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Liver issues


No Jive Productions
It's probably a bad case of constipation. How many times out the week does he take a shit? If it isn't at least 4 days, he needs to get more fiber in his diet. Just tell him to start off slow to get his system used to it ,and he doesn't have a lot gas that may hurt. I explained the rest in my previous post. Tell him good luck.

all us transplants have automatic shit counters hooked up to data central. if even a gram of the wrong color comes out they send the med evac chopper!


No Jive Productions
hey buddy, are you really giving a liver transplant recipient diet advice? think about it.

his main doctors are all gastroenterologist! this is after 7-8 years of pre-med and med school. a year internship, 3-4 years in a gastrointestinal clinic, all before they become hepatologists. my hepatologist has been one for another 20 odd years.

he has dieticians on call. i can email mine and get a response back in minutes about any food.

they put you through an intense diet training program, also.

constipation without relief is a death sentence. look at the dinosaurs. big mouths and little assholes. we know what killed them.

just joking, but you think all those gastroenterologist are not right on top of this at all times?

the blood work he gets regularly will point directly at any digestive problems he may have.

bile levels are checked all the time. if you are not going regularly or right the bile levels go up.

blood sugar is a big deal, too. they check it every time. in fact, immediately after transplant you will be diabetic for a while as a result of one of the first series of anti-reject drugs they give you. you must do the standard diabetic routine of checking and injecting insulin before every meal. as they ween you off the anti-rejects the insulin levels typically self correct.

do you really think that they take a sick person, pop a new liver into them without explanation, and send them home with a big "good luck"? and tell them to "eat right" with no instruction.

a half million dollar procedure! and the typical liver transplant patients medical bill is around 1.5 million by transplant and averages 500,000 more dollars before they croak, which averages 7-10 years.

did you know that there are some fruits and veggies that he has been told never to eat? like a simple grapefruit for example? or earl grey tea but he can have any other tea and they all come from the same plant? these cause reactions with the anti-reject drugs.

i can't eat at buffets and i have been told chucky cheese is a giant petri dish full of deadly pathogens. we are taught to pick the places we do eat based on quality of food and cleanliness.

i spent 2 years pre transplant in the kitchen all day long preparing all, and i mean all, of my own foods on a strict vegan diet with a 500 mg sodium limit and low sugar, low fat. to give you an idea, 4 pieces of whole wheat sandwich bread have 500 mg.

veganism is to keep blood ammonia levels down to avoid encephalopathy, which is a swelling of the brain leading to coma and death.

after transplant they recommend a maximum 2000 mg salt diet, also low sugar and fat but with small amounts of animal protein. common sense applies here. you don't have the double whopper with bacon, you have the chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomato with mustard, no mayo.

i get a lot of protein from fish, white chicken, and white turkey plus massive amounts of grain and veggie protein.

you keep after the "help a sick liver" approach when there is no longer a "sick" liver to deal with. they took my sick liver out and put it in the garbage, put in a newer, low mileage model that is extremely healthy.

diet is highly subjective too. they interviewed a 114 year old japanese woman who has eaten nothing but fish, rice, and an occasional apple for fifty years. can you say she is on a bad diet?

i'm not picking on you, truthman, but you are not qualified to advise this man. i am not qualified to advise him either. all i did was try to apply a logic sequence to his cannabis reaction based on my own experience.

i'm certainly not diagnosing! and you should not either.

by the way, idiopathic just means "from unknown causes" and we all are going to die. hopefully not today!


New member
yea i dont know, the doctor said he is in good health and all his numbers are normal or close to normal... at this point i don't really know what to conclude but he told me he is going to work on eating healthier anyway just because that is important regardless of the circumstances. he vapes most of the time too and the discomfort is still the exact same he says as well. he said he poops a normal amount too so i don't know what else to tell you there lol

thanks for the help from everyone who contributed, we'll see how it goes down the line.


Hehheh, I was brought up monitoring BMs (mom's a dietitian, dad's a doctor). When I had my kids the first report I always got first thing in the morning was the poop report.

Delta, you've helped explain, at least in part, some of my friend's problems post-transplant. I don't think he paid much attention to his diet, he spent a LOT of time in Mexico (he lived a quarter mile from the border, we could see Tijuana from his walkway), contracted giardia, contracted meningitis (that really messed him up) and through all of that I don't think I ever saw him pay special attention to his diet. But it all makes quite a lot of sense.

