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Living organic soil from start through recycling

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So...an old scrub tree outside my grow area. Years of suffering in shitty soil on the edge of a desert and a for real drought this spring. About 3/4 dead.

My dumb ass cannot seem to figure out how much tea to make exactly so I have just been dumping the excess on this tree. A couple of gallons of aloe, a comfrey tea, an alfalfa tea and a alfalfa/sea weed tea...not really that much of any...but

View attachment 177210

The new gowth looks kinda funny.
Is that a Ficus aka #*&(*#@ Ficus?



I think the logic in bubbling dehydrated meals is to hydrate them and to try to infuse the water with plant compounds, but you may be stirring some microbes into life along the way.
i see & understand but it wasnt to long ago every one was raving about doing the same thing with lavender but with out aeration..
im sure we were looking to extract different compounds so i was fishing for some detailed info on the hormones
non the less,i thank you and gas for taking the time:thank you:

cootz recipe is very similar to a tweaked version of 3Lb's tea i still use from time to time as a superp foliar..
obviously the aloe and humisolve were added on the behalf of clack guidance
have you every tryed adding humic acids to diluted fermented plant tea's?


Gone but NOT forgotten...
I think I aerate almost everything...almost. Not thinking I'm making ACT...I'm just aerating for the reasons Coot stated...I also aerate my 55 gallon reservoir before watering the plants.

I only use ACT twice per cycle....once to kick it off before veg....and then again usually after topdressing in mid-flower.

ACT is a tool....



Neo 420

Active member
For those that use aloe Vera in act.

What is the intended purpose and what is your formula? I use the aloe Vera (cootz recipe) as a foilar for disease resistance.


Gone but NOT forgotten...
So...an old scrub tree outside my grow area. Years of suffering in shitty soil on the edge of a desert and a for real drought this spring. About 3/4 dead.

My dumb ass cannot seem to figure out how much tea to make exactly so I have just been dumping the excess on this tree. A couple of gallons of aloe, a comfrey tea, an alfalfa tea and a alfalfa/sea weed tea...not really that much of any...but

View attachment 177210

The new gowth looks kinda funny.

This is a good practice for noobs instead of wasting it.

When I was first learning to make and use ACT I often misjudged or botched it and would do this same thing....just dump the stuff on shrubs or trees in your yard somewhere...preferably the ones that are hurtin' for whatever reason...the results are usually the same as that photo....even if the tea has expired.

Neo 420

Active member
I use my extra tea's on roses and aloe Vera. Funny thing is when I started using the tea's on the Vera, the colors got much richer and darker...

chief bigsmoke

Active member
For those that use aloe Vera in act.

What is the intended purpose and what is your formula? I use the aloe Vera (cootz recipe) as a foilar for disease resistance.

I do just started doing an aloe vera tea minus compost. here are some reasons why and my current recipe.


What is the intended purpose and what is your formula?

It's proprietary - if I told you then I would have to kill you

La Costa Nostra - Organic Gardening Chapter

Neo 420

Active member
Lol.....I see.... Seems like something I would want to do preflower. Nice info to know. Thanks....


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
What is the intended purpose and what is your formula?

It's proprietary - if I told you then I would have to kill you

La Costa Nostra - Organic Gardening Chapter

As an italian speaker, I think you wanted to say la cosa nostra (our thing) instead of la costa nostra (our coast)..

but maybe I underestimate you.


Couple things about alfalfa: it is cheap and holy crap it works well...

$13 and when the guy came out from out back with it, I thought the bag he had was for someone else because it was HUGE...

I soaked some for about an hour and then sprayed the plants and they are already showing signs of growth the next morning. They are a very rich green and the lower nodes are perking up more.



Something's chewing on your leaves. I will boldly guess beetles of some sort :chin:

I think the tree is what they call a piss elm although I really have no clue. Beetles are killing these things all over the valley. The interesting thing will be to see if they attack the newer healthier leaves or not.

I am not going to climb up and spray the whole thing with aloe but I will keep giving it the different stuff. Guess I am going with kelp and comfrey from here on out, maybe one more aloe


senior member
have you every tryed adding humic acids to diluted fermented plant tea's?

I have, but not enough to notice anything. I ussualy add humic acid with just water. But I only add very small amounts, like a1/4 tsp per five gallon bucket of water, just enough to color the water like tea, now that i think about it, i dilute teas to the same color too. I use the dry product from KIS compost teas, SM 90, and on their adivce I use small amounts rather than larger amounts. It's really not a large part of my feed program. I bought a lb of the sm 90 two years ago and still have most of it, at this rate I will have it for quite a long time....scrappy


This is from the controlling organization in India on the Neem tree industry, Parker Group.

If you're dealing with larva (caterpillars) or slugs, you want to increase the amount of Neem oil by 3x.

For indoor gardens and general IPM the recommend amount to be used is around 4 tsp. for each gallon of water. I cut that down to 3 tsp. or 1 tablespoon.

But spraying trees I would use 12 tsp. which is 4 tablespoons which is 1/4 cup - i.e. 2 oz.

Emulsify with liquid Silica as usual and add that to tepid water. For a surfactant you want the one with the highest Saponin levels possible. However, Aloe vera has high levels that are sufficient and here again for trees you want to increase this amount from 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup to each gallon of mix.

Spray as late in the evening as possible. Follow-up with another application in 3 or 4 days (maximum) and again and again. 4 applications


I have, but not enough to notice anything. I ussualy add humic acid with just water. But I only add very small amounts, like a1/4 tsp per five gallon bucket of water, just enough to color the water like tea, now that i think about it, i dilute teas to the same color too. I use the dry product from KIS compost teas, SM 90, and on their adivce I use small amounts rather than larger amounts. It's really not a large part of my feed program. I bought a lb of the sm 90 two years ago and still have most of it, at this rate I will have it for quite a long time....scrappy

Do you worry about sm 90 harming your microlife? I've heard it discussed as killing bugs and anything smaller
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