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Identical medical marijuana bills in NEW YORK!!


Finally those suffering in New York may be able to use their medicine legally!!!

Maybe this is the year for the Empire Staters!!!

From MPP.org

New York
Identical medical marijuana bills to be introduced soon in Assembly and Senate

Last update: April 6, 2009

In the coming weeks, Assembly Health Committee Chair Richard Gottfried and Senate Health Committee Chair Tom Duane will introduce “same-as” medical marijuana bills in their respective chambers. This will be the first time the Senate has considered a bill sponsored by a member of the majority party that is identical to the Assembly's bill. That means this might also be the first time your senator gives this issue serious consideration. As your senator decides what to do, it's crucial that he or she know that his or her constituents don't believe the seriously ill should be arrested for the doctor-recommended medical use of marijuana.

Please write your state senator and urge him or her to support the swift enactment of medical marijuana legislation.

You can see how (and if) your state senator responded to our candidate questionnaire on medical marijuana issues.

The state Assembly passed compassionate medical marijuana legislation twice — in June 2007 and again in June 2008. But the Senate majority leaders at the time — first Joe Bruno (R-Rensselaer County), then Dean Skelos (R-Rockville Center) — failed to call a vote in the Senate.

In the elections on November 4, 2008, two Senate seats shifted from Republicans to Democrats and control of the chamber shifted to the Democrats, who overwhelmingly support the bill.


I just ran into to Assemblyman Butler at a bar recently. He seemed to think that this would pass easily in the Assembly again (didn't sound too happy about it...lol) but he wasn't so sure about the Senate. His big grievance with the whole thing was "how do we regulate it?" and "we need to study the long term effects". I didn't really get into the argument too much because the man was trying to have a drink and relax but I did let him know how I felt about it. I told him I have a grandmother dying of cancer and a mother who has fibromyalgia. I simply told him that both conditions could be treated with cannabis and if there's a chance that it can be more helpful than "recognized" treatments and help ease the suffering then we should allow it to be used, and at the very least legalized so it can be researched properly.
He did say that they were getting a lot of letters and pressure to pass this bill so if you haven't sent letters or made a phone call then do it. They will listen if enough people are talking

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
New York!! YES... I don't live there (ahaha) but I'm not far from NY...never know if that's a state I may live in someday. I'm just happy another state is getting there....NY is a blue state like mine...the people spoke, we won.

I've been following this really close.


Assembly passed last year and I believe other times before that too. This time though we have 4 democratic senators that said they will not support it.. :wallbash: however I know of 2 republicans who DO :woohoo:!

We're right on the edge and need all the support we can get!!
This should be the year

Also call your senator and let them know you urge their support of medical science that says cannabis works! or if they already support it, let them know how grateful you are for their support of the bill and that they're doing it right by you. To find their phone number go to this NORML link.

:chin: I think we got this new york, but that doesn't mean we can slack and not e-mail/call/ let our reps know!! spread those links I put in to your friends and family and let's get rolling new york :):headbange


Active member
Go New york,
I don't live there either,but I'm not far from it.
I would consider moving there(inthe country not the city)if this passes.


My very life depends on these bills passing.I am on 480mg of Oxycontin daily for chronic pain.I also puke 2 or 3 times a day.I have Marinol script but cannot swallow a pill whilest hurling.I e-mail my reps every day.I am putting off getting my grow 09 started as I am waiting to see what happens and dont wanna get popped and not be able to get a rec.Come on NY-BigD


i really cant stand when these elected officials start throwing out those stupids comments like..."yeah but how do we regulate it?" blah blah....its a fukin plant douchebag...it doesnt need to be regulated...just legalize it like every other herb and move on ffs.
:joint: bump for new york smokers :joint:

Come on new york, forget this new potency above 10 percent distraction

we got this 12 plants legislation for a patient, hopefully it passes.
:listen2: if you cant already taste the buds then you didnt email enough reps and call enough reps and tell enough of your friends to do the damn thang

:wallbash: we need to wall bash this prohibition nonsense until we break the wall down

we can do it NY :canabis:


I hope this passes myself being a new yorker in desperated need of medical cannibus

my only fear is that they will only perscribe it for those who are dieing of aids and cancer when there are some many other valid reasons to perscribe cannibus...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
One more state down, we gotta get at least 2/3's of the states(34) to decriminalize before we can pretty much force it nationally. At that point there would be no stopping it
According to NORML's national map We have 13 states with decriminalization laws in place and 14 with medical laws.
It's mostly in the southern states that they seem to be really struggling with the whole marijuana thing (bible belt and central USA), maybe that is the socially-ultra-conservative resistance to the marijuana movement..

We have 5 or 6 hopefuls this year for Medical laws though so we are looking good... keep hopes up and contacting anyone who is anyone about this please NY. check NORML news, MPP news, and search google news for "Medical Marijuana in New York" to find more

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