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Spots/Burns on Leaves, Yellowing


Lower fan leaves have reddish "burn" holes and spots. Some yellowing as well....please see the pics. No evidence of pests or critters.( We are 1st time growers outdoor in the ground).So we added nutes and checked PH. The new growth on top is green and healthy looking so far. These plants are bag seeds from good bud. We are basically lost and have been getting info from sites on the net. Figured we would do much better getting info from the experts:comfort:Please help...Thanx for any and all info.
The 1st 4 pics are prior to soil testing..next will be a few days after adjusting the nutes.


These 1st pics from august 1st .... next pics are from august 9 after adjustments to nutes. Using K-Gro 10-30-10. Using as recommended on box. We started off with Miracle grow during veg state. Hairs showing so switched to K-gro last feeding.


Hmmm...this is a tricky one. It looks like the poor guys have the chicken pox!

I have some guesses at what the culprit could be, and I'll think about it more tonight. This is really puzzling. I only garden vegetables outdoors, so an experienced outdoor grower could certainly know more than I, but I have never seen anything like this before. I'll offer all of the advice I can, but let's just get the bad news out of the way.

So, more often than not, even the most chronic bag seed will cause a grower a ton of headaches. For one, the plant could have a virus in its genetic material. Because you are using relatively poor soil for growing cannabis, MGro is regarded as being very 'hot' (salty). It's possible that a few beginner mistakes plus stress from salt caused the virus to manifest itself. Bag seed is from a hermie plant, so the odds of it being a hermie as well are very high. Seed production deters from resin and calyx production. There's no telling what that seed had to go through on it's way to your bag, and that can lead to issues.

The other not great news is that, whether or not you've seen 'em, there are definitely critters eating your plants. Holes like that don't come from nowhere. The only two explanations I can think of is 1)your plant has a virus or 2) you have bugs.

The good news is, that for now, your plant is outgrowing the virus. It might not effect things too bad, but that's just something you'll have to wait for and see. If you're serious about outdoor growing, invest in some better soil and seeds from an online seed bank. For what its' worth, I don't think it's a nutrient problem. Spray a pesticide and see if the progression of dots/holes doesn't slow down. Use an enzymatic nutrient to battle potential disease.


Yikes....not looking good..new pics

Yikes....not looking good..new pics

We have 2 dif spots planted. One we call the back 40...has 5 and the Creekside has 7. The 1st set of pics(from today) are from the back 40...they look very unhappy. A couple of new growth leaves have one or two spots that look just like the older growth leaves. Some have a pinkish rusty color on them. The creekside plants are overall doing tremendous compared to the others, however I saw a couple of the spots there today as well:bigeye: . Needless to say I am getting a little stressed over this development. I'll try to keep this short, but here's a bit of info about us. Discovered we could really no longer afford to buy due to rising costs on a disability income. So spur of the moment decision to try to grow. Used midgrade soil,,added composted maure and perlite, just what we could afford at the time. Fert with MG. Can't realistically afford bug sprays etc. Any homemade remedy ideas much appreciated.
2nd set of pics from the creekside plants:)mch prettier than the others. TY for any and all suggestions :thank you:


Creekside pics.....spots spreading??

Creekside pics.....spots spreading??

Just started feeding all plants with k-gro 15-30-15 diluted 50%. These are doing much better but like I said, saw a couple of those spots on these today :(. Last pic shows some yellowing of leaves as well. Can't explain how frustrating it is to feel so "ignorant" about a medicine that is so needed here. Oh well, live and learn. Been doing hours of research and reading here and am slowly learning. Thank you so very much for much needed input.

Peace, Love, and Harmony:)