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Let's join together and help each other quit cigarettes forever!


Active member
I just raked my yard, I've never raked my yard. Gotta stay busy, hmmm.... what to do next, I think I'm gonna burn one, then have some cookies and milk, maybe a few dishes, laundry, I should quit tobacco more often I have been non stop cleaning for 4 days now.


New member
Yes good luck to all out there still trying. Just remember you are stronger than your addiction. You can do it :).


Today is day 6, still craving quite a bit, but I'm holding strong.

I'm glad you are! Kick that shit, don't go back to the tobaccHOE company again. Keep yourself Nicotine free.

The cravings will pass eventually. Just make sure you have plenty of munchies and bud in the house, it'll help.

Keep it up! :tiphat:

PS What's up Snype? Have you give up giving up?
I almost puked when i did chew one time and i will definitely puked smoking a cig while intoxicated. i guess that tells you something about how nasty they are. i do appreciate people who stay clear of cigarettes. its like an evolutionary setback kinda thing, like population control.
Our greatest ancestors did not smoke the substances found in fags today, however i believe humans smoked cannabis for a long while.

al gonzo

New member
Over one month and counting. What helps is that I am broke and unemployed and pack of smokes is about 3 euros in this country. 3-4 euros cover my groceries for one day. Smoke little bit more ganja, but that is almost for free because it is homegrown.


Well-known member
13 days today nicotine free..I feel fookin great. Kick this dutty Babylon habit people...I ain't goin back. Those twats have had enough from me.

Found me weed is lasting longer as well. All positive vybz.


Been a while for me, I still have dreams where I smoke and am kicking myself until I wake up. The temptation is still there but I aint goin back.


Damn it - Waking up with a sore and scratchy throat is getting real old. I've been wanting to quit for years...telling myself that I'll quit when I'm ready. So I sit here, read through this thread and think about it some more.


Active member
So smooth,ahh,I feel better now,ya's want one?Here I gotcha,need a lite........dont fite it,Lite it!!Ya hear em callin dontcha,strong is the force,stronger you must be!!!:wave:
I smoked Newports for 14 years 1-2 packs a day and tried to quit several times but never lasted more than a month tried the patch and the gum neither helped. I moved into a no smoking apartment because the deal was too good to pass up and there was a nice porch outside my bedroom so I figured no problem.

Well by the time winter hit going outside to smoke in the middle of the night got old so I decided to try Swedish snus after reading about it online. I never intended to quit smoking just looking for something to get me through the night without going outside.

I found I preferred using snus to smoking cigarettes and even taking a drag of a cigarette made me sick to my stomach. At first I started out using whats called "strong portions" to equal the nicotine hit of a smoke. General Onyx was my favorite. After a couple months of not smoking at all Onyx became too strong for me and I switched to regular portions General regular and Grov snus. After a couple months of that I ended up only using snus maybe 2-3 times a day still not thinking about quiting yet up until that point but then decided I barely use nicotine at all I should try to quit.

I easily gave up the snus it didnt have the hold on me ciggs did and have been nicotine free for about 9 months and smoke free for over a year without any withdrawal pains or feeling like I am missing something.

I think snus could make a great crutch for quitting smoking but your gonna have to buy it online. The stuff Camel sells is crap. Its true that it has the same nicotine as regular portion snus but it doesnt seem to make it into your body. I think Camel designed it to be shit so Americans wont look to Swedish snus as an alternative to cigarettes.

I have never tried dip but can say snus is very mild in flavor and I believe most poeple would prefer regular as opposed to flavors and snus is best used along with an iced cold drink like iced tea or lemonade.


I just jumped in here, but I quit analogs and I did a pack a day Marlboro Reds, sometimes more than a pack, did that for 12 years, quit like that. Just went to electrics, they are awesome, lots of flavor choices, cheaper than analogs too. You can get really crazy and re-use the "disposable" cartridges and get your own e juice then it's really really cheap. They work great, just get 3 or 4 batteries and keep them charged.

Sorry if this has been mentioned already, I just jumped in here.
I tried the snus, but I didn't care for it.

Amos Moses

Smoked when I was very young. One day I realized that cigarette smoking did nothing for me at all. Didn't get high, didn't feel better(felt worse). It smelled bad. It made me smell bad. It was a waste of money. I felt like I was a slave to the corporate tobacco empires. It was stealing my health and my life. Some rich tobacco mogul was laughing his ass off at me. I was giving him my hard earned money and he knew he was slowly killing me! The rotten bastards! Most enticing girls hated men who smoked! So, I just quit. And I never looked at another cigarette again......ever!

Yes, I experienced a withdrawl for about a month. But I just kept seeing that fat tobacco company executive laughing his ass off at me. Fuck him!

I felt better. Happier. Healthier.

The end.


Well I'm 2 days in and so far so go no major cravings as of yet.

I have found that 3 or 4 herbal cigarettes a day is taking care of the cravings or at least seems to be but it's early days yet.

I'm not sure what I'll do for joints tho, I've always mixed some tobacco with my weed but the herbal ciggs taste to foul to mix with.

Any of you ex smokers use dried cured trim as a filler in your joints?


Active member
i think i might try e cigs. anyone got advise on a model and online source? i at 2 1/2 packs a day smoking 30 years


Quit months ago. I forget exactly when. Cold turkey worked for me.
I was a pack-and a half a day smoker of 15mg tar cigs for 12 years and got sick of it.

My new goal is to quit alcohol. So far I'm on my 3rd day. :)


5 days so far so good....tho I am eating like a horse these past few days esp. sweet things which is odd because I normally hate sugar.