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Looking for info on treating colon cancer


Well-known member
The only thing that sucks more than cancer is Rockefeller Medicine.
We live in a society that is far from honest about many things.

Best to you.


Hi ho here we go
Much like mine

Much like mine

Folfox and avastin I believe are the chemo drugs

I did the Oxaliplatin and Xyloda (pill form of 5FU) (no Avastin)regime for 6 months which is about the same as Folfox except taking the Xyloda instead for 5FU.

It's the Oxaliplatin that will kill you, literally. It is the Rectal Cancer Kryptonite.

Best of Luck :tiphat:


Active member
I would use a RSO as an edible or suppository (but i would let your doc know about it either way) every day for 90 days. I am hesitant to say actual amount and strength, due to the fact I have no idea on the concentration and dosage size in your area.

I would also do it while getting chemo and/or radiation therapy, because it has been found to make the therapies work better (more shrinkage of known tumors and less regrowth later).

Start with a little bit on cracker for edible (size of about a grain of rice) before bed. Then work up to the whole syringe per day. Some people get dizzy and might vomit when they start off with too big of a dose during the day. You will acclimate quickly to the high dosage.

Good luck, and keep us posted with your progress.


Hi ho here we go
He now has Rectal Cancer...

He now has Rectal Cancer...

Tommy Chong believes suppositories helped his own prostate cancer. Just throwing that out there.

His prostrate cancer is back and I believe he has had the surgery. (He does not think the Hemp Oil worked)


He now has Rectal Cancer...

He is being treated with Radiation and Chemotherapy so that they can shrink the tumor so it can be removed via Surgery.

He will probably require Strong Chemotherapy after the surgery.

I wish him the best of luck. He is a funny guy.
There is a ton of miss information on cannabis "curing cancer".

Things like CBD have been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth, and THC definitely helps with the quality of life and recovery aspects. They are just a piece of the puzzle not the entire picture. But there is no known "cure all".

But there are definitely not over 1000 case studies proving CBD to be worthless. To imply that there is is just foolish and he has zero medical research to back up the claims. You can ingest CBD and still get the benefit of THC this is well proven. Where exactly did Rick Simpson get any sort of proof that CBD is detrimental to cancer treatment? His method is not the best way to extract THC nor CBD period. Just a way that some people can do at home but definitely not the top proven method. I give Rick credit for bringing acceptance of cannabis treatment to the masses but real scientists and doctors need to lead the way.

I have done hospice work dealing directly with colon cancer specifically and can definitely relate to people desperate for a cure. In the end I had to hold their hand watch them take their last breath and die.

I lost my dad to colon cancer, and the last friend I lost to it was only a few short weeks ago. There are no easy answers and in the end we need to make our own decisions. If my life depended on it I would definitely go with a CBD/THC combo along with the traditional known treatments. But I wouldn't fault anyone for choosing the pure THC route.

The main thing I think we all agree on is that's a lot more professional research needs to be done in a clinical setting. That and FUCK CANCER!!!

1 study against thousands of confirmed treatments would not sway me to use cbd when my life depended on it but that's me.

The reason being that cbd is not responsible for narcotic effects. Its the total opposite. Its been shown to diminish the effects of thc which is whats been proven to be anti cancerous. If anything it should be used as a plan b as to not interfere with the thc.

I know you're just trying to help Mystic but infowars are some if the biggest shills online...I wouldn't give them anything.

My dad just beat blood cancer without cannabis, just did what his doc said to do, chemo, transplant, and is cured for the time being.


Nice, shrinkage? That's a cool word for me now.

Are you dosing a shit load?

Sidenote: Cannabis contains apigenin and other cancer fighting flavanoids besides THC and CBD. It's probably responsible for about 30% of the activity I guess.


Well-known member
Premium user
I gram a day. Ginna start doing like 1.5 grams a day to bump it up. Forgot 3 times a day.

The more the better if you ask me!

Have you seen the hash church with Dr. Robert Melamede? Check it out! A friend of his with AIDs has been taken like 60 grams at a time to combat his cancerous lesions with quick results. Dr. Melamede is an expert most recently with CU bolder if memory serves....

another video....
