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Let's join together and help each other quit cigarettes forever!


Active member
So I have been smoking cigarettes for over 20 years now and have tried to quit many times with no success. I really don't want to get cancer and die younger than I'm supposed to. In the past, I was able to stop for up to 6 months but always went back to it in times when I was weak. Every time I tried to quit in the past, I quit with the girl who was in my life, and when we weren't together anymore, I would just be reminded that I might have quit for her and not for myself, so I would go and get another pack and light one up. It might seem kind of messed up but it's just how I felt at the time. I usually don't end on good terms with girls so I don't really want to be reminded by them. I chain smoke 2 to 3 packs of Newport 100's per day and I'm really starting to feel very unhealthy. I'm hoping that we can join together and quit this unhealthy habit. It would be nice when we were feeling weak, we can come here and give each other advise and help out in some way.


Active member
I was thinking about trying to smoke a different kind of natural tobacco to try and get off of the chemicals of these Newports first. I used to smoke Nat Sherman Classics so I was thinking about switching back to those for maybe a month or so but trying to smoke only a pack a day at first which may be hard.


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
hey good luck! i'm in the middle of quitting myself.. I started off with marlboro red 100's and smoked them for a very long time... until recently found I was pregnant so I really WANT to quit...so I moved from red 100's to medium 100's to light 100's, tomorrow im going to switch to ultra light 100's and in the next couple of days I should be weened off. It's not going to be easy, but I have to quit cold turkey. I hear gulping on water helps immensely and gets rid of the shit in your chest that you have accumulated from smoking....smoking is a curse and I never wish I would've started!!!!
Good luck man.. there is another quit-smoking thread, but im trying to remember if it was in the medical forum......


Active member
hey good luck! i'm in the middle of quitting myself.. I started off with marlboro red 100's and smoked them for a very long time... until recently found I was pregnant so I really WANT to quit...so I moved from red 100's to medium 100's to light 100's, tomorrow im going to switch to ultra light 100's and in the next couple of days I should be weened off. It's not going to be easy, but I have to quit cold turkey. I hear gulping on water helps immensely and gets rid of the shit in your chest that you have accumulated from smoking....smoking is a curse and I never wish I would've started!!!!
Good luck man.. there is another quit-smoking thread, but im trying to remember if it was in the medical forum......
Nice ka0tic! I used to smoke Marlboro Reds but I ended up moving to a place that sells single cigs that are Newports and after a couple weeks of buying them, I couldn't smoke Marbs anymore. I did a search for quitting but couldn't find anything recent so if one exists then I apologize. That's really nice that you're having a baby and very nice of you to quit for that. You're child will be very proud of you. I wish you well! :)


FUCK tobaccHOE!

FUCK tobaccHOE!

Hi Snype! A few things helped me to knock the habit.

1, Worrying about my health.
2, My mates persistence in quitting.
3, Not having any money over a three week period.

I've got to say, it was hard to kick the habit. I had cold/hot flushes, loss of appetite, was very irritable and I couldn't sleep. It was worth it though.

1, My Cannabis intake has dramatically reduced as a result of quitting tobaccHOE, I was smoking way more Cannabis than I needed to-the reason? TobaccHOE!

2, I can taste my food and drink a whole heap more.

3, I can run without running out of breathe in a few strides.

4, My Asthma condition has significantly reduced, I rarely use my inhalers any more.

5, My temper surfaces once in a while, but nowhere as much as it did when I was smoking tobaccHOE. This is probably the most surprising thing I found and one of the things I'm most grateful for giving up tobaccHOE.

I don't even use blunts any more, nor rizla papers (rarely I will). I just use a bong or a pipe and smoke it raw.

So as you can see, I done my cold turkey completely in one go.
-No smoking less cigarettes to wean myself off them.
-No nicotine patches.
-No Cannabis.
-As Nike puts it....JUST DO IT!

Now that I have been tobaccHOE free for a long time I look back on all the time I used tobaccHOE in my joints and how I had spoilt the pukka Cannabis by doing so.

Also I wonder how the governments can sell me tobaccHOE without any problems-even though it kills, yet I can't smoke/ingest Cannabis which doesn't kill and in some cases cures.

When I do think about this I just think about how I was pimped out to the tobaccHOE companies by my government, something which I'm ashamed to say I fell for.

GOOD LUCK with your latest push to give up tobaccHOE Snype, I hope you succeed! TheBudFather was one of the pals that helped me quit. You know TBF Snype :)

GOOD LUCK to everyone that does try to kick the habit.

Peace :tiphat:

Perpetual Nooch

Active member
Just think of all the tobacco execs getting rich off of your deteriorating health, meanwhile you are helping them by being weak-willed. You're willingly handing over your hard earned cash, knowing that they lied to you about A) how unhealthy cigs were, and B) how addictive cigs were.

Walk away right now cold turkey. Don't wait until your current pack is empty. Who's in charge of your life, you or the tobacco company? Either you have the willpower or you don't.