And you're right, we are all gonna die someday, but I personally plan on havin' me some fun beforehand.

lost in a sea

two very old words --

milk thistle

especially people taking pharma "medicines" because that shit rots your liver which has to clean it out in the end.. or most often obviously the constituents after the chemical has reacted up..

plants are light years ahead of this "refined" "purified" putrid crap they dose out to billions by the bucketload..

plants have been selected the same way we select ganja to have a mix of chemicals some that are antagonistic to the function of each other this allows for the body to use what it needs in the way it chooses fit to balance out the problem, this means less concentrated doses are needed to bring an equalibrium, in the form of powdered herbal matter, but also that you are curing the root of the problem and not at the end cause of it which does even more damage both often to the mechanism that has gone wrong and to the liver in the end which has to deal with the hugely excessive and unecessary amounts of that particular substance when it cleans it out and the damage to the liver from modern refined pharmaceuticals has been know about for more than 50 years.

in the herbal form with the wide range of chemicals the body can use it all up before it reaches the liver unless you are taking daft amounts. in most cases their are 100s to 1000s of constituants in herbs that have been used and bred to cure human problems for many tens of thousands of years that still havent been isolated and their mode of action/pathway within the bodies incredibly complicated system of biosynthesis hasn't yet been mapped out and the big massive agripharma corps dont even want to know for the most part because their jobs are cleverly to shorten everyones lifspans whilst keeping people alive in the short term, that way they get all the power and immunity from the populace but also all the power from the bankers that own them and in most cases established them to conduct tests on people, during "war" conditions when people have less rights, so that today they could have a monopoly on peoples health between their cabal of companies..

there are so many things the body either cant biosynthesise for itself or struggles to do in anything like the amounts you would in an ideal world want to live a very long healthy and happy life,, when life is created, when DNA births a new vessel for itself, unbelievable rates and diversity of biosynthesis occurs that you never repeat and after that it is up to you to use your intuition and aquired knowledge mastered by wisdom to make yourself healthier, super human even, and our anticedants have already done the works for us because they were nearer to advanced "space men" than we will ever be and understood the true physics and lifeforce energy running through nature and the entire universe, all connected..
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hey buddy, are you really giving a liver transplant recipient diet advice? think about it.

his main doctors are all gastroenterologist! this is after 7-8 years of pre-med and med school. a year internship, 3-4 years in a gastrointestinal clinic, all before they become hepatologists. my hepatologist has been one for another 20 odd years.

he has dieticians on call. i can email mine and get a response back in minutes about any food.

they put you through an intense diet training program, also.

constipation without relief is a death sentence. look at the dinosaurs. big mouths and little assholes. we know what killed them.

just joking, but you think all those gastroenterologist are not right on top of this at all times?

the blood work he gets regularly will point directly at any digestive problems he may have.

bile levels are checked all the time. if you are not going regularly or right the bile levels go up.

blood sugar is a big deal, too. they check it every time. in fact, immediately after transplant you will be diabetic for a while as a result of one of the first series of anti-reject drugs they give you. you must do the standard diabetic routine of checking and injecting insulin before every meal. as they ween you off the anti-rejects the insulin levels typically self correct.

do you really think that they take a sick person, pop a new liver into them without explanation, and send them home with a big "good luck"? and tell them to "eat right" with no instruction.

a half million dollar procedure! and the typical liver transplant patients medical bill is around 1.5 million by transplant and averages 500,000 more dollars before they croak, which averages 7-10 years.

did you know that there are some fruits and veggies that he has been told never to eat? like a simple grapefruit for example? or earl grey tea but he can have any other tea and they all come from the same plant? these cause reactions with the anti-reject drugs.

i can't eat at buffets and i have been told chucky cheese is a giant petri dish full of deadly pathogens. we are taught to pick the places we do eat based on quality of food and cleanliness.

i spent 2 years pre transplant in the kitchen all day long preparing all, and i mean all, of my own foods on a strict vegan diet with a 500 mg sodium limit and low sugar, low fat. to give you an idea, 4 pieces of whole wheat sandwich bread have 500 mg.

veganism is to keep blood ammonia levels down to avoid encephalopathy, which is a swelling of the brain leading to coma and death.

after transplant they recommend a maximum 2000 mg salt diet, also low sugar and fat but with small amounts of animal protein. common sense applies here. you don't have the double whopper with bacon, you have the chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomato with mustard, no mayo.

i get a lot of protein from fish, white chicken, and white turkey plus massive amounts of grain and veggie protein.

you keep after the "help a sick liver" approach when there is no longer a "sick" liver to deal with. they took my sick liver out and put it in the garbage, put in a newer, low mileage model that is extremely healthy.

diet is highly subjective too. they interviewed a 114 year old japanese woman who has eaten nothing but fish, rice, and an occasional apple for fifty years. can you say she is on a bad diet?

i'm not picking on you, truthman, but you are not qualified to advise this man. i am not qualified to advise him either. all i did was try to apply a logic sequence to his cannabis reaction based on my own experience.

i'm certainly not diagnosing! and you should not either.

by the way, idiopathic just means "from unknown causes" and we all are going to die. hopefully not today!

