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LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: HG LED 205w vs. PS 180w


All clones are doing great and showing new growth. Going to be topping all them today. When I top them I am going to top them all back to the same height or as close to it as possible.

So far the growth under the two lights is very much different in my eyes. The HGL plants are taller, leaves smaller, internodes are startin to stack real nice. On the PS side the plants haven't really grown much, but the leaves have gotten much bigger and the internode growth is further along.

I will post pics this evening after topping them all. Til then I'll leave you all a pic of my green crack thats finishing up in the next couple of days grown under 400w hps. Every nug on her is falling over from weight. Yum yum...




Update time. Went ahead and upped nutrient feeding a bit, as roots are starting to explode along with internode development. All the plants were topped on Tuesday, and are all showing nice new growth. Also secured their final home, so they will be out of the 5 gal buckets by Friday evening or Saturday at the latest. I am going to be using a botanicare 4x2 tray under each light, granted wont be using the entire length of the tray, more than likely will use approx 24"-28"x24". The trays will be converted to aero trays. I already use this system in my garden and love it. Umm, so thats whats goin on in these parts. Sorry for not posting pics of the plants yesterday after being topped, but its pretty hectic around here atm. Harvested 2 Green Cracks and a Soma A+ this evening to boot! Shit looks niceee! Cant wait to see how these LED's stack up against my experience with HID growing. Til next time

The roots on the plants under the HGL light, and some shots

HGL plants day 5

The roots at 5 days under the PS light, a shot from above

Gonna have some bushes


Ok, so I have offically lost all hope when it comes to hydroponic stores in the area. I was assured that my 2x4 tray lids would be in today, and ofc they arent!!! I swear I have the worst fuckin luck when it comes to ordering stuff from hydro stores. Before even placing the order I talked to the owner about the drama that I've gone threw over these lids. How I had to wait over a month for one last time, was aweful. He assured me that it wouldnt be a problem and he called the dist. himself to assure they'd be in by this Friday. So I guess basically what it comes down to is the hydrofarm dist. around these parts sucks ass. Either way pissed me off and put me in a bad mood, and makes more work for me. Plants are startin to get a lil bushy and into each other so I'mma have to throw up the rubbermaid roughneck totes for aero systems til I can get the lids on Monday, if they come then.....

Sorry for my rant but I am pretty pissed about gettin the run around again with these lids....


Sorry about those distributor trubs, but its been awesome to see people diving into the LEDs lately - good luck on it!


Sorry about those distributor trubs, but its been awesome to see people diving into the LEDs lately - good luck on it!

Hey Dank thanks for comin by, yeah I am super stoked about all the LED grows that are gettin up and goin'. I have been a medical patient since 1999 and have grown my own herb since then. I have been waitin for the next breakthrough in lighting since I first started, figuring there has to be something in the works or something that can work better than the HID's I was using. You can ask a few friends that have online LED journals what a big skeptic I was initially. But after seeing some of their results I really wanted to give it a go for myself. So here I am, givin it a go...


I just harvested my last grow with my first gen 126 watter. Just starting my 2nd Gen LED grow !!Within the next few days I will be putting my clones in the medium for veg!

hey you think I will be fine putting the rooted clone right in the hydro balls? thier going in 6" net pots. I used to put rockwool but i think that is just for seeds!

126W Penatrator 1st GEN LED Bloom: Grow Cabinet


I just harvested my last grow with my first gen 126 watter. Just starting my 2nd Gen LED grow !!Within the next few days I will be putting my clones in the medium for veg!

hey you think I will be fine putting the rooted clone right in the hydro balls? thier going in 6" net pots. I used to put rockwool but i think that is just for seeds!

126W Penatrator 1st GEN LED Bloom: Grow Cabinet

Congrats mate on yer second finished round, nugs looked nicer this run!

Yes, you can take rooted clones and go right into hydroton, been doin it for years. Straight from the ez cloner once they have about 4" of roots or so, then take my 3" net cups, twirl the root system around the bottom of the cup and then cover with the hydroton, never any signs of transplants shock. Gotta love hydro.


