes deeper and drowns while I'm trying to grab all of the others and get them back to the beach waterlogging my cellphone that is in my pocket at the same time.......he just wont pull off the local dog!.......

eventually I manage to swim out to where the Boxer is still biting the dead local dog in deep water and pull him off bringing him back to the beach and thoroughly reprimanding him making him sit on the beach while the carcase of the dead dog is being brought to the shore by the waves..........then the 2 local guys show up again and I ask them 'is that your dog?'......and they confirm that yes it was......so I feel bad about the whole situation and tell them to come and see me in a few weeks when the dobie has had her pups and I will give them one of litter.....

....Phew.....dogs will be dogs.....I just wish that they would'nt keep murdering all the local mutts.....

Sounds like you cannot control your dogs. They should be leashed at all times, by the sound of your story. Be thankful that wasn't a child.