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LIVE from 5,000 below on the Gulf floor!



I haven't been watching the coverage of attempts to stop this closely, But I can only think that if they could stop it, they would.
Why just let it flow?

Which leads me to only one conclusion, they can't stop it.

I'm no scientist or marine biologist so I don't know the outcome of what I'm about to suggest would be but..........why don't they just blow the f*cker up?

That is a scary thought if they can't seal the bitch up! Not a pleasant idea at all.

I never in a million years thought that they wouldn't 'somehow' be able to sort it out....so if this is the case, then surely if it happens again at one of the other 2765 oil rigs around the world, then there is nothing that can be done on any of them either?

So with hindsight maybe it's time to hang up the oil rig overalls, yes jobs will be lost, yes lives will probably be lost, yes people won't be able to play there xbox as much etc etc-but at least we wont be f*cking up our wonderful planet and only f*cking ourselves up!

I mean how many people happy with how there living their lives right now would enjoy their years worth of oil-which they use for all them pleasures-flowing into their houses right now....I thought so, nobody!

I understand that we need power to live happily, but at what cost?

It's time for the switch to sustainable energy. Wind farms, tidal energy, solar energy, thermo dynamics, nuclear-I mean it's not like the alternatives aren't there...but who am I kidding, the almighty £ & $ are all that matters in today's society!

(Link for the amount of rigs I stated were in use: http://investor.shareholder.com/bhi/rig_counts/rc_index.cfm )



Tropical Outcast

So with hindsight maybe it's time to hang up the oil rig overalls, yes jobs will be lost, yes lives will probably be lost, yes people won't be able to play there xbox as much etc etc-but at least we wont be f*cking up our wonderful planet and only f*cking ourselves up!

yeah..........BUT.......in the mean time most took their fuel burning car to work this morning.....not to mention used everything else based on oil.

Such as:

Air conditioners, ammonia, anti-histamines, antiseptics, artificial turf, asphalt, aspirin, balloons, bandages, boats, bottles, bras, bubble gum, butane, cameras, candles, car batteries, car bodies, carpet, cassette tapes, caulking, CDs, chewing gum, cold, combs/brushes, computers, contacts, cortisone, crayons, cream, denture adhesives, deodorant, detergents, dice, dishwashing liquid, dresses, dryers, electric blankets, electrician’s tape, fertilisers, fishing lures, fishing rods, floor wax, footballs, glues, glycerine, golf balls, guitar strings, hair, hair colouring, hair curlers, hearing aids, heart valves, heating oil, house paint, ice chests, ink, insect repellent, insulation, jet fuel, life jackets, linoleum, lip balm, lipstick, loudspeakers, medicines, mops, motor oil, motorcycle helmets, movie film, nail polish, oil filters, paddles, paint brushes, paints, parachutes, paraffin, pens, perfumes, petroleum jelly, plastic chairs, plastic cups, plastic forks, plastic wrap, plastics, plywood adhesives, refrigerators, roller-skate wheels, roofing paper, rubber bands, rubber boots, rubber cement, rubbish bags, running shoes, saccharine, seals, shirts (non-cotton), shoe polish, shoes, shower curtains, solvents, solvents, spectacles, stereos, sweaters, table tennis balls, tape recorders, telephones, tennis rackets, thermos, tights, toilet seats, toners, toothpaste, transparencies, transparent tape, TV cabinets, typewriter/computer ribbons, tires, umbrellas, upholstery, vaporisers, vitamin capsules, volleyballs, water pipes, water skis, wax, wax paper etc.

So yeah....we ALL are just too convenient to just give it up.

Not gonna happen.


Living with the soil
And the bastards just watch it spewing....failing at every turn. Can put a man on the Moon but....WTF!


The cat that loves cannabis
everything else based on oil.

