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Las Vegas

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Well-known member
They got one of the guys.




You can hear him say at the end "I just showed you my cred. (credentials)
Watch this guys eyes.

Now they have him looking away from the camera to hide his eyes.


LOL @ " I Just Showed You My Cred "


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
I still haven't fully made my mind up on what exactly happened in Vegas. It takes time to analytically quantify somethings in life, with the aim of forming an opinion.....

Ahh the conflict: Intelligent people applying "analytical reasoning" to a situation that is grossly "illogical". It has been my experience that most "illogical acts" are never "logical"; hence the offending act defies all "normal reasoning".

Kinda like that square peg-round hole dilemma...no matter how many times you rotate the square peg--it will never fit in the round hole.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ahh the conflict: Intelligent people applying "analytical reasoning" to a situation that is grossly "illogical". It has been my experience that most "illogical acts" are never "logical"; hence the offending act defies all "normal reasoning".

Kinda like that square peg-round hole dilemma...no matter how many times you rotate the square peg--it will never fit in the round hole.

Yeah....probably better to just 'Dumb Down' on this one Doc, and go with the 'Grassy Knoll' conspiracy theory.....eh?


Wow! This thread went to space lol.

This is why nothing ever changes for the good. You literally can't even have a conversation that stays in real life...they go off into these weird rod sterling vincent price type of "conversations".

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Wow! This thread went to space lol.

This is why nothing ever changes for the good. You literally can't even have a conversation that stays in real life...they go off into these weird rod sterling vincent price type of "conversations".

Well perhaps you can bring the thread back down to earth BombBudPuffa? and give us your opinion about what happened in Vegas?

Rather than criticize the opinions of the fine crew of conspiracy theorists, false-flag exponents and tin-foil mad-hatters we have here....lol

Green Squall

Well-known member
Here's what I think happened. We live in a shitty world with evil people and this asshole shot up a music festival and killed almost 60 innocent people for probably a selfish ass reason.

This guy was very smart and if he didn't have access to guns, I believe he would have carried out some other kind of atrocity, whether it be a bombing, driving into a crowd with a truck or something else.

St. Phatty

Active member
Wow! This thread went to space lol.

This is why nothing ever changes for the good. You literally can't even have a conversation that stays in real life...they go off into these weird rod sterling vincent price type of "conversations".

I agree.

This thread needs sound effects.

Here's a Twilight Zone ring-tone
this first URL you might have to copy and paste, it won't 'open in new tab'


String, horn, flute, drum - the order in which instruments are played in the music, far as I can tell. What instruments do you guys hear ?

It's kind of nice to listen to a sound that was originally played by an orchestra - with real people !

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
I still think there would be too many people behind the scenes to keep quiet. It would not be an easy thing to orchestrate. All you need is ONE person to break the silence and that has never happened.

Believe me, I don't trust the authorities, I sure as hell don't trust the Gov't, but I just don't buy this "false flag" stuff. Hell, I occasional read the website ATS. I like reading about conspiracy theories but I just don't buy this one. No disrespect. I'm just stating my opinion.

G day GS

Never heard of the Manhattan Project ?
How many thousands were building the Atomic bomb that the US Vice President wasn`t even aware of ?

USA has a history of hiding things from its people . MK Ultra ?

Hell lets start with the Boston Tea Party False Flag !

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
This short video taken immediately below the shooter captures the true power and authenticity of the gunshots and and is free of any other sound interference.

This video taken further out on the street captures a strong echo or reverb but still it's clear there is only one shooter during any one sequence of shots. Two single shots are heard at 3.25 and 3.35, after which all shooting ceases.

This short video confirms that the crowd was being sprayed with real bullets and no crisis actors were necessary.

Rest in peace to all those who lost their lives and my condolences to their families, and all those with serious injuries.


G `day NH

Doesn`t it seem strange a man with rapid firing weapons fired on 25 000 people for an hour and only hit 1 % of them ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Green Squall

Well-known member
G `day NH

Doesn`t it seem strange a man with rapid firing weapons fired on 25 000 people for an hour and only hit 1 % of them ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .

He wasn't shooting for an hour. He was shooting for around 10 minutes minutes from a distance of 1200 ft.

9:59 PM - Paddock shoots security guard through door

10:05 p.m.: First shots fired on music festival. This was seen on closed-circuit television from the concert venue.

