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Looky what the dogs found....


The Hopeful Protagonist
First off....my apologies to the cat lovers, I myself am an animal lover.

We have a feral cat problem in my area and this one bit the dust this morning.

She is/was much larger than the picture suggests, it was taken from about 50 yards away.


I have been documenting the cat issue so the S.P.C.A. can get involved with trapping the cats, fixing them and hopefully adopting them out.

Anyway, it's grass-cutting day here at the iGro Ranch and first thing this morning I let the dogs out as usual. Immediately I hear something is up so I look out the kitchen window and it's on like Donkey Kong.

By the time I can get back there (maybe a minute and a half) it's over.....I felt terrible too.

3 hunting/prey driven terrier types in there prime....the cat never had a chance. I'm suprised she didn't get away.


I can't see anything. Is there a picture?

If it's what I think it is, that sucks. I love cats and dogs, but the two are incompatible with each other sometimes.


most of the time when humane societys and the spca get animal they end up getting euthinized anyway (prolly not spelled right)


The Hopeful Protagonist
most of the time when humane societys and the spca get animal they end up getting euthinized anyway (prolly not spelled right)

Yeah...not this branch though, they are attached to a no-kill shelter....

I know they have caught at least 2 dozen, fixed them and some have been adopted out already. I spoke with the guy who runs the program and he even mentioned returning some of them to the area after having them fixed. They're great for mouse control, so I told him to do it. It just starts to get out of hand and they do pose serious health risks to me and my dogs, rabies is rampant at the moment here.



One thing that seems strange; how come the cat didn't escape? Was it injured prior to the dogs attacking it?

If my dogs run for a cat, the cat is usually out of there within seconds. It seems strange that a cat wouldn't run and jump that fence. They're usually very cautious and timid animals that know when to call it quits and skedaddle.


The Hopeful Protagonist
One thing that seems strange; how come the cat didn't escape? Was it injured prior to the dogs attacking it?

If my dogs run for a cat, the cat is usually out of there within seconds. It seems strange that a cat wouldn't run and jump that fence. They're usually very cautious and timid animals that know when to call it quits and skedaddle.

I think they caught her off-guard, one of my dogs has world-class speed and by the time the cat knew what was going on, she was surrounded....at least from my vantage point.....I did see her dart behind a shed and she didn't appear to be injured at that time.

Terrier types? Pit-bulls?

Yes, American Bull Terrier/American Bull Dog

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Kitties are amazing...spay and neuter your pets, please:) That's sucks iG4Me....poor little kitty :( Sorry you had to see that.


The Hopeful Protagonist
I dont see anything but a nice yard...

Enlarge the pic Mrs. B and look dead center of the photo....

She's sitting on the top of the left gate post....I took that pic with my cam on zoom and it's alot further away then it appears.
bummer for the wild kitty. Must have been a slow kitty....or a sick weak one. Too bad 'cause I love little kitties nothin cuter 'cepting cute little puppies


this has no bearing on your thread whatsoever, but it's funny.
Wife and I are taking a long drive through some nice country side-roads one day, smokin of course, and off in the distance there is a pasture with some horses innit.
We finally go by the pasture and she says "Look! puppies!" :laughing:
true story.

sucks yer dogs killed a cat, hope it wasn't a big mess and the lil ones didn't see it..

h^2 O

it's not the dog's fault, it's igro4me's fault. Dogs are like children - when you tell them "no" and slap them in the face they learn quite fast. Well, igro4me obviously didn't teach his dogs not to kill cats. Hate to think he may have trained the dogs to kills cats. Hate to think what else his dogs eat. Also hate to think that they're rolling around in wild animal guts and coming inside and laying in bed with you.


ICMag Donor
this has no bearing on your thread whatsoever, but it's funny.
Wife and I are taking a long drive through some nice country side-roads one day, smokin of course, and off in the distance there is a pasture with some horses innit.
We finally go by the pasture and she says "Look! puppies!" :laughing:
true story.

sucks yer dogs killed a cat, hope it wasn't a big mess and the lil ones didn't see it..

cellar...Is she related to Jessica Simpson?..chicken of the sea tuna.."Is this chicken or tuna?" lol
funny story!!


rotf..yeah I remember that poor girl..no relation though! (thank god!)
naw, you know how your mind works when you smoke?
you're talking about one thing and see something else and get the two confused? well, thats what had happened to her..:joint: we were wondering out loud if the dogs were ok..


The Hopeful Protagonist
it's not the dog's fault, it's igro4me's fault. Dogs are like children - when you tell them "no" and slap them in the face they learn quite fast. Well, igro4me obviously didn't teach his dogs not to kill cats. Hate to think he may have trained the dogs to kills cats. Hate to think what else his dogs eat. Also hate to think that they're rolling around in wild animal guts and coming inside and laying in bed with you.

Are you whacked ?

Or still just butt-hurt?

Let me know which it is, that way I know if I should edgamucate you again or just ignore you.