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I need help with choosing GH clear/poly film!!!


Hey everyone, I need help with the clear/poly films that cover the GH. There are so many different kinds. There are kinds that have up to 92% light transmission but doesn't say anything about light diffusion. Does it matter about the diffusion? Should I pick something that is higher in light diffusion over light transmission? For instance: one brand that I found has 92% light transmission and the other brand has 88% light transmission but also has 52% diffused light. If anyone knows something better or know more about this subject please post so that we can learn, thank you!


Active member
Get the 1 with most ligth transmission - its not that complicated - u want as much light as possibol.

Some plastics are for crops that dont like high light intensity - ganja love high intensity - hence the higher the light transmission the better.

Anyway dont buy into these special greenhouse plastics buy some from a reg greenhouse supplier and ask for the regular type.

Noonin NorCal

Active member
solexx panels are the best!Honey comb layered design,keeps warm and cooler.Also translucent for privacy.Greenhouse panels will condensate at night so a dehumidifier is beneficial at night to prevent mold n mildew


Active member
I dont know ya region of growing but if u want to get rid of condensation the best option is to have 2 layers of plastic with air in between.

U add a small fan that blows air inbetween the plastics and with a timer u set it to run with intervals, so there is always air in between the 2 If any body want direct information on how to set up a doubbel layer greenhouse i can explain the details

Edit if u get condensation thu the night u should think about the plant numbers, but most important increase the out take of air - you should only get some condensation in the mornings
but that can be prevented by blowing hot dry air in the early houres....

Devoted if u got any more Q just ask -

There are some important freatures that can be incorpotated into a greenhouse that will make ganja growing so easy - like water, shading, ventilation system...


Hey DK! I do have a lot of questions about GH's. It's my first time doing it and I wanna do it right. Everything has been a learning curve so far. I have not set up the GH yet, because I don't need it yet while its still vegging outside. I am still planning on what to get for my backyard that is 10Wx50L. I'm thinking of getting two carport canopies or just build it myself using 110 degree metal pipe and fittings. I am starting to lean towards building it myself so that I can have it the exact size that I want which is 10Wx50Lx8H. My biggest concern would be ventilating the GH and how to keep the humidity down later for when I use light deprivation. I know that there are many ways to skin a mule, but how would you set up the ventilation for a GH this size? I watched a couple of youtube vids where they put those square white fans along the ceiling of the GH. How many would I need? Then theres the outtake fan that you spoke of before in another thread to create a negative pressure, is this to remove heat/RH? How strong of a outtake fan(s) would I need? My last question for now would be, should I place a couple dehueys within the GH at different spots to lower the RH when I cover it with poly/black out silage for light dep later on OR get one really big dehuey at one spot. Is there a thumb rule for these questions that I am asking? I know this has been a long post but, I wanted to get it all out there so that I won't mess up. Thanks for taking the time to read everything!


Active member
Hey devoted i would build it myself so u get it as u like, are u working in feet or meter ?

yes the main purpose of the outtake is to blow hot and humid air out,

Get one of those large propella fans second hand that farmes use in the animal houses they are squared and come in a metal frame, easy to build in the end frame and get a regulator.

The one i use is so strong that i run it on 30%, i use a large flex tube as intake that stick out when lights is off

Inside the house i would place with 5 to 10m spacing fans on the ground and also in top, i use those white ones u mention with 10m spacing and small rotating fans on the floor with 5 m spacing i used to go nuts with fans all over inside in the house, but i now focus more on the out/intake

Regarding dehueys i cant help u because i dont use em - i got 100% humidity every night all summer long and have many days with rain so running dehueys seam impractical approach i am also tired of large energy bills and the attention with that..

Btw i choose my strains thu selection for light dep - what strain have u planned to run ?


Active member
I don`t know who you are thinking on buying the poly from but a couple of points that hav`nt been mentioned . It comes in different thicknesses (microns) & this is where you may have a problem , you need a fairly thick poly for strength & life otherwise you will be renewing it every year but thick poly cuts light transmission , also some poly is UV resistant , get the wrong one & it won`t last .

dont buy into these special greenhouse plastics buy some from a reg greenhouse supplier and ask for the regular type

Take DKgrowers advise & use a proper supplier to the GH/Horticultural trade & not a builders merchants .