10:12 p.m.: First two officers arrive on the 31st floor and announce that the gunfire is coming from directly above them.

10:15 p.m.: The last shots are fired by Paddock.

10:17 p.m.: The first two officers arrive on the 32nd floor.

10:18 p.m.: Security officer tells police he was shot and gives location of the gunman’s room.

10:26-10:30 p.m.: Eight additional officers arrive on the 32nd floor and begin to move down the hallway, clearing every room and looking for any injured people. They no longer hear gunfire.

10:55 p.m.: Eight officers arrive in the stairwell at the opposite end of the hallway nearest to Paddock’s room.

11:20 p.m.: Officers enter the room. They see Paddock on the ground and a second door that could not be accessed from their position.

11:27 p.m.: A second breach is set off, allowing officers to enter the second room. Officers quickly realize there is no one else in the rooms and announce over the radio that the suspect is down.


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day GS

OK let me re word that .
A man with auto weapons fired for 15 minutes into a corral containing 25 000 people and only hit 1 % does that make you ask questions about his aim , intentions ?

Was he firing blanks after the initial burst ? Was he firing above the crowd or into open spaces ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .
G `day NH

Doesn`t it seem strange a man with rapid firing weapons fired on 25 000 people for an hour and only hit 1 % of them ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .
Hey EB. From reliable information and video I have seen, the time from when he fired his first shot until he stopped was only ten minutes.

He would fire a volley of shots and then pause for around a minute or more. he fired maybe about 10 volleys of shots, but I am not sure how many individual shots were in each.

He would have hit more victims in the first minutes than towards the end as many people understandably got the hell out of there.

EDIT: According to undersheriff Kevin McMahill, he shot more than 1,000 bullets.


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Active member
Was most probably 'Spray and Pray' from that distance Elmer.

That was part of my thinking too, but then I saw the scope that would be used for long distance.
At that point I thought, could he be targeting certain people?
It could be true that it was as simple as him wanting to target the fuel tanks.
But it seems Dumbass could not hit the broad side of a barn it would not have mattered anyway those tanks are multi walled with spill protection built in.

I would guess that tracer rounds would be of little help as you would need an open flame.
Fact is you can put a match out in gas, just dont get near the fumes.


Active member
Also...this 20,000 number....that crowd looks no where near 20,000 people. I will bet a $100 that the 20,000 number is how many tickets they sold...for the entire 3 day event.

For perspective...here is an Iron Maiden show I went to recently...this pick only shows about a third of the crowd and they sold just over 20,000 tickets.



Active member
Also...the is almost no accuracy when using a bump stock or a fully automatic rifle.


Active member
Also...the is almost no accuracy when using a bump stock or a fully automatic rifle.

Thats why I wondered when I heard a perfect 3 round burst and other ver rythmic shots.
As an old paintball player (shaggyballs) I could tell if some one had there gun on 3 shot burst.
Now paintball guns aint the same but you get the idea.
You can hear the sloppy fire, probably from the bum stock.
Funny, paintballers were tryin' to modify there gun to do the same type of thing.


Active member
G `day GS

OK let me re word that .
A man with auto weapons fired for 15 minutes into a corral containing 25 000 people and only hit 1 % does that make you ask questions about his aim , intentions ?

Was he firing blanks after the initial burst ? Was he firing above the crowd or into open spaces ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .
I was thinking along those lines too.
I even re-enacted the scene, it is a hell of a thing to say but I think I could have hit a lot more target than he did.
I have shot a rifle only a handful of times.

Oh and, Why the hell was he stoping he had 25 guns loaded and ready to go.
He had plenty of ammo left, it just dosen't andd up.
Miltary trained medical professionals were stating everybody that was hit was in danger of losing their lives and you could expect about 40% of those not to make it.

I think it is really funny that a guy took 3 rounds to the chest and was up and laughing the next day.
Military professionals say no F#ckin' way!
So do I!:biggrin:


Namekian resident/farmer
I think the answers lie in the same category as 9/11 there's one thing they want, and that is a disarmed society it makes it easier for them to have full control over everything. The new world order is just around the corner. As an American I believe it's HIGH time for us to start preparing for anything that is to come... what that may be I don't have a clue... but I'm lurking and anticipating the next terrorist attack... the story with paddock changes to much for me to believe the bs media that only distracts us from the truth... that's just my .02 hopefully someone will leak the truth soon enough so we the people have a much better chance at ending this madness
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