Congrats mate on yer second finished round, nugs looked nicer this run!

twirl the root system around the bottom of the cup and then cover with the hydroton, never any signs of transplants shock. Gotta love hydro.

Yes I do think the nugs look better myself. Last time we had plenty of room in the smaller tray, it was the headies and the finest buds we could find. This time around it got filled up quick and we had to raise the cut! They are heaver fo sho. Seems a bit darker green as well!

Also: Thanks for the insiders tip, that's exactly what I needed!


Good new's... Headed up to the hydro store here after a couple of bong loads to go get the lids for the 2x4 trays to make them aero units. So gonna be a busy day setting everything up, but I'll get some pictures of everything up tonight. Should be pretty damn sexy, if I do say so myself. Til next time, peace.....


nice setup!

good luck on the grow! i'll be watching!

Hey mate, thanks a bunch.

Sorry for not posting pictures last night everyone, still working on gettin the aero units set up. Got the trays and lids all done, was all excited last night, went to start settin everything up and my lame ass forgot all about the frames to hold the trays, lmao... So yeah, off to the home store for stands, but should have everything up and going here in a few hours.


Pics from 2/21

Pics from 2/21

These are a few pictures of the girls on 2/21 so 9 days from day 1.

Side by Side

HGL side

PS Side

Another side by side PS Left and HGL Right

PS roots and mucho bigger fan leaves

HGL roots and much smaller fan leaves

Shot of the internode growth on the HGL plants

Shot of internode growth on the PS plants

stay tuned more pics of today comin up
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Todays pics day 11

Todays pics day 11

Well after a shitload of hard work finally got it all up and goin, the girls are in their final home. So the 5 gal buckets are gone and 2x4 aero trays moved in, obviously not using the entire tray for the grow.
The Set-up

PS side

HGL Side

Sorry for the lack of pictures y'all, but I need to go smoke me a few bowls.....
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Ok, had to post 2 more pictures cuz a friend that I was talking and sharing the pics with was convinced that the PS light was out vegging the HGL light this round. I was trying not to really voice my opinion here all too much and just let pictures do all the talking but I guess I need at least throw out a few words about this as well as some pics to back it up.

The PS plants only have bigger fan leaves, which is why they appear bigger at a glance. The internode growth is in my opinion more developed on the HGL side, tighter, more densely packed nodes. But honestly both look great, and as for root systems I believe that the HGL plants are ahead there as well. That being said its strictly my opinion and I felt that I needed to share it since pictures can often times be misleading.

HGL nodes

PS internodes
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Hello WW. Awesome test you got going here! Out of curiosity were the lamps warmed up when you had them on the power meter? I noticed that one of my lamps measure 80 watts when cool but was drawing 91 watts once it came up to temperature. TIA!


you new aero setup is very nice! thanks for taking all those pictures and for your honesty!

keep up the good work!


Hello WW. Awesome test you got going here! Out of curiosity were the lamps warmed up when you had them on the power meter? I noticed that one of my lamps measure 80 watts when cool but was drawing 91 watts once it came up to temperature. TIA!

hmm, interesting, I did let them warm up some before taking the pictures. Honestly cant say for sure how long they warmed up for but I could easily say at least 5-10 mins. Anyhoot, thanks for stoppin by mate peace


k, so i've decided tomorrow i'mma throw a scrog up over each of the girls. I am pretty sure that we all agree that this is one of the best ways to grow with LED's and I believe it will really help to keep things even in terms of growth before veg between the two lights. So one question I have been asking myself is, if one set of plants is lagging a little behind the other set, should I pull the lagging side out, put it up in the other tent and continue to veg that set until it is ready to be flipped to 12/12 with the other LED's plants? Or should they both flipped at the same time? Would love to hear some input on this... Thanks in advance.


You raise a good question there. Since technically these lamps are probably more designed for flowering rather than vegetating, Maybe the most fair test would be to flower equal sized plants. Maybe swap sides with 1/2 the plants and then flip to 12/12. That way you will have all four bases covered.