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LIVE from 5,000 below on the Gulf floor!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Spill baby spill!! :bigeye:

It's disgusting that we can't just seal it... the ones in charge would find that a greater travesty.

Drop something huge and heavy on it.

Anyone remember the old acme ten ton weight they used in Merry Melodies? See if we can get a guy from the prop department on the line...


Congress wants to quadruple --to 32 cents a barrel-tax to help finance the cleanup. So gasoline will be going up soon. Cementing seems to be the problem and a "poor cement" job. No government regulations on that. Sub-standard work and maintenance. But investigators are focusing on the cementing as the cause. But many lawsuits here are coming and a Miami federal judicial panel is considering consolidating more than 130 lawsuits to a class-action lawsuit with the ones already filed. The attorney's will do well at least as usual.
Officials now say that it may be impossible to clean the coastal wetlands affected by the massive oil spill. Brown Pelicans and their eggs are coated with oil and officials are unsure if they will survive.

But BP used a cheaper, quicker method to complete the drilling of the Deepwater Horizon Well, said several experts who reviewed it. They did not use a lining as recommended by experts as it offers more options for injecting, testing, and repairing cement and would be easier to control.
But it is all about the money and profits and to hell with the PPL, animals, and our beaches and wetlands..:moon:


Tropical Outcast

But it is all about the money and profits and to hell with the PPL, animals, and our beaches and wetlands..:moon:

Or it could be us wanting cheaper gas...but likely it's more about profit for BP (and others).

I guess we'll never really find out.


Tropical Outcast
Cool stuff to watch going on right now, they are doing something...panning around with the camera and showing all sorts of equipment...pipes...and what not.


Tropical Outcast

Robotic arms moving around piping right in front of the gushing oil!

They must be preparing the kill shot!

Hope it all works out this time!


repairs attemted again today

repairs attemted again today

I am going to watch the live cam today as they are trying something new. But so far our central Florida Gulf beaches look fairly normal. But we are used to doing hurricaine watch here so now we do oil spill watch. I worry less about the hurricaines than the oil spill actually.
Anna Maria Island I am visiting this weekend and see how it is going there. It is a great laid back island if ever in Florida PPL. Great seafood places in and tiki bars. But Florida is sweating it out and we can tell the Republican National Convention in 2012 that will be held here how we feel about the fiasco. I know I will be one of them myself. :dance013:
My sympathys to the coast of Louisiana and the devastation already seen there. But once you live in paradise you can't ever leave it...lol

BP just wired Florida $25 million to advertise our beaches and tourist business. So you will see more travel advertisements out of Florida.
Should be some bargains though for the frugal travelers.If you are not bothered by tar balls and dead sea animals then come on down and play.:jump:
Disneyworld anybody?:wave:


Hey StrainHunter...I like your signature. Thought provoking. Us tropical paradise dwellers are so deep. i think I will ponder that for today. lol...."The Unkowns" Some PPL think they know it all, but WE HUMANS never do really.
Hot as hell hear on oil spill watch. Here is a picture of one of my bird neighbors soon to be in trouble looking for fish without tarballs.


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Tropical Outcast
I am going to watch the live cam today as they are trying something new.


I did last night 'till around 2:30am - they were doing some simple but interesting to look at stuff such as loosening bolts above the blow out preventer.
That procedure took about 90 mins, above water a 5 minute task (if that).

Nothing has been going on since, shit's still flowing, hard!



Ya'll do realize that BP is trying to save the well, not plug the leak right?

I mean they could have stopped it, but they wabnt to use the well again. so they are not gonna stomp it out.


Active member
This is nuts. All I see right now is a robot or maybe its the blowout protector. I dont see any oil spewing out but I think somethings in the way. I know there trying to fix it with mud right now

I couldn't believe how much oil was flying out when I looked a few days ago. And than a day later and no change, saw a cool eal floating around to oil leak than suddenly dies and drops. If a hurricane hits the Gulf area anytime soon everybodys screwed, it will fly that oil all over!! :eek:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
That's why they haven't fixed it yet.

If they wanted to simply seal it they could have come up with something by now...

Their first few ideas involved getting it to the surface to barrel up.


National Geographics Channel having a special tonight

National Geographics Channel having a special tonight

About the oil spill and it should be interesting. @ 2200 Eastern time. This catastrophe is only beginning really. The panhandle of Florida already has tarballs reported on the beach. The emerald coast is going to be muddy brown soon. Florida is screwed!!!! Water water everywhere and soon to be polluted with hydrocarbons.


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I haven't read all the thread but, does anyone find this kinda strange or coincidental that this happened on 4-20?
It just feels weird to have the Worlds largest Oil disaster happen on that date. You know when so many other purposely created disasters have happened that day also...IDK?
I have yet to see that mentioned anywhere.


Obama is coming today

Obama is coming today

to survey the damage and he accepts responsibility, but I don't really hold him responsible for this. BIG OIL is the criminal. Obama is accepting responsibility and looking into solutions. That is his job as our leader, but we certainly can't hold him responsible for this. We gulf coasters are angry at BP and the shortcuts to increase profits and screw the PPL who live on the coast and the animals and our businesses here.
Obama at least MANNED UP to it. BP officials are slithering around the gulf coast doing damage control here the bastards:moon:.

but I started my boycott of BP gas and their convenience stores here.
it is the least i can do to protest. But I will demonstrate at the RNC Convention here in 2012 also. Republicans and BIG OIL are in bed together and screw the environment. And I will watch our beautiful beaches get polluted soon. Another day in paradise. LOL:blowbubbles: