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Kozmo's World


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
0$ is just the exact amount of money all my favourite things cost.

Well you got that spat of seed popping bad luck out of the way, it'll be clear sailing with the gems.

Things are good on this end, minus a bit of muck about at work. Should be fixing that soon either way.

How's she go out there? New lights rival Christmas ;)


0$ is just the exact amount of money all my favourite things cost.

I second that emotion!

Also, I'm gonna need a screen just like that, Koz!
Somehow, I doubt I'll get mine done in 1/2 an hour... unless maybe my buddy the carpenter does it.


Active member
Well guys I can't complain. With the new light arriving today and winning the last pack of Frosted Oranges by Relentless. I'm going to say its a nice ending to the year.


Active member

It's been a while.

Sorry about that... Reason is, is I have cancer. I'm fighting it and things are starting to look very positive. I'm finishing out the BOG and will report on that. But I might take a break.

Much respect


Active member
Everything seemed well and good until I found this last night. I believe I just experienced my first Hermie. I can't know for sure cuz it's my first but what else could it be?

Thanks B.C. Pretty crazy I know. Definitely blind sided me. They cut the cancer out. CAT scan shows none. So after I get healed up ill go in for radiation.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Oi, was wondering where you got to.

Good to hear you're on the mend, you've got the right attitude to overcome. Always enjoyed reading your positive opinion/posting.

I was expecting a pick of a small nanner. You got balls galore ;)


Active member
Yea buddy, I cut it off and have begun the curing process. I've looked around a bit at the other buds. Didn't see any more. I'm at about 50 days with these so pretty soon I figure especially by the way they look.


Active member
It apparently popped up out of nowhere. I mean this bud is literally right in my face when I walk in the door so it couldn't of been developing to long. The grow period is about up but I still see a lot of clear trocomes. I believe this is because I'm 100% organic and I've heard it can take little longer to finish in organic soil. The leaves all look mostly green still so I'm going to let it go a couple more days. Chop chop soon though I'm sure.


Active member
GREAT! I totally fucked up. Humidifier leaked water and everything I that I cut dried way the fuck out. Fuck! Fuckn shit. No luck this year yet with anything. I'm going to go bury my head somewhere. Like, back up my ass.


I'm not sure how many days your strain is supposed to run but I've seen nanners like that on a female plant that was super/overly finished. I read somewhere that as a last ditch effort to continue its path on the planet a highly finished female will start sprouting nanners in hopes of making seeds.

Nice set up!

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
damn bro my gut says your luck will be turning soon as you remove that head from the booty and get back down to the work at hand


Active member
Right on. They were not over the limit I've been good with watching for cloudiness. It's all good. I've been having my mind on a lot of shit. Radiation starts next week. I'm going to shut things down for a bit then get back on the horse. Can't stop me now. I'm hooked. On growing that is. Smoking is just a perk.


Active member
The stems were still rubbery so I threw it all in a garbage bag and steeled it up. The buds are moist again. Now to keep it from mold. It is in the new growers thread right?!

Keep you posted


Active member
It been a while. Things turned out fine on the last run.

Cancer sucks. Glad that's over. 97% of success. So I celebrated.


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