Just wanted to stop in and wish you good luck. I have half a pack of cigs left from last night then it is quits for me. Today will be the last day I smoke a cig. I have been smoking for about 6yrs on and off now and I can feel the harm it is doing, I am getting constant headaches from smoking anymore. I wish you the best of luck. I know I will need all the luck I can get, dont think cold turkey is going to be fun.


Active member
Hi Snype! A few things helped me to knock the habit.

1, Worrying about my health.
2, My mates persistence in quitting.
3, Not having any money over a three week period.

I've got to say, it was hard to kick the habit. I had cold/hot flushes, loss of appetite, was very irritable and I couldn't sleep. It was worth it though.

1, My Cannabis intake has dramatically reduced as a result of quitting tobaccHOE, I was smoking way more Cannabis than I needed to-the reason? TobaccHOE!

2, I can taste my food and drink a whole heap more.

3, I can run without running out of breathe in a few strides.

4, My Asthma condition has significantly reduced, I rarely use my inhalers any more.

5, My temper surfaces once in a while, but nowhere as much as it did when I was smoking tobaccHOE. This is probably the most surprising thing I found and one of the things I'm most grateful for giving up tobaccHOE.

I don't even use blunts any more, nor rizla papers (rarely I will). I just use a bong or a pipe and smoke it raw.

So as you can see, I done my cold turkey completely in one go.
-No smoking less cigarettes to wean myself off them.
-No nicotine patches.
-No Cannabis.
-As Nike puts it....JUST DO IT!

Now that I have been tobaccHOE free for a long time I look back on all the time I used tobaccHOE in my joints and how I had spoilt the pukka Cannabis by doing so.

Also I wonder how the governments can sell me tobaccHOE without any problems-even though it kills, yet I can't smoke/ingest Cannabis which doesn't kill and in some cases cures.

When I do think about this I just think about how I was pimped out to the tobaccHOE companies by my government, something which I'm ashamed to say I fell for.

GOOD LUCK with your latest push to give up tobaccHOE Snype, I hope you succeed! TheBudFather was one of the pals that helped me quit. You know TBF Snype :)

GOOD LUCK to everyone that does try to kick the habit.

Peace :tiphat:
Wow REDEYE that's really cool that The Bud Father helped you quit! He seems like a chill guy! I really hope that I can do this but maybe I should just go cold turkey instead. Hmmm.

Just wanted to stop in and wish you good luck. I have half a pack of cigs left from last night then it is quits for me. Today will be the last day I smoke a cig. I have been smoking for about 6yrs on and off now and I can feel the harm it is doing, I am getting constant headaches from smoking anymore. I wish you the best of luck. I know I will need all the luck I can get, dont think cold turkey is going to be fun.
Good luck to you too 420 I also wish you the best!


Just think of all the tobacco execs getting rich off of your deteriorating health, meanwhile you are helping them by being weak-willed. You're willingly handing over your hard earned cash, knowing that they lied to you about A) how unhealthy cigs were, and B) how addictive cigs were.

Walk away right now cold turkey. Don't wait until your current pack is empty. Whose in charge of your life, you or the tobacco company? Either you have the willpower or you don't.

VERY wise words there! I like the cut of your jib Perpetual Nooch :)

Wow REDEYE that's really cool that The Bud Father helped you quit! He seems like a chill guy! I really hope that I can do this but maybe I should just go cold turkey instead. Hmmm.
Good luck to you too 420 I also wish you the best!

DEFO COLD TURKEY BRO! It is the best way to kick the habit, it's all about the receptors in your brain. If you wean yourself of the tobaccHOE, you're still feeding the receptors.

So when you finally stop smoking tobaccHOE or you stop with the nicotine patches then the receptors are still going to go crazy when they don't get there daily fix. So why not just get the hard bit out of the way straight at the start of your challenge, as opposed to spending more money on light/mild cigarettes and nicotine patches and keeping the receptors happy?

You only really start the quitting process when there is no nicotine entering your blood stream to feed the nicotine receptors!

Oh yeah-your right Snype-TBF is a chilled lad! Chilled to the bone.

Again GOOD LUCK to you and all that try to quit! You have to really want to quit. Trust me though-it will be the best gift you could possibly give to yourself!

Peace :tiphat:


Active member
Redeye, I never knew that before so I guess I'll try it out cold turkey. I just got back from the store to buy my last pack of Newport 100's. These will be gone in 4 hours time with the way that I smoke. My lungs are probably straight black. Thanks for all the advise!
i quit on the 23rd of feb after 37years of marlboro reds.i used the patch for 8 days then went to the 2 milligram gum quit the gumday before yesterday.its real tuff but can be done.i will stay the course,good luck to you all.



just roll afuck load of blunts, put em in the pack, when you want a cig, toke a blunt to the bottom and pass out for 6hrs.