You wrote all that, yet none of those people can help this guy, while I helped healed MYSELF of problems before they got serious based on learning the body, and how to eat right, and right isn't just what someone told me is the right way, but what makes sense. Like I stated I healed myself and others, at least when they listened, and kept doing what I told them. You can argue with me all you want, but that is your choice, I'm the one who doesn't have these problems anymore, and just want to share what helps. If he had just had surgery or was in need of some serious help, I wouldn't advise anything and just leave it to the doctors who can act real quick due to having all the tools needed to help him, BUT the kids just has some side discomfort when he puffs herb that NO ONE seems to know why, and I'm giving some sort of SIMPLE solution that may help as I have an idea why as I used to go through the same thing somewhat. Why can't you see that?

BTW, you can have all the help in the world but if you don't make use of them OR the people who are studying you don't recognize something, it means NOTHING. Good luck thinking you are ok just because you have doctors monitoring you. Most people don't know how to eat right. From the way you described, you don't neither. You eat better then others who eat junk food, but that doesn't mean you have dieting down pat. An example is knowing what to eat in the morning, then at night because you don't want to eat certain foods at certain times. Also, how are you exercising as certain types of working out calls for certain types of food, and how much to eat. I won't go into this with you BUT all the money in the world doesn't mean you are a perfectionist at something. I'm not a perfectionist BUT I try out different things and see what works, not just going by what someone tells me. I listen AND do what I learn as well as what Ive been told and combine the two to make something better.

Do what you want but I'm a believer in food being 80%-90% of the reason why we are healthy or not. I think this way because I LIVED IT. Most don't think this way but like I stated, I don't have those problems no more, and I'm not arguing with people trying to prove me wrong. I seen it too many times. Someone tells me how wrong I am and eventually they need a doctor because they have issues, while I learn how to get better, and better the older I get, by refining my diet, doing consistent exercises, and not letting people get to me too much which you are doing because you're turning a simple problem into a serious surgery. Not bragging just stating a fact.

You are talking about how transplant patients are taught how to eat right yet this kid is not eating right. It's like you're putting yourself in this situation instead of what you're being told is ACTUALLY happening. Everything you stated that may a be a problem has been ruled out. I'm just stating what may be the cause, I could be right or could be wrong, but if I'm told how he eats, and his problem is coming from an area that has a good chance of being gas pushing against his intestines from being backed up why not try something simple too see if it may be constipation or a slow gut. If it doesn't stop he can rule that one out. By arguing with me instead of looking at what's going on, and trying to help with simple solutions, you are showing how selfish you really are because you are making the discussion about you, and not solving a problem.
I'm a Mobile Detailer. When working, not even quickly my bp was spiking to 221 for certain episodes.

You are about to have a massive heart attack. Please see a Medical doctor as soon as possible. I`m not going to speculate on the exact cause of your condition but marijuana will not cause your systolic blood pressure to lift from 120>180>221+tachycardic unless you force yourself to have a MASSIVE panic attack and go into shock on a regular basis.. That sounds more like a cocaine overdose. You might have arterial/cardiac damage and suffering from a panic attack (psychogenic shock). If your heart was tachycardic with a systolic BP of 221, I doubt you would be alive.

What other medications are you taking? and does anything on this link fit your condition?

Edit, cannabis is not a MAOI.

his main doctors are all gastroenterologist! this is after 7-8 years of pre-med and med school. a year internship, 3-4 years in a gastrointestinal clinic, all before they become hepatologists. my hepatologist has been one for another 20 odd years.

ugg... last day of my vacation.. lucky I went the fast route @ 2 years for pre-med. :( Chem degree (A.S. 3.9gpa) to UC pre-med (shifted from chem major), 2of4 for med completion then the board review to worry about. I think i`ll quiet my red wine and greenbud passion for a while prior~. ;) ..anyway, it helps me at this stressful moment in time and education.

long way to go...


No Jive Productions
You wrote all that, yet none of those people can help this guy, while I helped healed MYSELF of problems before they got serious based on learning the body, and how to eat right, and right isn't just what someone told me is the right way, but what makes sense. Like I stated I healed myself and others, at least when they listened, and kept doing what I told them. You can argue with me all you want, but that is your choice, I'm the one who doesn't have these problems anymore, and just want to share what helps. If he had just had surgery or was in need of some serious help, I wouldn't advise anything and just leave it to the doctors who can act real quick due to having all the tools needed to help him, BUT the kids just has some side discomfort when he puffs herb that NO ONE seems to know why, and I'm giving some sort of SIMPLE solution that may help as I have an idea why as I used to go through the same thing somewhat. Why can't you see that?