Hey guys, sorry for the late reply. I've been busy. I am going by feet. Do you have a pic to show how your vent looks like for the intake/outtake so I can get an idea of how it is? From what I read you probably have massive outtake to take all the humidity out, hould I calculate the sqft of my GH and get the farm fan you mentioned? What is a good rule to go by, should I get double the air out? Haha, good thing i asked you about the small fans, I was gonna put hella fans around the GH. Okay, I think that is all I have for now, lol. The strain that I am running currently is platinum og kush. It's my first time with a kush and it was the only thing i could get my hands on at that moment so I went with it.


Active member
Hey Devoted1 here is a pic of the fan i talk about


I would exchange my air much more that double - 20 times or more - i think mine is way overkill, i found it second hand with a controller but i love it -

I dont live in kush land and have only experince with the socal master cut and some spainish breed kushes and they difficult -- so i would up the small fans , rember if its a cut that was selected in a dry indoor enviroment its not best selection for a greenhouse

That sunmaster brand do sound good with alot of properties - do u use that type HF420 and have u tryed the regular type to see if the claims made by sunmaster is valid.

Personal i belive if u want to improve insulation and avoid condensation, u have to make a doubbel layer greenhouse, where u blow air in between the 2 layers...

Btw farmtek is a nice store but classical US type brands with alot of claims =))))


finally i am online around the same time you are haha. 20 times the air exchange?! damn, thats hella. I calculated the cfm needed to clear out the air in the GH in a min, it would need a 40k cfm fan. Is that enough? I'm not sure about the cut, lets hope it was in a good humid environment haha. how would you implement the two layers of film and air blowing through it?

Edit: hey DK, if your environment is ~100% RH, how do you keep it low during flower?
Edit: i messed up with the cfm needed to exhaust the GH in a min, it's supposed to be 4000, lol, somehow i got 40k, wayyy overkill lol


Active member
finally i am online around the same time you are haha. 20 times the air exchange?! damn, thats hella. I calculated the cfm needed to clear out the air in the GH in a min, it would need a 40k cfm fan. Is that enough? I'm not sure about the cut, lets hope it was in a good humid environment haha. how would you implement the two layers of film and air blowing through it?

Edit: hey DK, if your environment is ~100% RH, how do you keep it low during flower?
Edit: i messed up with the cfm needed to exhaust the GH in a min, it's supposed to be 4000, lol, somehow i got 40k, wayyy overkill lol

Get one that is bigger than 4000 and use a regulator -

I get 100% hum thu most of the night and have many day with rain thu 1 cycle - i just ventilate but have used hot dry air - thu tubes that u can also run CO2 thu and a common practies used by greenhouse grower in my region, the tubes run 10 cm above ground in the rows in between plants, this creates a higher temp around the plants and there by avoid condensation on the plants

doubbel layer plastic...

Its "very" simple, u make the frame so u can have 2 layers of plastic seperated with 5-8 cm, then with a fan (very small) u can get 1 for around 200 dollars that are made for the purpose - There will be air leaks so the fan are set to a timer and is on for a short periode with a long brake (30 mins 3 time pr day) so there is always a positive pressure in between the 2 layers..... This fitting is done visually and with time (years) u increase the time it blows or fix leaks....

This method will not eliminate condensation 100% but will reduce it drastically...

Dont crowd the plants to much and place them to close to the plastic-

And if u get condensation on the plastic dry it off manually in the morning and before lights off - drops off water is a no-no.

What type of frame have u deside to make ?


Active member
Read the company info on their product, I'm not a sales rep and I don't make a cent of commission from them. Do your own legwork son, I did!

I'm using it and its working amazingly! Its all about transmission and diffusion, that specific material has the properties that I was looking for, not to mention the IR and anti-condensate coatings.

Troll through my thread to see how its working for me if you like....


Active member
Hey HF420, thats nice its working for u, do you not have any condensation on the film or how effective is it ?

Most pro films have anti condensation and have an up and down side ....

The angel of ya roof in the greenhouse play a much larger role than any off the effects those plastics claim on condensation.....

Most of the houses i see pepol build is arch shaped and that shape really promotes condensation in the top...

Also ya plastic should not have any folds - lines when it is on the greenhouse frame - it have to be really tight, even if it is a roll up type..

I see many houses where the plastic is to loose and that really promotes condensation...

Edit - nice house HF420 and dont take my comments that personal...

The greenhouse forum needs some more information we cant all go around and learn everything


I am baaaaack!! HF420, i trolled your thread but didnt get a chance to check it all out yet and then i had to leave with my gf on a lil trip :[

DK! i decided to build my own with 110 degree fittings, its gonna be like a pyramid arched or like a barn? im excited! im gonna look up the roll up type gadget thingy, looks like it would make things easier on me. i like working smarter.