Active member
i quit on the 23rd of feb after 37years of marlboro reds.i used the patch for 8 days then went to the 2 milligram gum quit the gumday before yesterday.its real tuff but can be done.i will stay the course,good luck to you all.
Let's do this damitius. I'm done after today!

just roll afuck load of blunts, put em in the pack, when you want a cig, toke a blunt to the bottom and pass out for 6hrs.
I tried that once and it was still hard. I don't want to smoke any sort of tobacco at all. I used to have a tough time when I tried to quit before, and I would go to Amsterdam and put tobacco in my weed and by the time I got home I was smoking again. Gland there's no more cigarettes in coffee shops!


Cannabis 101
best way to quit is cold turkey my friend hope you kick the cigs to the curve.
You haven't had any problem with seeds poping in your crop from smoking????
I heard this happen to someone i kno but they smoked inside or had a vent going in the room with cig smoke and stressed the plants.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Snype!!! You can do this man, I promise!!! I was a 15 year smoker and I quit using an electronic cigarette. December 19th was the last time I smoked. Use a nicotine vaporizer, I swear it's helped 4 people I know quit smoking. Poopy's Mom, Dad, Brother-in-law and myself all did it with the Joye510 and a bottle of 11mg. nicotine from Totally Wicked.

It was a moody 2 weeks to get used to the vaporizer....but now, I use it barely at all. Some days I don't use it, but some days I do. I'm smart enough to know that the urge to smoke still exists, I'm not gonna lie....but this vaporizer kills it and reminds you that you don't ever need to smoke again. I ingest maybe 5% of the nicotine I used to...some days, none at all.

What you're inhaling in this liquid is vaporized propylene glycol and nicotine. You have to get your liquid from a reputable source though.....many Chinese companies are putting additives in them or leaving out the fuckin nicotine. I use totally wicked and I quit smoking. I can breathe all day long, I can run faster and longer.....I've only gained a total of 9 pounds from quitting. I can't explain the difference in how I feel.

I have to add that I did smoke twice as much weed in the first month of quitting smoking....I needed the smoke crutch, hahaha....but it was all part of the process. Best thing I've done for myself in 15 years.....other than graduating college.

EDIT: It cost me about $100.00 to buy everything I needed for a few months. Minus that initial investment, I have saved $320.00 on NOT SMOKING for the last 3 months(I wasn't a heavy smoker, but still).....sweet!!! More shoes!!!! Or SEEDS!

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Redeye, I never knew that before so I guess I'll try it out cold turkey. I just got back from the store to buy my last pack of Newport 100's. These will be gone in 4 hours time with the way that I smoke. My lungs are probably straight black. Thanks for all the advise!

8 hours after your last cigarette, your lungs are already starting to clean themselves out. I can't take back the 15 years I smoked, but I can definitely say I won't give anymore years to smoking.....never.

One funny thing I noticed.....my gums bleeding again. Which, to a point is normal. It's not normal for your gums to not bleed.... blood vessell restriction causes them not to. So now, when I floss n brush...my gums may bleed a little. Actually a good sign that my blood vessels are functioning normally. Cigarettes restrict the function of every blood vessel and cell in your body.

Anyone who is still a smoker, you can do this....I did. I wasn't a heavy smoker, but a very dependant, addicted one. I had never even tried to quit before, that's how addicted I was.....not once in 15 years. I made it.


I hate cigarettes. I was addicted to both Newports AND Marlboro Lights at the same time.

I quit 5 years ago with the help of cannabis, gum, and a strong will. I've never looked back.


May your race always be in your favor
Good Luck Snype, I was a smoker from the time I was 14 or so. I,m now in my early 60's. I smoked Pall Mall straights for a whole lot of years, if I wasn't smoking I was dipping Copenhagen. I wanted to quit for years, The VA gave me nicotine patches. I was seriously a NICOTINE ADDICT for most of 40 some years. I used the first run of patches, and the start of the second set. I had reactions to the patch. Red marks where the patch was. The mark should go away after a day or so, but mine stayed for a week. I called the co. that made them the person I spoke to said stop useing them. A long story short I had the urge/cravings to smoke for a long time but,STRONG MIND CAN OVER COME THE CRAVINGS. No matter how strong the urge to suck on a cancer stick,Your mind can be stronger. If you need a graphic reason to quit go to your local CANCER ward and see whats in store if you don't quit. STRONG MIND CAN OVERCOME ANYTHING!!!!!! I've been free now for 6 yers and don't miss it. Also when you have stopped for awhile,you'll find out how much it makes you stink. I can smell a smoker from a long way off. Best thing I ever did,next to marrying my wonderful wife.:comfort: YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
Good Luck Snype! I have been quit for 9 yrs now. I used a nicotrol inhaler & ALOT OF "brick" smoke to help quit. the nicotrol works if you don't smoke cigs with them.


Active member
good luck. smoking newport 100s would be enough to make me quit YUCK. any 100 is for women nevermind menthol .LOL only kiddin. been smoking 26 years now. quit onece for 4 months then started again at a party while drunk. tried the patch the gum and all it did was add to my nicotine habit. ended up using patch,chewing gum and smoking all at once .the only other time i quit was when i got arrestred and spent 3 days in jail as you cant smoke there now HA.