Such as:

Air conditioners, ammonia, anti-histamines, antiseptics, artificial turf, asphalt, aspirin, balloons, bandages, boats, bottles, bras, bubble gum, butane, cameras, candles, car batteries, car bodies, carpet, cassette tapes, caulking, CDs, chewing gum, cold, combs/brushes, computers, contacts, cortisone, crayons, cream, denture adhesives, deodorant, detergents, dice, dishwashing liquid, dresses, dryers, electric blankets, electrician’s tape, fertilisers, fishing lures, fishing rods, floor wax, footballs, glues, glycerine, golf balls, guitar strings, hair, hair colouring, hair curlers, hearing aids, heart valves, heating oil, house paint, ice chests, ink, insect repellent, insulation, jet fuel, life jackets, linoleum, lip balm, lipstick, loudspeakers, medicines, mops, motor oil, motorcycle helmets, movie film, nail polish, oil filters, paddles, paint brushes, paints, parachutes, paraffin, pens, perfumes, petroleum jelly, plastic chairs, plastic cups, plastic forks, plastic wrap, plastics, plywood adhesives, refrigerators, roller-skate wheels, roofing paper, rubber bands, rubber boots, rubber cement, rubbish bags, running shoes, saccharine, seals, shirts (non-cotton), shoe polish, shoes, shower curtains, solvents, solvents, spectacles, stereos, sweaters, table tennis balls, tape recorders, telephones, tennis rackets, thermos, tights, toilet seats, toners, toothpaste, transparencies, transparent tape, TV cabinets, typewriter/computer ribbons, tires, umbrellas, upholstery, vaporisers, vitamin capsules, volleyballs, water pipes, water skis, wax, wax paper etc.

Wouldn't it be nice if the hole was spewing all these finished petroleum products listed above instead of crude oil?
Turn from an international disaster to an international mega score!
I'd be out there in my little boat trying to scoop up some goodies!


Active member
Can put a man on the Moon but....WTF!
Ummmm,I dont think we can,its been over 40 yrs since and we aint back yet!!!Space shuttle,wtf is that!!!Theres more computing power in a modern watch and we still cant get there?hmmmmmm...


I see your point Strainhunter, I really do. That said how hard would it be to slowly work oil out of our system? I mean if they start now with implementing sustainable energies, then in 30, 40 or 50 odd years we will only have to use oil as a last resort.

The fact that this has happened, and will continue to happen whilst we drill for oil, well this should be raising 'sustainable energy' eyebrows?

How many of them things on that list are mandatory for the better of mankind in harmony with it's creator-Earth? Fuck it 'The Gaia' theory should finish us all off.

I don't know, I feel confused at how this can go on........


Tropical Outcast

How many of them things on that list are mandatory for the better of mankind in harmony with it's creator-Earth? Fuck it 'The Gaia' theory should finish us all off.

I don't know, I feel confused at how this can go on........

I think it is a long and painstaking process.

Thing is you and I won't see the end of it by the time it's done.

If Human kind is still around by the time we really run out of Oil...then "we" will really be forced (no choice) to live w/o it.

(that last sentence I wrote...sounds kinda weird, doesn't it?)


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Oh i finally get it. This man-made orchestrated disaster make perfect sense.How else are you going to push for Cap and trade.


I think it is a long and painstaking process.

Thing is you and I won't see the end of it by the time it's done.

If Human kind is still around by the time we really run out of Oil...then "we" will really be forced (no choice) to live w/o it.

(that last sentence I wrote...sounds kinda weird, doesn't it?)

Obviously it will take time, there is no disputing that. If we don't start building the sustainable energy infrastructure now then what hope is there?

Don't these people have children of their own that they think of with regards to their futures?

I'm glad I don't have, or plan to have any children-what a sorry state of affairs!

Well I think I saw an estimate that oil will cease to be in about a hundred years...that is an awful long time for us to go on, given the way we treat the planet, the nukes that are piled up and the nukes soon to be made....and then if we survive that lot then there's still biological and chemical aspects to get through.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!

So who is to blame? Government? Corporations? Average Joe? All of us?



Tropical Outcast
Obviously it will take time, there is no disputing that. If we don't start building the sustainable energy infrastructure now then what hope is there?


If it's not the Energy subject...human kind is going to "find" something else to destroy ourselves.

But yeah the beginnings of sustainable energy have been made in this country...