BTW, you can have all the help in the world but if you don't make use of them OR the people who are studying you don't recognize something, it means NOTHING. Good luck thinking you are ok just because you have doctors monitoring you. Most people don't know how to eat right. From the way you described, you don't neither. You eat better then others who eat junk food, but that doesn't mean you have dieting down pat. An example is knowing what to eat in the morning, then at night because you don't want to eat certain foods at certain times. Also, how are you exercising as certain types of working out calls for certain types of food, and how much to eat. I won't go into this with you BUT all the money in the world doesn't mean you are a perfectionist at something. I'm not a perfectionist BUT I try out different things and see what works, not just going by what someone tells me. I listen AND do what I learn as well as what Ive been told and combine the two to make something better.

Do what you want but I'm a believer in food being 80%-90% of the reason why we are healthy or not. I think this way because I LIVED IT. Most don't think this way but like I stated, I don't have those problems no more, and I'm not arguing with people trying to prove me wrong. I seen it too many times. Someone tells me how wrong I am and eventually they need a doctor because they have issues, while I learn how to get better, and better the older I get, by refining my diet, doing consistent exercises, and not letting people get to me too much which you are doing because you're turning a simple problem into a serious surgery. Not bragging just stating a fact.

You are talking about how transplant patients are taught how to eat right yet this kid is not eating right. It's like you're putting yourself in this situation instead of what you're being told is ACTUALLY happening. Everything you stated that may a be a problem has been ruled out. I'm just stating what may be the cause, I could be right or could be wrong, but if I'm told how he eats, and his problem is coming from an area that has a good chance of being gas pushing against his intestines from being backed up why not try something simple too see if it may be constipation or a slow gut. If it doesn't stop he can rule that one out. By arguing with me instead of looking at what's going on, and trying to help with simple solutions, you are showing how selfish you really are because you are making the discussion about you, and not solving a problem.

oh, i'm not arguing with you at all.

his labs are good so he is functioning ok as far as diet is concerned. if there were a serious problem it would show on the labs.

sometimes you can't help people.


oh, i'm not arguing with you at all.

his labs are good so he is functioning ok as far as diet is concerned. if there were a serious problem it would show on the labs.

sometimes you can't help people.

If that was the case he would have never had this problem. From what is sounds like his fiber is extremely low, which WILL cause problems down the line for EVERYONE.

I don't know why people think because their test come out good, they won't have problems as time goes on, even when they don't eat all the foods their body needs(fiber, minerals carbs, phytonutrients, all types of fat such as mono/poly, short,medium and long chained), yet I have never met someone who died without any type of sickness besides one who just fell asleep, and didn't wake up due to old age, and they ALWAYS had their vitals checked.
If that was the case he would have never had this problem. From what is sounds like his fiber is extremely low, which WILL cause problems down the line for EVERYONE.

I don't know why people think because their test come out good, they won't have problems as time goes on, even when they don't eat all the foods their body needs(fiber, minerals carbs, phytonutrients, all types of fat such as mono/poly, short,medium and long chained), yet I have never met someone who died without any type of sickness besides one who just fell asleep, and didn't wake up due to old age, and they ALWAYS had their vitals checked.

Are vitals and labs synonymous?


Are vitals and labs synonymous?

I should have stated that but basically people who get their annual test done. I'm not taking this too serious because most could care less what im writing and im posting from a mobile so i assume you get my point based on what im replying to.

I think people just like to believe getting test done will prevent problems when our tools aren't that advanced yet. If they were they would prevent cells from forming into tumors and becoming cancerous. What will prevent problems is learning the body, what it needs, and what foods it needs to be at optimal health. As well as what exercises to do to get the besy out of the food to gain optimum health.
What will prevent problems is learning the body, what it needs, and what foods it needs to be at optimal health. As well as what exercises to do to get the bes{t} out of the food to gain optimum health.

They don`t call it didactics for nothin` =P


Medical doctors have a curriculum, might want to read it. No advice is bad advice unless it`s harmful advice! Unfortunately, the medical field is not perfect, however, the advances made in recent decades is other-worldly. In 60 years, humans went from the Write Bro`s to Chuck Yeager breaking the speed of sound and beyond.

It`s been about 60 years since the last MAJOR medical breakthrough regarding antibiotics and penicillin. I think we are due for a few medical miracles soon.. Keep your ears open and your body healthy!, we might be finding out how to cure many cancers soon. .. Some things are in the new medical books and it will take a while to trickle down to the standard physicians (they are usually elder and their books were dated 1970s.).. :)