Amazingly the US is FAR BACK with the progress regarding sustainable energy...compared to other countries.


photo before oil gusher

photo before oil gusher

Save the gulf and the paradise beaches in Florida. It looks real bad for the near future ...I will post pics as it devastes our beaches.


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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
who said off shore drilling was totally safe again? the experts? like Palin right? What is her dumb fuck saying, spill baby spill?


New member
I just returned from a trip to New Orleans and words can't express my sympathy for their delicate ecosystem. If BP is not shut down after this travesty I might just lose the last little inkling of faith I have in America.

Its especially unfortunate because the damage they are doing and the costs of their lies can not be measured in dollars and cents, no amount of money could rebuild what they have already destroyed, everything from the animals themselves to the fragile economy of those making a modest living from the same waters.

Sorry I know I am rambling, but I have a very hard time understanding how this could be allowed to happen.


BP ain't got no giant shop vac they can stick down over the top of the plume of oil and just suck it up before it escapes? duh.

or why not just dump some dynomite on top of it and cut it off?




Someone must step in. It is a national tragedy. Louisiana officials took reporters to see a black tide of toxic chemicals that has washed across 65 miles of the coastal wetlands and oil-coated pelicans flop around helpless in the reeds. Frustration is mounting over BP's failure to stop the flow.... 34 days of trying though. Both political parties are asking, "Where is Obama?"
"The president SHALL...ensure effective and immediate removal of a discharge, and mitigation or prevention of a substantial threat of a discharge, of oil or a hazardous substance." says the Clean Water Act!:
We are waiting President Obama!!!!:tiphat:
Florida CFO Alex Sink ....front runner for democratic guberntorial nomination here in FL sent Obama a letter this week demanding he push BP aside and take over.....
"because they have failed at every turn" :moon::moon::moon:
Floridians want to know what he is going to do about it!
But the Coast Guard has less resources than BP does sadly. There is no emergency plan basically.:moon:
Obama administration rejected the idea to take over. "To push BP out of the way would raise the question: replace them WITH WHAT?"
says Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen.
BP had a showdown with EPA's administrator Lisa Jackson who told BP to find a less toxic chemical dispersant to spray on the spill.
BP refused!!!! But the Clean Water Act says she can stop them!
So they agreed to "cut back"
700,000 gallons of dispersant so far and lots of oil is coming our way.
Hotels here are getting cancellations and we depend on tourists to spend money and frolic here with us. Small business owners will suffer even more. Why should they work through BP?
Why isn't the federal government handling claims of lost income and revenue???

The bottom line is BP is an oil drilling company and it is not a company that knows much about oil spills...According to Alex Sink.

I sure hope she wins the election for Florida Govenor,,,,we need a spunky broad for govenor these days and not afraid to take on our president! GO Alex!!!!
I will post more pictures as our beaches becomes tar balls and dead animals! It was almost paradise here before this fiasco.:thank you:

I feel better now and have a good day and toke some good weed.


Dick Cheny deregulated the oil industry... it's his fault not Obama's

Dick Cheny deregulated the oil industry... it's his fault not Obama's

Republican Dick Cheney, who is an oil man (Halliburton) deregulated the oil industry.

This means they basically can do whatever they want.

This is not Obama's fault, and I really cannot understand how the blame is shifting to him...

BP stands for BRITISH petroleum.


Tropical Outcast
Someone must step in.


Both political parties are asking, "Where is Obama?"
"The president SHALL...ensure effective and immediate removal of a discharge, and mitigation or prevention of a substantial threat of a discharge, of oil or a hazardous substance." says the Clean Water Act!:
We are waiting President Obama!!!!:tiphat:


The White House is arguing that government officials aren't just watching from the sidelines, but also acknowledging there's just so much the government can do directly. "They are 5,000 feet down. BP or the private sector alone have the means to deal with that problem down there. It's not government equipment that is going to be used to do that," Coast Guard Commandant Thad Allen told a White House briefing on Monday.

"They are the responsible party. But we have the authority to direct them," he added.

Analysis: As slick spreads, so does frustration
